How do we know that these messages are really from the Masters of Light? Because we have studied deeply about the topics we asked, and the pieces fit perfectly in the puzzle.
Many people only read one or two topics among the many messages we published and if they don’t agree with the conclusions, they already consider that they have the authority to criticize these messages. they form an opinion based on limited facts, personal bias, preconceptions, etc.
Every opinion is valid as long as it gives a better explanation of the mysteries, however, up to the present this has not happened. Most of the people only criticize just for the critic itself and they do not offer another valid explanation.
During the time of the Inquisition, the new paradigms offered to mankind were always combated. For instance ,Galileo Galilei, asserted that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, Giordano Bruno said that the stars in the sky were really other suns around which other planets were orbiting.
What would they say to us now?

Dear professor: I wanted to ask you about the difference between judgement and prejudice. I have a doubt because Jesus taught his disciples saying: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged”. (Mat 7.1)
When The Master Jesus spoke those words, he was not referring to judgement, but to prejudice. In order for you to understand the difference between both terms, I transcribe the definition, which is included in our Technical Dictionary of Psychointegration.
PREJUDICE. Gr Elron. To judge without having enough knowledge about the facts. There is a great difference between judgement and prejudice. The person who judges is the one who knows and the person who prejudices is the one who doesn't know.
The person who knows can judge, hold an opinion or criticize because he or she has the inalienable right that all human beings have, Even more, he or she has even the moral duty to do it in order to teach those who don't know because the knowledge that is not transmitted is rotten in the spirit in the long run.
The ignorant man lacks of this right. The more we know, the more we will come closer to an upright decision and our obligation to judge will be bigger because the one who knows is compelled to speak.
On the other hand, the less we know, the more chances will be for our judgement to make an unjust decision, which means prejudice; therefore, we will have more obligation to not judge because the one who doesn't know is compelled to remain silent.
The right to judge is always correlated with the respect for the other, so each circumstance will be evaluated, even if we know, the silence is the best behavior. The right to judge ends where the right of the other to not be judged begins.
Wisdom, Respect, Carefulness and common sense should always prevail. Judgement implies assuming responsibility, because in the same way we judge, we will be judged. In the case of doubt, the best decision is abstention.

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin

Entity that came to talk: Rah, extraterrestrial from Antares 4.
Rah: Now, when a being of Light of the plane 5 embodies and he or she is suspicious or sensitive in the physical plane, they can become offensive, they can have doubts and for that reason is very hard to be in control at all times.
I don’t want to make an evaluation in this moment about what symptom is more harmful, if the symptom created by engrams or the one created by the roles of ego.
I do know that the roles invade. It’s like they are everywhere, like the air you breathe, and in the same way you cannot stop breathing, you won’t avoid that those roles of ego be there.
Then, brothers, most of you are preys of those roles of ego and those roles create suspicions, they create doubts, they create fears, rejections, they even create memory loss and they can even create prejudice. Remember that one of the biggest roots of Ego is prejudice.
Interlocutor: What exactly means prejudice? I ask it because I don’t want to have any misunderstanding on the meaning of this word.
Rah: Prejudice means “to prejudge” What does it mean to prejudge? It means "To condemn without knowing if that person deserves condemnation”
Interlocutor: It’s clear.
Rah: Most of the people in the physical plane prejudge, even if their thetans are in elevated planes, they prejudge.
I clarify that Antares 4 is not a better planet than Sun 3; it simply advanced more in philosophy, so we have set deeply this behavior and we do not prejudice. It’s almost a habit not to do it.
Interlocutor: I understand.

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin

Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-El.
Johnakan Ur-El: Regrettably, and I say this it with the utmost respect, in this planet, for many years bad interpretations of several religions have deviated the Path of Light.
I emphasize in the phrase "with the utmost respect" because it is always necessary to respect the opinion of the others, because otherwise it would not be open-mindedness, but prejudice. Even the smallest opinion is respected, of all the living beings, in all the planes, even in the planes of error.

Medium: Jorge R. Olguin

Entity that came to talk: Johnakan Ur-El.
Ron Hubbard: I want to leave sending regards of your thetan, who is working with me investigating new theories that will be given soon, always to the benefit of mankind.
It’s a pity that the human beings are so reluctant to change paradigms...
I interpret that it is due to the arrogance given by their ego... And imitating Johnakan - and I say this says with all affection - I will give you a new axiom to be added to The Words of the Third Millennium:
"The arrogance caused by ego prevents mankind to accept new paradigms."
Galileo Galilei knows a lot about this... Well, I say goodbye with a very big affection.
Interlocutor: See you later, Master, and thank you.