First part

Albert Einstein was one of the most outstanding scientists during the XX century who demonstrated that the matter was equivalent to the energy, but that equivalence between matter and energy is either way a mystery. It is the great enigma of the past century we left behind. Modern physics doesn't stop trying to find an accurate understanding of what matter is and the reason for which it seems to be interchangeable with energy. How can the matter, apparently so static, be a dynamic energy intrinsically? After few years after Einstein’s discovery, the defense against the atom itself began. The physicists ruled out the traditional idea that the atom was an indivisible particle, and the smallest particle, inside the matter.

The conception of the atom like a billiard ball was shattered to pieces, and it turned out to be that the smallest element was composed of even smaller subatomic particles. Nowadays, it is known that the atom, instead of a solid and indestructible mass, is mostly an empty space. In fact it consists of small electrons (detected by Sir J.J. Thomson), orbiting around a central nucleus made of another particles. It is tempting to imagine that these elementary particles are, in themselves, similar solid similar elements to small billiard balls. But the modern physics has demonstrated, with relative clarity that they can be destroyed and that they can be transformed completely into energy.

The traditional notion that the matter is made of indestructible particles is evidently false. But the key question is: what are the elementary particles? And how can they be a form of energy? During the XX century, the physicists have tried to solve these questions.

The Kelvin’s vortex offers us the answer. The vortex is the key to understand the precise structure of the particles and how the energy is contained inside of them. To Lord Kelvin (William Thomson) and his peers, the atom was the elementary particle: the smallest particle inside the matter. It was evident that it would be necessary to apply his model of vortex atoms. In any case, nowadays people presume that subatomic particles are the smallest part of energy. If Kelvin lived today, he would try to explain the particles and not the atoms.

In 1884 Lord Kelvin lectured in USA a series of conferences about the theory of luminous waves. In that time it was believed that the light consisted of waves disseminated through aether: hypothetical invisible substance that was filling the whole space. Kelvin believed in aether. It is logical that he considered the atoms like a series of vortexes in the middle of aether. Later on, however, the physicists ended up conceiving the light in a very different way, and the underlying ocean of the aether was completely ruled out. They ended up accepting that the energy waves could exist without an adjacent material in the one they move. The waves could exist without the ocean... the same as the Cheshire cat smile.

Today, a vortex theory doesn't require of aether, certainly, any mention to aether would be equivalent to suicide from the scientific point of view. Any mention of particles like vortexes in the middle of aether would be considered absurd. But, if it can be an energy wave, why not a vortex? Kelvin was very close. After all he was one of the founders of thermodynamics, the science of energy. If he had spoken solely of energy and not about aether! His theory would have, in this case, absolute sense in our days. And its foundation would be: The elementary particle is an energy vortex. It is a very simple idea, but extremely powerful. If the elementary particle were an energy vortex, our understanding of the world would change completely.

From the beginning, the vortex solves the fundamental enigma of modern physics. It shows us for the first time, how the Energy is "locked" inside the matter. Einstein described the energy like frozen energy. The vortex offers us a much clearer picture: the movement is the same foundation of the matter... and there is nothing “frozen” in it. Now we can truly understand what Einstein wanted to mean when he spoke that the mass is equivalent to energy. It is ironic that, when Einstein predicted the equivalence of mass and energy, the idea of the vortex stopped being spread.

The great achievement of the vortex consists on the representation of the matter like energy. It made intelligible Einstein's conception, when describing the shape that the energy adopts inside the matter. The energy is immaterial. There is no ocean of energy similar to aether. There is no substance or fluid that could be around us. The energy is dynamic, it is action and it is change. We can represent it as movement. In the same way that the movement could not exist without a certain direction, the energy doesn't exist without a defined shape, it’s not that the energy forms a vortex or a wave, the vortex is the energy.

The two basic forms of energy in our world are the matter and the light. It is frequently believed that the light is energy in a wave form; Here we suggest that the matter is a vortex. Just like the luminous waves can exist without aether in which to oscillate, the matter is not a vortex inside something: it is pure energy without material support. In nature, most of the vortexes are in a conical shape. Tornados and whirls rotating cones. Such natural phenomena exemplify the dynamic nature of the particle in the vortex, but they fail completely when they show us their form. It is better to conceive the elementary particles as spheres instead of cones.

Kelvin’s smoke rings don’t give a precise image of the energy vortex either. Smoke rings have sides. In order to form an elementary particle, the energy vortex must be spherical and symmetrical. To give form to an elementary particle, we require a spherical vortex, one completely symmetrical. The vortex particle cannot be as a cone or a ring; it must be like a ball: an energy ball. But, how could an energy ball be formed? How could a spherical vortex be formed starting from movement? Let’s represent the movement like a line. If a line is coiled, it can form a spherical vertex: an energy ball in the vortex.

We can represent the energy vortex like the wool ball. In it, the wool orbits in a three-dimensional spiral around a single point. In the spherical vortex, there would be a gyratory movement in spiral around a central point. A wool ball is usually static. Only at the moment of forming the ball, or uncoiling the wool, a precise representation of the energy vortex would be formed. Starting from it, we perceive that there are two absolutely different types of vortexes among those that form the subatomic particles. One would be gyratory towards the center and the other one towards outside. With a continuous movement of the vortex, like a whirlpool of water, the particle would be of the same size.

The energy vortex is a simple, although powerful image. It shows us how something so dynamic as energy underlies to something so static as matter. The rotatory movement creates stability. Just like the smoke rings of Kelvin seemed flexible objects, the energy vortex can appear like stable and solid particles. This model in particular is good for us to understand how the matter can be transformed into energy. What would happen if we uncoil the wool ball? The uncoiled thread would not fit in the room, due to its longitude. In the same way, if we could uncoil an energy vortex, the amount of released energy would be enormous. Just like the wool ball is a very compact form of that material, a vortex particle is a very concentrated form of energy.

The vortex allows us to explain in a very simple way many of the properties that are attributed to the matter. A disconcerting aspect of the matter has to do with the mysterious forces that seem to appear, those that we all are familiar with.

Let’s consider for example, magnetism. We all know that the metallic particles are attracted to a magneto. The electric charge is another essential force of nature. Several paper pieces usually adhere to a plastic object charged with electricity, like a comb. These are very real and powerful forces, but science has not been able to explain them completely. If the particles of matter are inert fragments of a certain material, how can they influence each other?

The vortex offers us a refined explanation of such forces. The energy vortexes are intrinsically dynamic. In the event of being superimposed to each other, it is evident that they will have to interact. In this way, the vortex is located in the base of the matter and it shows us the reason of the properties that are attributed to it. The vortex doesn't question the discoveries of classic and modern physics; but rather it establishes new basics for them. It helps us to understand the intimate nature of the matter and the mysterious forces that are usually associated to it. Science has explored in the field of physics and chemistry, the laws that rule the interaction of atoms and molecules. The idea that the elementary particle is an energy vortex doesn't modify these facts of macroscopic character. Instead, the new vortex model could be good for us to reinforce and unify the laws of nature discovered so far, pointing at the underlying reality.

Most of the people are discouraged when facing physics, because it is difficult for them to understand. However, with this renovated understanding that brings the vortex, the complexity of the topic disappears. The vortex transforms physics into a clear and accessible discipline, providing us an understanding of the physical universe within reach for anyone.

In spite of its simplicity, the vortex can solve physical enigmas. Conceiving the subatomic particles as energy vortexes, can contribute to solve the paradoxes that are associated to them. It makes its properties and behavior be quite easier to understand. And we are now in position of explaining certain features of the universe that science has always considered unfathomable. The topic of the electric charge, for example, was considered an unyielding property of the matter previously. In the same way, it was taken for granted, and it is considered inexplicable, the existence of two types of electric charge. The vortex allows us to explain, at the same time, these two aspects of the matter.

As we have seen, the spherical vortex can be formed in two absolutely opposed ways: in a gyratory movement towards inside of it and the other towards outside. These two are related to positive and negative electric charges. Also, the vortex clarifies us the reason for which there are only two types of electric charge in the universe, and not two or four.There are many enigmas of the physics that the vortex can solve. It is even possible to explain certain basic concepts like the mass: the mass is a measure of the amount of energy contained in a spiral. As we will further, the vortex gives explanation of the nature of space and time.

Second part

With the Vortex Theory, supporting the idea that particles not only are dots, but unidimensional lines inserted in energy loops that acquire several conformations, the mathematical problem is solved if we consider the loops like elementary particles.

If we accept with a good scientific disposition the theoretical advances, then, there is no doubt that in this theory the implicit solution of the desired unification appears. What we supported is that a unidimesional object, similar to a vortex, can acquire several conformations and geometric structures. It is a similar phenomenon to the string of a guitar. It gives several sounds with the vibration of the string. The different tones produced by the vibration of that string are the analogy of different objects. In that same way, there is a fundamental vortex, which in several vibrations; it can be detected in conditions of low energy and long distances.

Then, what would be the fundamental particle in the conception of the Vortex Theory? Throughout time, fundamental changes have always been given in that issue. We consider atoms like fundamental bricks of the construction of nature; it was thought that the protons were fundamental, then the quarks. In this theory they continue being fundamental bricks in the construction of the building, but they are the different consequences of the vibration of the vortex, being this the fundamental. A vortex, in a certain way, corresponds to an infinite number of elementary particles, because each one of them has the ability to vibrate in multiplie ways. It is the different "tone" of the vibrations the one that determining factor that suggests the properties of the elementary particles. According to physicists, this theory would be the natural simplification or the improvement of our classic theory of particles. At the present time, the capacity of observation of particles is only limited for those that are given at low energies, since for the massive particles accelerators of a magnitude are required. This is what makes attractive the energy vortex. With the vibrations of a single vortex, not only are elementary particles given like quarks, leptons, photons, gluons, etd., but rather it would be necessary to add an infinite number. The Vortex theory would be the natural replacement of the current theoretical structure theoretical on the knowledge of the matter.

Third part

The energy vortex does not consider the material thing at all. And it supplements Einstein’s contribution who indicated that matter is pure energy with the facade of matter. The vortex explains all the alleged properties of the matter. The requirement of a substance of any type, supporting the physical world, disappears in a moment. The matter appears in this way, like a facade of real things. We usually use the expression "so solid as a rock", but our senses deceive us. Although they are very real, rocks are far from being solid things. The matter is, above all things, empty space with some many particles within its boundaries. And if such particles are nothing more than moving vortexes, it would seem that the matter is, after all, pure movement. The vortex unifies the focus of the mystics and scientists. The mystics have sustained always that the universe lacks of substance. Several centuries before of Kelvin, Sidartha Gautama, described the several forms of matter like whirlpools in the middle of a river, The Yogi philosophers understood well that the matter is an energy vortex. During thousands of years it has been taught in east that the world is an illusion: the "Maya’s illusion." The vortex shows us clearly how that illusion is created.


A lot of people find hard to accept the supernatural and paranormal things. They face such episodes with mistrust and open skepticism. They search thoroughly the question, the available testimonies, refuting even the smallest evidence. Some of them explain the previous memories as extrasensory perception (EP). Others simply say that the phenomenon of EP is just a coincidence and that ghostly apparitions are mere fantasies or figments of our imagination. All that is somewhat magical is reduced to mundane things. But... what is exactly the supernatural thing? Is it the product of a feverish imagination or nothing more than superstition and eager thought? Or will it be something real?

The key lies in the vortex. The vortex leads us to a coherent explanation of the supernatural realm, the paranormal things and the Psychic things. And it allows us to explain in a very simple way some experiences that otherwise would be strange and enigmatic.

The vortex offers us a reference to assume that what seemingly is supernatural is in fact a reality. The key lies in understanding that our universe is pure energy. The energy is the primary reality, the foundation of everything there is in the universe, from the minuscule atom until the immensity of the galaxy. But, will it be that the visible universe is the only possible reality? If the matter and light - its primary components - are two energy forms, Could it be another type of energy of intangible character?

Einstein was the first one who established the relationship between matter and energy. His famous equation E=m*c2 demonstrated that the matter (m) is equivalent to the energy (E), the vortex goes even further: it demonstrates us the precise form of the energy inside the matter. A particle matter is a gyratory ball of energy, a spherical vortex in movement. The light is a different form of energy, but it is obvious, starting from Einstein's equation that the matter and light share one dynamism. In E=m*c2, C the speed of light is what relates the matter with the energy. Of all this, a simple conclusion arrives and also evident: the speed of the matter in movement can be the speed of light. Here there is the only possible sense of Einstein’s equation. If in a particle of matter the movement of the vortex occurs at the speed of light, we can represent that particle as a spiral at the speed of the light.

However, will it be that the vortex is always restricted by the speed of light? Or Could it be its intrinsic movement faster? We have established an equation between energy and movement. Is the whole movement constrained at the speed of light? Science has arrived to the conclusion that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, a rule applied to all energy forms: included the particles of matter and light. But, will it also be applicable to the primary movement starting from which the matter and light emerge?

Here is the key question. Everything is reduced to determine what energy is. The current physicists don't worry to define energy, but they show themselves inflexible pointing that this last cannot move faster than the speed of light. Now then, if the diverse energy forms are, by definition, varied forms of movement, it means that the movement is more fundamental than the energy itself. Why would that movement be limited to lower speeds than the speed of light?

If the movement could happen at higher speed, it would give origin to a completely different type of energy, which we could name as “superenergy”. Energy and Superenergy would be different in substance. We can describe the movement at the speed of light like the substance of energy inside the physical universe. And the essence of the superenergy would be at a higher speed. Well. It could be that that superenergy behaves the same as the energy. For example, it could be superenergy vortexes, similar to the particles the matter is made of. And superenergy waves, similar to the light. And together, they would give place to a superphysical reality, to a “superuniverse”. The objects made of superenergy could have the same form of the other elements of this world, but they would be of a totally different substance. The matter would not interact with them. The light would not be reflected in them. When not interfering with the matter or the light at all, they would be absolutely intangible and invisible in the physical plane. It would not be possible to perceive such objects with the five senses. Their presence would be difficult or even impossible to detect and it would be very hard to demonstrate its existence scientifically.

A lot of people would be reluctant to accept the existence of such superphysical forms, when not being able to perceive them with their senses. In any case, it could be that energy forms exist around us that would go beyond the speed of light, moving through us without interference, without realizing their existence. The superenergy would not dwell in our space and time, and superphysical forms would not take part of our habitual reality. They would be very different and well-differentiated, this has been clarified starting from the theory of relativity. For Einstein, the speed of light was the essential element inside the physical universe. In his theory of relativity he referred to it as "the only universal constant" and he demonstrated that everything in this world. Included space and time - are related to this speed. When approaching at the speed of the light, the space and time would begin to experiment a series of extraordinary phenomena. The superenergy in vortex could explain many paranormal phenomena we know about. A fundamental category of such events explainable that start from the vortex are the disappearances and incomprehensible materializations that is to say, objects that suddenly appear or disappear without logical explanation. Religions and legends are saturated of stories where people and the objects disappear mysteriously. Each object of our universe consists of trillion elementary particles and we have represented each particle as an energy vortex in which the essential movement occurs at lower speeds than the speed of light. Let us suppose that this movement in vortex is accelerated. When surpassing the speed of the light, the energy would become superenergy immediately. When modifying the substantial thing, that object would suddenly stop interacting with the matter and light and it would become immediately invisible and intangible. It would not "go" to any place, but it would stop being perceptible. We could describe this process correctly as transubstantiation; any object could be materialized or dematerialized in any moment. Dematerialization is not equivalent to destruction. A dematerialized object could be invisible and intangible, but it would not be less real than before. Simply, it would have altered in the substantial thing to become a superphysical element. The speed of light is the limit of the physical universe. We could describe it as the "border" of our universe. The phenomenon of transubstantiation would allow that an object moves through that barrier from the light to the domain of the superphysical realm. The barrier of light would be the border line between the physical plane and the superphysical realm that would mark the natural and the supernatural. That is to say, if the vibration of any physical object surpasses the limit of the speed of the light, it would pass immediately to another universe, to a superphysical universe.

Fourth part

Prior to continue with the explanation of the paranormal thing by means of these and other notions, we must consider the nature of space and time. The vortex offers us a novel explanation of what space is. It also allows us to understand the relationship among matter, space and time. We can consider not only matter, but also space and time, as different aspects of the vortex. Let’s consider the energy vortex as a constituent factor of the matter. While the vortex opens towards outside, the energy becomes each time more tenuous. When being enlarged to a bigger area, it would become more and more tenuous at great speed. But even at great distances from the center of the vortex, although its intensity were infinitesimal, the energy of the vortex would be present, the apparent emptiness of the space is in fact, matter of low density.

In a similar way, we can assume that the matter is a space of great density. Summarizing, the matter and space are the same thing: two aspects of the same energy vortex. What we consider an energy particle is pure and simply the center of great intensity of an energy vortex of great range. We perceive the matter and space like two well-differentiated elements because of our senses. Our perception of all energy forms is limited to certain intervals. Our eyes react to the light, but the light is only a very narrow portion within the spectrum, we are blind, for example, to infrared and ultraviolet light. The same thing happens with sound: we perceive it in certain limits.

It is evident that our reception of the energy contained in the vortex must be at the same time limited by our senses. The energy in dispersion starting from the vortex, beyond our direct perception, appears before us as an “empty space”. And even though it would seem an empty space, this energy in expansion would be unequivocally real: as real as the matter.

This concept of space suggests an initial explanation of the phenomenon about "actions at distance." As much in the case of the electric charges as in magnetism, a particle acts over another without touching it. The separated fragments of matter seem to be attracted or repelled to each other, through the apparent space. It is easy to understand such effects if each particle is in fact an energy vortex in expansion. The vortex could be expanded at big distances, but the energy would be dispersed so quickly so that we would not be aware of it. This energy in expansion starting from the particle would interact with the energy of other vortexes in order to create certain effects like electric charges and magnetism.

In this vision of things, the space is something real, as real as matter, and the "action at distance", an illusion created by the limitations of our senses. The matter is the central region of the vortex, of great intensity that we do detect with our senses.

The space is originated in the most tenuous regions, outlying to the vortex: there the energy is below our perceptive thresholds. The "space" transfers the intrinsically dynamic nature of the matter to the emptiness which is beyond of the appreciable surface. But the matter doesn't have real limits: its "surface" is something subjective, in any case an objective fact... determined in fact by our limited capacity to perceive only a lower intensity of the energy vortex.

We experiment the matter every day as something solid because it represents a higher energy concentration: In the blocks of matter there are trillion vortexes bunched together in elementary particles that form atoms firmly stuck. The surface of a solid or a liquid mark a sudden increment in the intensity of the energy vortex. This concentration suddenly high of energy and motleyness is what our senses detect from the matter. It would seem that the objects have limits, but it is only an illusion.

Let’s imagine a woman that uses a certain perfume. Around her, the essence is concentrated to such point that closer to her we can smell it. If we back away, the essence would disappear in the atmosphere and we’d stop perceiving it. In sum, in the measure that the bubble of that fragrance is diluted in such degree that we are no longer aware of it. It simply occurs that our senses are unable to detect the energy dispersion in all directions. We do not perceive the empty space because the amount of energy in the vortex is minimal.

This novel image of the space is very different to the one that most of the people sustain. To most of us, the word space evokes the idea of emptiness: of an absolute empty in which the matter moves freely. The space-time is somehow curved and this effect is somehow related to the matter. But what the space is exactly and how it influences the matter, is still an enigma. The vortex offers us, for the first time, a clear image of the space that allows us to perceive what the space is easily and how it is related to the matter.

The idea that the space is bound-up with the matter stops being an enigma: the pattern of the space like a "bubble" makes evident the fact that, when removing the matter from the universe, we remove the space at the same time. In the same way the vortex originates the space and the matter, we can conceive it as a time generator. Einstein believed that, in the absence of matter there would not be space or time. He perceived time and space like two factors inextricably intertwined, understood as a fourth dimension. Through the vortex we understand the reason for which the time is bound to the matter. Time is established through the repetitive sequence of events. Let’s consider our habitual forms of measuring it. The year is established by the movement of the Earth around the Sun; the day, for the rotation of the Earth around its own axis. Both are regular and repetitive processes. In our universe, certain sequences of processes are linked to each other. All the physical, chemical and biological changes acquire their "rhythm" starting from other more regular fundamental processes. A regular, repetitive process creates "intervals" of a relative time in which a series of events happen.

Will there be in the universe some fundamental processes referred as the remaining measures of time? This last process could be the turn of the vortex. It may be that the vortex constitutes a sort of primordial clock: pointing out the intervals of time of those subatomic and cosmic processes. We can represent the vortex like a kind of "fan" that marks our time: as an atomic basic clock in the nucleus of the matter.

In this novel conception, time and space acquire a physical attribute. Time flows starting from the movement in the vortex, and space is an expansion in the shape of the vortex. Let’s imagine the vortex like a whirlpool in the middle of a river. Its shape emerges from the water in vortex. The shape of the whirlpool would represent the matter and space. The vortex itself would be the time.

This conception of space and time clarifies certain things of relativity. For example, space-time bending is essential for relativity. The image of the vortex suggests us very clearly the reason of that bending: if space is a bubble which is formed around the matter, it is obvious that its form must be the matter. The space bubble in expansion starting from a celestial body, as the Sun, should necessarily be an expansion of the shape of the Sun.

Einstein demonstrated that space and time are not absolute, but rather they are intimately related to each other and they depend on the speed of light. The vortex indicates us how the space, time and matter come from an energy vortex: If the speed limit of the movement of the vortex in the physical plane is the speed of light, the relationship among space, time and matter is evident, and also the reason for which all of them are relative at this speed. Einstein considered that the speed of light was the limit of our universe. Here we have considered that this variable is not an absolute frontier of absolute characteristic, but rather the dividing line between the physical reality and the superphysical realm. Both differ in substance, since the movement is, of course, relative. The movement in a vortex creates space and time in which others can exist and move. And all of them are absolutely interdependent; they exist only in connection with each other. In transubstantiation, the movement in the vortex is accelerated. When it surpasses the speed of light, the particle stops being in connection with the other remaining particles. In fact, it abandons its space and physical time.

The possibility to escape from space and time through the way of transubstantiation suggests possibilities of displacement absolutely unknown. In our daily life, we would travel through space and time. By means of transubstantiation, the bodies could move inside and outside of space-time, crossing through the barrier of light. Through this path, the displacements at greater speeds than the speed of light would be a real possibility.

Fifth part

Most of the people conceive the universe based on planets, stars and galaxies. This is the physical universe we are familiar with, the universe of matter and light. But... will this be all there is? Will it be that there is nothing more than matter and light? Is this universe restricted to what we can detect with our scientific instruments and what our senses perceive? Science has been able to penetrate completely in the material universe. But... couldn’t it be that it is only the beginning? Couldn’t it be that our universe of matter and light is only a part of something vaster? The term "universe" refers to all what exists. It must embrace the entirety of the existent energy. There might exist domains of superenergy. Existing something beyond the barrier of light, they would set up a reality that our immediate perception cannot perceive.

The physical universe can be a small part of the whole. It might not be restricted to the universe we perceive with our senses... and the one we observe scientifically using the telescope and the microscope. It could be that the universe in its entirety, from the infinitesimal atom to the immense galaxy, is only a part of a universe of energy much bigger. That the universe was so vaster than what science has allowed us to glimpse up until now. And the “celestial domains” that allegedly are inhabited by gods, were something so real, a parallel reality derived from superenergy. The energy creates a space-time domain, the superenergy creates another. The framework of space and time stands in each one of those domains: nothing allows us to suppose that something more than the axis space-storm exists in between. There is no possibility that the well-differentiated domains of energy and superenergy are separated to each other by space and time. Both would occur in a single "here and now." They would exist in independent way, but they would be completely coincident. We could describe them as mingled with each other.

Our own domain emerges from the movement inside the speed of light. Such movement, in vortex and in shape of waves, contributes to build our universe of matter and light. In the physical universe, everything is relative at the speed of light which could be characterized as the critical speed of our universe. A superenergy domain would have its own critical speed: Let’s say the square of the speed of light. It is easy to imagine such domains, each built at a different speed successively higher. There could be many domains in the superphysical universe. Each one of them would have its own space and it woud represent a vibrational level or other level of reality. Just like everything in our world is relative at the speed of light, each domain would be ruled by its own critical velocity. Like the light barrier is the border of the physical universe, each critical speed would be the boundary between a domain and the next. The higher level would cover the lower levels (like Russian dolls), since the higher speeds "contain" the lower speeds. Since all speeds are focused on a common zero point, we can represent the successive domains as concentric spheres.

The inner spheres would represent the internal domains, slower, and the higher spheres the faster domains. In this new picture of the universe the several domains would be covering the lower domains, and each higher domain is intertwined with the lower. We can have critical speeds in a simple successive ascending order. For example: physical domain (plane 1) = speed of light First superphysical domain (plane 2) = speed of light squared, second supraphysical domain (plane 3) = speed of light to the third power, and so on. This ascending series would be like a harmonic scale. And various ascending domains of energy within the universe would give a real meaning to the idea of "harmony of the spheres" suggested by Pythagoras.

This view suggests us an initial explanation to many traditional ideas about the supernatural. May be supernatural beings dwelling in their own supra-spatial domains, mixed with our immediate universe. They could be around us even if we are not aware of their presence, we could not detect with our scientific instruments or any of our five senses.

But is there, perhaps, a way to actually move from one domain to another? It’s clear that when we move, we are doing it the three dimensions of space. In our journey from the cradle to the grave, we move through time (which was revealed through sessions with the Master Morganel that time is not a fourth dimension).

It is postulated that the different domains of the universe would be separated by an alteration of vibration. That movement would only be possible through a change in the intrinsic speed of energy. We have already described this process as transubstantiation, which is a movement that involves a change in substance, more than a change in shape or position. In transubstantiation, the moving bodies appear and disappear when they abandon a superphysical domain of the universe and reappear at some other level, either higher or lower.

We know that in the physical universe are contained life and intelligence. But our own lives and our minds are just a smaller part of a larger whole. And now that there are intelligent living beings, in this small corner of the universe, it is reasonable to assume that there is life and intelligence in the whole universe. So ... Who would dwell in the superphysical domains?

Tradition affirms that there are plenty of superphysical beings. The old pagan religions described domains of higher vibration as a pantheon of gods.

There is a hierarchy of different forms of life on earth, it is natural, then that there would be also a hierarchy of supernatural beings. The term "gods" has been generally reserved for the most powerful of these beings.

Their power would be, in fact, the power to modify the intrinsic speed of energy, which gives them the freedom to move thorough other existing planes. A "god" would be able to descend through different domains, by slowing down its own energy and by increasing it again, it could ascend step by step each celestial domain. Those beings would be able to go up and down the "deific" dimension from one domain to another in the universe, like biblical angels going up and down Jacob's ladder.