On June 1, 2010, two sinkholes very close to each other appeared suddenly in Guatemala City, although geologists still conjecture the possible cause of this event, the truth is that it was an accidental combination of natural factors and the digging of the soil caused by a construction of an underground extraterrestrial base located approximately at 300 meters under the surface.
To researchers should have to be obvious that such perfect "sinkholes" cannot be caused only by natural or geological factors, but none of them considered the extraterrestrial factor in the equation.
In many parts of the world there are huge natural caves or caverns that sustain extraterrestrial bases, located at hundreds of meters from the surface, logically they have their vents or air shafts disguised, which are precisely those that in certain circumstances make collapse the terrain, leaving huge “sinkholes” and dragging the buildings down. Now there is nothing mysterious about this case.

Medium:Jorge Raul Olguin.

Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: Are you incorporated, Master?
Ruanel: That’s right Horatio...
Interlocutor: How about if we start with the questions?
Ruanel: Go ahead...
Interlocutor: The first question is related to the sinkhole of 30 meters of diameter, which made collapse three buildings in Guatemala. The strange thing is that these craters apparently are perfectly circular. What is their origin? Researchers speak of the existence of underground caves, but the true cause is still a mystery.
They have also ruled out the theory of a geological fault or the product of an earthquake. Apparently such phenomena are more or less common in Florida, Texas, Alabama, Missouri, etc., But not so large, and they collapsed gradually not like in this case, in which the terrain collapsed suddenly and without any warning.
There are also holes of this type that have swallowed cars, houses and even entire lakes in a matter of minutes. This was the case of Lake Jackson in Florida, for example, which had 16 km2 and it disappeared without a trace in September 1999, leaving behind a hole of 15 meters of depth.
Ruanel: In many regions there is an object called "chimney." The word has several meanings, but in particular it’s a conduit that serves to vent the smoke resulting from combustion ... Notice that kids who design a house, they draw these conduits that remove the smoke from fireplaces ...
Interlocutor: Yes, it is something that one never forgets to draw...
Ruanel: And the boilers and trains have the same conduit...
Interlocutor: It is also the exit of lava from the volcanoes...
Ruanel: Right ... But there are other types of fireplaces that the caves or caverns have as air shafts...
Interlocutor: Yes, we have seen them in many documentaries...
Ruanel: I'm going to approach another issue that will shake you up... For about 200 years there is an alien contingent that has very large bases in several regions of the planet. This is an absolutely independent civilization from the homo sapiens; they are neither greys nor reptilians, since they have the same human DNA.
Interlocutor: So, they are specifically extraterrestrials with human features...
Ruanel: Right ...
Interlocutor: Are they Morphologically the same as we are?
Ruanel: As I mentioned before, they are homo sapiens.
Interlocutor: I understand... "Do They mingle with humans?
Ruanel: No, they don’t, but they try to go unnoticed... They study geology, botany, not just from your planet, but also from other planets...
Interlocutor: Do they know that there are other aliens settled here?
Ruanel: Of course they know, because they have the necessary technology to know that, but they do not want to have any communication with them ...
Interlocutor: Specifically, Do they know of the existence of aliens at Area 51 and Alamo Gordo?
Ruanel: That's right...
Interlocutor: How big are their bases?
Ruanel: Their bases reach more than 1 km in length and they are at least at 300 meters below the surface ...
Interlocutor: So you are talking about underground bases?
Ruanel: Right, but they do have some chimneys that connect to the surface, but they are completely concealed ...
Interlocutor: I understood ... In summary, the buildings were literally swallowed by the holes because there was a hidden chimney?
Ruanel: Right! The issue is like this: These aliens have so advanced sensors that they can detect in advance storms, hurricanes, tsunamis and even earthquakes. Then, in a way that is not easily explained, once they anticipate these events, in a few hours they dismantle the base with all the equipment they have and they teleport them directly to their mother ship, which is orbiting the planet...
Interlocutor: In other words when the base is at risk of natural or geological hazards...
Ruanel: Yes... After the natural phenomenon is produced, the place is left like weakened and therefore “sinkholes” are formed with the peculiarity that they are very perfect, too perfect to be considered natural sinkholes, which means necessarily that it must have been something artificial in the event...
Interlocutor: According to your explanation, I have to conclude that it was an accident caused in part by the construction of these chimneys to vent the air in the underground base, and partly due to geological and natural phenomena
Ruanel: Obviously...
Interlocutor: If researchers dug the bottom of the sinkholes, would they find an alien base or something?
Ruanel: They would find a natural cave without any clue that make them suspect that there was an alien base. They also had the sagacity or cunningness not to straighten the place, in order to avoid exposing a metallic polished surface or cement or whatever because that would give the clue that there were buildings.
It is obvious that the base had to have artificial supports in order to avoid any eventual collapse of the cave or cavern, but they didn’t want to leave traces of their presence and they took everything, and if everything falls apart, then it crumbles...
Interlocutor: In all parts of the planet where these landslides have occurred was the cause the same?
Ruanel: That's right...
Interlocutor: And with the same extraterrestrials?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: Specifically, then, whenever the land is sinking we have to make them responsible of that?
Ruanel: Not in all cases, but in the vast majority ... In other regions, outside of Guatemala, these landslides have swallowed entire streets, even a bridge...
Interlocutor: I assume that when the engineers or architects built the buildings that collapsed, the chimney or air shaft was already there... Wasn’t there?
Ruanel: Yes, the alien base already existed when they built the buildings...
Interlocutor: Where do these aliens come from?
Ruanel: From a planet which is at 460 light years and orbits a yellow star that has 1.2 times the size of your sun and they call it Kroer...
Interlocutor: How far away is the planet from its star?
Ruanel: In your measures would be 160 million km.
Interlocutor: How tall are they?
Ruanel: The same height as you are...
Interlocutor: And their civilization?
Ruanel: It is also a very similar to the civilization of the Earth...
Interlocutor: Well, Master, although I’d like to go further with this issue, I consider that it’s enough since I have many more questions to ask you...
Ruanel: Okay.