One does not need to be a genius to solve the apparent mystery of the predictions of the Octopus called Paul, it’s enough if one realizes that there is no divination or fortune-telling in the physical or the spiritual plane. In other words, the future cannot be predicted, we can only speculate about it. Many animals like monkeys, horses, elephants, etc, were used as "fortune tellers", but in all these cases, no matter how remarkable the predictions were, it was merely chance or luck and nothing more than that.

Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.

Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: Master, here I have scheduled something that is turning the heads to many people. I’m talking about the famous "Paul, the Octopus" ... What is the secret of his guesses?
Paul, the Octopus was born in 2008 and it has been used as an oracle to predict the outcome of the games of the German national team in international competitions, concretely from the UEFA 2008 and the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.
According to the keeper at the aquarium of Sea Life in Oberhausen, Germany, Paul showed a remarkable intelligence, and its peculiar way of looking at the visitors, led them to try to prove his talent. Concretely his predictions seem to go beyond chance...
Ruanel: In any case the guesses are chance, and the simple reason is that there is no divination in the physical plane...It would be a total nonsense if our Creator, Eon, were the responsible for transmitting the outcome of the games to the conceptual mind of the cephalopod and guide his tentacles so that he chooses a certain flag...
Interlocutor: That is unclear, one could legitimately think that it was a time traveler’s thetan who conspired with the spirits of error, so that they could make "focus" and influence the octopus...
Ruanel: Yes, but not in this case... One could also assume that the issue of the octopus could be arranged by the local authorities, for instance by using a bait or a mussel or a garish color so that the octupus chooses a particular flag, but in this case, it would be the merit of the person who manipulates the octopus, and this is also impossible because, as I clarified previously, divination does not exist in the physical plane...
Interlocutor: The thing is that when one sees the remarkable guesses of the octopus, one cannot help wondering: "Is it pure chance?"...
Ruanel: I repeat it, there is no divination in the physical plane, it’s impossible...
Interlocutor: Concretely then, all the guesses attributed to the octopus were simply chance, without any other explanation?
Ruanel: Yes, everything was pure chance... In addition, it would be childish to imagine that any authority, alleging that the octopus is capable to foresee the future, offered the country that keep him a large sum of money to acquire it. Without considering that this kind of animal has a very limited life span.
Interlocutor: Has it ever happened something like this with so much chance?
Ruanel: It has happened with many animals, like elephants that have guessed numbers in China for example...
Interlocutor: It happened to me once when playing the card game called “Poker” several times the dealer handed me the winning hand. It was amazing, and thank goodness we played in family, if they had been strangers, they would have thought that I was cheating...
Ruanel: It's like in the dice game called "Poker dice" and if you roll "five of a kind", which in some countries is called " generala”... It is a way to express it in this game...Or when you roll the dice three times "five of a kind” or that in the game you call roulette you get the same number three times and each time betting the same amount of money and three times that number would have been guessed... It can happen!
Interlocutor: Everything is clear now, but now I have a question related to the spirits of error, can they influence a football game?... Specifically, my question is related to the spirits of error and if they have influenced the games in the last 2010 World Cup, so that a certain team wins the game...
Ruanel: I could tell you “No”, because a spiritual entity is not interested in a game of the physical plane, but I can also tell you “Yes”, since a spiritual entity can disincarnate with attachments for a certain football team. Spiritual attachments are not only for a wife or a son, but also for a certain soccer team, and then, several spirits of error can gather and affect the mind of a soccer player of the team they want it to lose, depressing him and lowering his tone scale, transmitting negative thoughts, etc... Such things have actually happened...
Interlocutor: In particular, have these things happened in this 2010 World Cup?
Ruanel: Yes, they have happened, but it’s not an excuse for a team to lose or a team to win, because if the coach sees a soccer player --..the topic we are approaching! -- if he sees him like "unfocused" if you understand what I am talking about, then he replaces him with another player and that’s all...
Interlocutor: Master, I think that this issue is clear enough, and if there is nothing more to say, we could end this topic now.
Ruanel: Okay.