The truth about the Shroud of Turin.
The “Sacred Shroud,” which has brought a lot of controversy, is indeed the authentic shroud that covered the body of Jesus after his crucifixion, but it is not a sacred cloth as naively Catholics claimed, nor a rag, as skeptics derogatory categorized it. The figure of the Master was impressed by the radiation used by the aliens who resuscitated him.
Why something so simple is so difficult to understand?
More information: Resurrection of Jesus
Email received:
Dear Professor: From the point of view, we might call it "official", there are doubts regarding to the cloth we known as the “Sacred Shroud of Turin,” it is said that it was the cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus after he was removed from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea. What is the opinion of Grupo Elron?
Alexander V.
Dear Alexander: Grupo Elron doesn’t need to hold an opinion because the actual data of this enigma was revealed by the Master Jesus himself, who explained that the cloth which was used to wrap his face and his body is genuine, in this case a fortuitous event happened through the radiation used by the extraterrestrials who resurrected him.
We know it, because it was also revealed by the Master Jesus; that after having been resuscitated successfully, Jesus fulfilled another mission, even shorter than his mission on Earth.
When Jesus finally disembodied, he was subsequently appointed as Solar Logos, a very high position he still has.
His lifeless body was brought back to Earth by these aliens and it was buried in Judea. Obviously, there is no trace of his remains.

Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.

Entity that came to dialogue: Master Jesus, current Solar Logos.
Interlocutor: Was the resurrection made by terrestrial or extraterrestrial hands?
Master Jesus: Extraterrestrial... They lift me from level because I had to fulfill another mission in another world that will be explained later on.
That radioactivity is left in that cloth that wrapped me; with this, I am saying that the so-called "Sacred Shroud", is real.
Interlocutor: Was it something deliberate somehow, or it was a fortuitous fact?
Master Jesus: No, it was not something premeditated; the radioactivity was simply impregnated fortuitously.
I will leave to give place to another entity. All my blessings to you. Know that I am always with you.


Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.

Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel
Interlocutor: Recently it has been said that scientists who have examined the shroud have found a second face of Jesus. Is there any truth on this?
Here I have the information about it:
Ruanel: No, everything is false; there is no second face.
Interlocutor: Is it a total fantasy?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: And why did they do this?
Ruanel: Just to gain popularity, nothing more.
Interlocutor: Then, they are idiots?
Ruanel: It’s the word that fits better.
Interlocutor: It's hard to believe that they have done something like that.
Ruanel: You believed it, didn’t you?
Interlocutor: Well, I admit that I did. I thought that it might be true. Then, everything is just a trick?
Ruanel: Yes, there is no second face.
Interlocutor: Was there intervention of the spirits of error?
Ruanel: Yes, they influenced in their ego.
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood well. Do they know it's a trick or were they deceived?
Ruanel: One of them knows that the second face is false, but the others don’t know it and they were dragged. It's like one of them said "Look! There is a second face of Jesus," and everyone else, with their feverish minds, nodded and were dragged and also "saw" the second face.
This often happens in spiritualistic schools, where one of them says: "I see a figure behind the medium of such and such features, using clothes, with long pointed beard, eyes of that color." and it turns to be that all of them see the same thing, being that it is only their imagination in their mental decoders.
Interlocutor: Another point is clear.
Sacred Shroud: Gr. Elron. The burial cloth which was impressed by the face and body of Jesus. It was a fortuitous event produced by the radiation used by the aliens who resuscitated him. The Master Jesus, after being raised, fulfilled another mission successfully in other world, which was even shorter than his mission on Earth. After Jesus died, he was appointed as Solar Logos, a very high position he still has.