Religious or Political conspiracy?Albino Luciani was murdered due to a conspiracy made by a conclave of bishops in virtue of religious reasons exclusively. This is the only reason that the Vatican obstructs investigations about it. They consider that it is preferable the concealment before admitting the alternative of confessing that the Church itself murdered its Pope. The Cardinal Jean Marie Villot was the intellectual author of the murder, but he covered himself cunningly of being accused affirming that it had been a tragic accident: "The Pope inadvertently had taken an overdose of his medicine”. If an autopsy had been made, obviously it would have indicated this fatal overdose. Nobody would have believed that his Sanctity had made it accidentally. Some people would allege suicide, other, murder. They arranged there would not be an autopsy." In this way, the Cardinal's alibi was that the Pope John Paul I took an overdose of its own medication for his low arterial pressure (Effortil). This alibi intentionally gave place to the speculation of suicide, removing the attention of the true cause of John Paul's death: He was poisoned. When Karol Wojtyla was named Pope he found himself before the choice of ordering the investigation of his predecessor's death, he didn't ignore that it had been a murder. How could he ignore it? or directly leave things as they were. He opted for the second alternative. SESSION 25/NOV/03
Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin
Entity that came to talk: Master Ruanel
Interlocutor: I understood perfectly. I want to move on to another topic because I have many questions scheduled How is Jorge?
Ruanel: He is a little bit tired because in these moments there are eighteen spirits of Light advising me and it is a tremendous energy.
Interlocutor: I understand. Now I want to talk about the Pope John Paul I supposedly murdered, I mean, Albino Luciani.
Ruanel: It is not a "supposed" murder.
Interlocutor: Was it a murder really?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: Why did they murder him?
Ruanel: Because he wanted to change the rules of the game. He was such an exceptional being who had very similar concepts of what really is the true spiritual path. He wanted, not to abolish, because nobody can come and to say: “Well, From now on, this and that will be eliminated”. But he wanted to change concepts somehow and they didn't allow him to do it and that’s the reason they murdered him.
Interlocutor: But who murdered him?
Ruanel: A conclave of bishops.
Interlocutor: There is a book written by David Yallop, titled "In God’s Name”, published in 1984, about the case.
Ruanel: It is a wrong book because it puts political concepts as the reasons of the crime that have nothing to do, since the murder was only related to dogmas and doctrines that would be changed.
Interlocutor: Was the reason of the crime then, exclusively due to religious issues and nothing political?
Ruanel: Correct, they murdered him exclusively due to religious reasons.
Interlocutor: Directly, Did they poison him?
Ruanel: Yes, he was poisoned with a substance that left almost no trace, and it makes appear death caused only by a physical problem.
Interlocutor: The truth is I am befuddled. Is there something else to add?
Ruanel: Yes, simply It is a pity that he was murdered because the next Pope has made infinity of abusive acts.
Interlocutor: I don´t have in mind at this time who was the next Pope.
Ruanel: The next Pope was the present Pope.
Interlocutor: To what abusive acts are you referring? Was he involved in a crime?
Ruanel: No, he was not involved in a crime, but in latter aberrations, for example to segregate those who are divorced.
Also notice what happened to that journalist of the Italian newspaper "Corriere de la Sera" who said that if the man is finite he can only make finite mistakes and therefore he cannot be punished with an infinite punishment, adding also that Hell, as it is painted by the Church, could never exist.
Interlocutor: I don’t remember what happened with him at this time.
Ruanel: Within forty eight hours, by a papal ordinance, he was expelled of the Vatican. This means that the Catholic Church changed in form but it didn’t change in the Core. The Church continues being the same obscurantist.
Interlocutor: Does the current Pope know that Albino Luciani was murdered?
Ruanel: No, he ignores it. The current Pope is completely self-centered a spirit of Error.
Interlocutor: In which Spiritual Plane is in these moments the spirit of Albino Luciani?
Ruanel: He is a spirit of Light. He is in the 5th plane.
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