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This webpage contains pictures and relevant information about BDSM business which reveals the gruesome reality of this extreme sexual and sado-masochistic activity.
Grupo Elron contributes with this information in the hopes that police authorities investigate the accusation revealed in these dialogues and find the way to stop these cruel sexual practices. Do not continue reading if you are under the age of 18 or if you are likely to be offended.

Suffering sells and this is the reason that BDSM* mobsters use methods of torture that cause more pain to the victim without crippling her. The BDSM business is very well organized and it includes subtle and fraudulent methods in the contract (the victim keeps a false contract because the authentic contract was changed). As for the sessions of torture, they also use subtle methods in order to convince the victim so that she relinquish willingly to all the pain they will do to her.
The BDSM business does not keep in mind by no means the rules of real bondage, which must be healthy, safe and consensual, since it is exactly the opposite: insane, unsafe and forced, the torture that the victims suffer in these sessions are similar in cruelty to those tortures that prisoners of war suffer in countries at war, with the only difference that BDSM tortures do not cripple the victims.
It is common to find on the internet videos and pictures that are sold, where a woman appears smiling and hugging her dominator, creating in the public the false impression that these bondage sessions were consensual, but the truth is that these scenes were filmed before the victim knew the heinous truth.

Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.

Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: Master Ruanel?
Ruanel: How are you?
Interlocutor: Fine, with a lot of enthusiasm for this session, if you agree we can start.
Ruanel: Okay.
Interlocutor: The topic of this session is related to Bondage as a sex business managed by mobsters known also as BDSM business, not the “amateur bondage”, My first question is: what percentage of women are being dragged totally deceived or drugged to sex sessions of this kind and later on they realize with panic that they will be tortured and they will be filmed and if they resist and these mobsters will force them with threats, or directly with violence…
I ask it because I found on the internet the story of a woman who went to a party and she was drugged and when she woke up, she found herself in a session of BDSM, not precisely “amateur”, where she was tortured with all the unimaginable methods and they even made her sign a contract explaining that she had accepted those tortures voluntarily.
The second question is: What percentage of women think they know everything about this kind of bondage, but they don't even imagine what it is in fact? Perhaps if they had known, about it, they wouldn’t have gotten into it.
The third question is: What percentage of women know exactly what they are getting into, but they are so needy of money or they have a tremendous aberration punishment-pleasure so that they don't care.
Ruanel: I’ll answer the first question: There is a ratio of 1:20, one woman is coerced or drugged and the other 19 are not coerced.
Interlocutor: So, from 20 women that are caught, to call it somehow, only one is taken by the force or drugged? Did I understand well?
Ruanel: Correct, you have understood. Now, I’ll answer the second question: it can be one woman from ten who knows in depth that BDSM is so hard, I mean, the other nine women ignore the limits of those bondage sessions.
Interlocutor: Well, what you have said would be answering the third question tacitly.
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: In conclusion, 1 from 10 women accepts to undergo these tortures because she needs money or she is aberrated and she withstands anything they will do to her. Am I right?
Ruanel: Correct. There is something I want to clarify, many people that participate in that terrible sex game are people whose mental decoders are not well, people who directly can be depraved and they don't measure the consequences of their acts.
Interlocutor: But, Do they really know in depth that the purpose of these sessions is to make them suffer because what sells is the suffering that the dominator inflicts on them?
Ruanel: Yes, they know it well. There are other people who have their mental decoders so deteriorated by the ingestion of drugs and they are also dominated without measuring the consequences.
Interlocutor: And what about the money?
Ruanel: The money also influences in many of those people, but most of these people have mental problems.
Interlocutor: And engrams, of course.
Ruanel: I would not speak of engrams, but rather that their decoders do not work well, deteriorated even more due to the drugs they consume. There is also another influential factor and it is that they have many mystic delusions.
You will surely ask me: what is the relationship between mystic delusions and a technique of sexual perversion?
Interlocutor: That’s right I was thinking to ask you that exactly…
Ruanel: Well, the answer is that many mystic delusions include sexual torture and things like that.
Interlocutor: Yes, now I remember that I read something about that.
Ruanel: Anyway, and although there will be more questions later on, I want to anticipate that if one looks at it, like the Master Johnakan says, passionlessly, like going out of the movie, in fact there is no relationship between both parts, Dominator and submissive; that has something to do with the sexual topic, with the normal sexual topic, I clarify.
Interlocutor: I understand what you mean perfectly because what I have studied on sex videos is an incidental issue; it is unavoidable that a woman due to so much torture, especially in her genitals ends up ejaculating. On the other hand, it is also possible that the dominator gets possibly excited and possesses his victim. Is this correct?
Ruanel: Correct. There are submissive sex games where both parts, by mutual agreement, play without being harmed in the most minimum way.
Interlocutor: I understand, it is the one I call “amateur bondage” to distinguish it from the BDSM as a business or rather as a mafia business.
Ruanel: It is valid to call it like that. For what I can perceive conceptually in the decoders of many people, there is a contract where they agree that the limit of the pain that the dominator provokes to the submissive person is given by the “real pain” that is to say, the crippling pain.
In spite of the pain of this technique called bondage can be extreme, they do accept it as long as it doesn’t disable. Do you understand what I mean?
Interlocutor: Yes, perfectly, but the pain is not different from the Japanese tortures, for example those that were applied on American prisoners so that they confess because those tortures produced intense suffering without crippling the victim.
Ruanel: They don’t cripple, but the pain ends up being so extreme that…
Interlocutor: Are you referring only to Japanese torture?
Ruanel: No, I’m referring to bondage too.
Interlocutor: Does consensual bondage also reach such point?
Ruanel: Yes, that’s correct, and in many cases it can even provoke cardiovascular problems.
Interlocutor: I suppose that there were also deaths for the practice of bondage that didn’t come out to the light.
Ruanel: Totally.
Interlocutor: I am interested, if you can perceive conceptually, how those 9 girls you mentioned are caught to be tortured, those 9 women that ignore what these sessions really are. Let’s see if I can explain it: they see a model agency ad that requires beautiful women of certain age, to work in erotic bondage modelling, and good payment.
Ruanel: It is like that, but they don’t even need to mention the word “bondage”. The complete context is that the applicants don't even know the real extent that the dominators can reach with the submissive women.
They hardly know that it is a quite strong technique, because as well as you and I, in life, we have not practiced it, however we know what this is all about…
Interlocutor: But since they don't know the whole truth, one could say that they are almost blind…
Ruanel: What happens is that they have learned the topic of bondage very superficially, but they never imagine the extent of physical cruelty of these sessions.
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand: These women don't know, for example, what I know about BDSM business because I investigated thoroughly and I did realize that it was pure torture, it would be impossible that somebody could undergo voluntarily to something so gruesome. Am I right?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: The model agencies, I refer to some of them of course, Do they act like intermediaries?
Ruanel: Correct, and they have their percentage of money when they enroll a candidate. There is something more, many of these women have their mental decoders burned by the drugs, or they are already damaged genetically, and many cases they also have a very low IQ, but that lower intellectual quotient doesn't prevent them from being erotic.
There are young girls very pretty, very attractive.
Interlocutor: But they don't look like they have a lower IQ.
Ruanel: Yes, yes, they have a very low IQ. For instance, psychiatrists and policemen, when they make a criminal profile, they classify it according to the face, because through the face, they can classify people, and they say "this is a criminal", "this is not a criminal."
Interlocutor: Well, but they are mistaken many times.
Ruanel: That’s my point exactly. The police profiles fail because there are serial killers whose faces, and I copy this expression from the terrestrial lingo, "they look like an angel."
Interlocutor: I understand what you mean; here in Argentina one of the most famous serial killers had a truly angelical face.
Ruanel: Well, there are women whose intellectual quotient is very low, but they can have -and now I will use an expression characteristic of your country and this vessel- “a coquettish gaze”, a mischievous gaze, a flirtatious gaze, however they are so naive, but so naive that they don't know that they are going literally to a slaughterhouse.
Interlocutor: I suppose that there are also women who need money desperately, maybe they need it for an urgent surgery of a beloved person and they don't care what they do to them.
Ruanel: Yes, but it is something so exceptional that we cannot put it as an example.
Interlocutor: Yes, and it is logical too.
Ruanel: There is one thing more that I want to say so that everybody knows. Many women who know in depth what these sessions are, they accept it in spite of everything, because they believe mistakenly that they have control on the situation, and if they feel a little discomfort, they make a signal and everything stops.
Interlocutor: What you are saying is important!
Ruanel: I repeat, these women ignore that the session of torture won't stop, even if they request it, because the business is based on the intense suffering, the more suffering the better. Do you understand me?
Interlocutor: Yes, perfectly.
Ruanel: But they think, in their unconsciousness, in their naivety, or trusting in the kindness of the people: "Well, I don't care, I’ll be submissive, I signed the contract, but if I see that the thing goes wrong, I’ll say "enough" and everything will stop…”. But nothing stops! The torture will continue, there is nothing that the submissive woman has control over.
Interlocutor: I understand what you say because I know the topic of the safeword which a submissive person can use to stop the torture in amateur bondage. When a submissive woman is reaching a real pain, she can say that safeword and the dominator has to accept it and stop the session, because the base of the game is precisely the trust.
And I suppose that they also mention the existence of that safeword or that noise to the model, if she is gagged, but what they don't tell her is that they don't plan to stop the torture
Ruanel: Of course it is, in any case I clarify that those “serious” companies. Understand that I refer with "serious" to those companies that have a medical staff to verify the victim's condition and to determine if they can continue with the torture or not.
Interlocutor: But some BDSM companies don’t have a doctor to protect a women from any accident while they torture her, Do they?
Ruanel: Some companies don’t, for example those with low budget.
Interlocutor: I cannot believe it!
Ruanel: That person, who is being tortured, she can make a certain signal or certain noise so that they stop her suffering, and the doctor, obviously outside of the screen, will make an expression so that they continue because he doesn't see serious problems yet.
Interlocutor: I believe that it is something similar to boxing.
Ruanel: Correct the same as in boxing, where HBO won't stop a fight if one of the boxers bleeds a little, and if later on the boxer loses an eye, well, he lost it after the fight.
Interlocutor: Do you mean that they deceive the models in the same way swindlers do? For example saying that is not so much pain and that she will even have to fake a little?
Ruanel: Of course that it is like that. In some cases the submissive woman overacts pretending that she feels a greater pain than the pain she is actually feeling, but that doesn’t happen in all the cases because the pain they are feeling as a general rule is real...
Would you like that I give you a surprise? There are many cases where the submissive women suffers such pain, such pain, that except for the conceptual pain of the Eighth Sphere, it is such a big, so terrible pain that it’s similar to the pain that the prisoners of war feel in the countries at war.
And the only difference is that while the prisoners of war can be crippled by the tortures, the victims of the BDSM Bondage are not disabled.
However, this is not the surprise, the surprise is this: there are people who having undergone by all that torture have their mental decoders so burnt, so burnt, with destroyed neurons and invalidated reasoning that they come back to collect more money.
Interlocutor: Obviously there are also pleasure-pain engrams in between.
Ruanel: Obviously, that was implied, but your clarification is good for those who don't know about this topic. Submission and you know this, gives pain, but there are tortures that give a lot of pleasure to the submissive woman. There are submissive women who feel such a big, so big pleasure, when being dominated that they end up tolerating, and I am speaking about "normal couples", cigarette burns on the chest, or dominated men that receive hot wax on their penises.
Interlocutor: I understand.
Ruanel: I am not changing the topic, but I’m illustrating it, so that the people who ask, know well what we are talking about.
Interlocutor: I want to ask you a question before I forget it, in one of the videos I watched, the model that was on a bondage chair, constantly said the word "Thank You". Could it be the safeword so that the dominator stops the ongoing torture?
Ruanel: No, “thank you” means only Thank you.
Interlocutor: Don't you see it as a safeword?
Ruanel: No. That means thank you for the torture.
Interlocutor: Could it be something like the Stockholm Syndrome?
Ruanel: No, because the Stockholm Syndrome takes place in a medium-term and long-term relationship or directly where the person didn't make an agreement, but rather she was kidnapped and a relationship was formed between the kidnapper and the kidnapped.
Interlocutor: And in this case?
Ruanel: This case shows the deficiency of that person's decoder that thanks for the torture she’s going through...
Interlocutor: But couldn’t it be that the woman with that gratefulness would be propitiating to the dominator so that he has compassion and stops the torture?
Ruanel: It is exactly the opposite, please analyze it, and all who will read this analyze this. "Thank You" provokes in the dominator one incentive to increase the dose of pain, to make the torture more painful. Think about it.
Interlocutor: And the word "please"?
Ruanel: It is also a catalyst. Imagine that you as a man are with a beautiful woman on the bed and she tells you "please don’t, please", let’s suppose that she tells you that, and although you are not a dominant person, you will get excited with those words.
Interlocutor: In short, the woman does it on purpose.
Ruanel: She does it on purpose because her mental decoder is not reasoning with normal patterns; it is approving and calling more to the torture.
Interlocutor: Do you perceive cases where a woman yells the safeword and they don't give her importance?
Ruanel: In 70% of the cases that happens because they don't care what she says.
Interlocutor: It is because there is a serious reason.
Ruanel: No, it is not due to a medical reason, but because the dominator is generally sensitive, he is passionate, notice and this is maybe a scoop for you that have studied the topic on the internet, the less passionate dominator is the most useful, the one that will be good for the film.
Interlocutor: Concretely, the dominator who is free of emotions will play better his role in the movie? I mean Will he be the one that provokes more suffering in the victim?
Ruanel: Correct. He is not involved; those who will be involved are those that will watch the video or the film.
Interlocutor: Isn’t the dominator involved at all?
Ruanel: The dominator can be one actor more in a certain moment, he can be enjoying the torture he applies, but in fact he is not involved because he or she are playing a role in the movie nothing else.
Interlocutor: The doubt that I have now has to do with a bondage session that begins for example with spanking and flogging, a woman cannot resist it because she has been tied up and even gagged in the moment she realizes where she is at. How does she do to continue so meekly to the next torture, which is worse?
I mean, Doesn’t she want to run away while screaming that it was not what she was expecting? Do they drug her?
Ruanel: In some cases, they do give her a beverage to stun her.
Interlocutor: I ask it because I see them calmed at first, accepting the facts, although later on when the torture begins they start screaming like crazy.
Ruanel: Don't forget that what you see is not the exact sequence; many parts have been cut off or edited digitally. Suddenly there are women who are trying to escape running and they receive a slap a hit or whatever.
Interlocutor: Ah, ah! I understand.
Ruanel: They say: "You are going to stay here, you have already signed."
Interlocutor: Do they pay them in advance in order to coerce them more?
Ruanel: On the contrary, they pay them at the end because the best way to coerce them is when they have not received a single cent.
Interlocutor: Do they also threaten them with more savage tortures until they accept?
Ruanel: Of course, and then she goes back meekly to the pose she was at and the torture and the filming start again. Then they put it in order…
Interlocutor: What happens when everything ends and they tell her that she can leave?
Ruanel: In short, and it is worthwhile to repeat it, the thing is not to cripple with pain and not to leave permanent marks. They consider that permanent marks are only for tattoos. That is to say what they look for is not to leave compromising proofs or at least to be compromised the least possible.
There are women who say: "You are not gonna get away with this!", but they show them the contract they signed and they tell them that they cannot do anything because all that they did to her was consensual.
Anyway, the filming places are rented for example for 40 days, they are garages or warehouses that they abandon after all.
Interlocutor: They are temporary places, then.
Ruanel: Sure, they are temporary places, and if eventually there is some authority interested in the victim's accusation that alleges that she didn't sign a contract of that sort and they did torture her savagely, when arriving to the place, they find an empty garage, an abandoned basement, a place that was rented under a false name because the landlord was only interested to earn some succulent dollars, or Euros… Do you understand where I’m going?
Interlocutor: Yes, perfectly.
Ruanel: Even the ads that require for applicants are ads very carefully made because as well as models that look for a job come, also covered investigators may come who want to snoop around in the business.
Interlocutor: I understand what you mean because in part of my life I had a similar job and I was the one in charge of distinguishing the naive from the clever. And in fact it was something very easy because the one that came to investigate used to ask questions totally different from the naive.
Ruanel: Besides, the model is not hired directly in the agency, previously there are many filters.
Interlocutor: This has been totally clarified, and now I do want to ask you a question that was pending. In the videos that I watched in the internet the victim always appears hugging and smiling to the dominator and in frank companionship, and my question is: Was she threatened or she had a light session and she had an opinion without knowing what was coming next? Do they trick her?
Ruanel: No, they do something so obvious that nobody would suspect it; they imitate those TV shows that last several hours, where the students make several tests to see who wins the prize, maybe going on paid vacations. At the end you watch all the students happy and hugging each other. This is real, but it didn't happen at the end of the show, but in the beginning.
Interlocutor: I don’t understand well.
Ruanel: Sure, if the filming were made at the end, the students would be all exhausted and haggard for so many hours of competition. In addition, it’s something obvious, those students that have lost the competition would be very sad, and that would be against the show that wants to promote a healthy competition. For that reason they film it at the beginning when the students are fresh and there is no winner.
Interlocutor: And do they do with the victims the same thing?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: The problem is that when one watches something so obvious, it is more difficult to see it. I watched those images of so happy women, as if nothing had happened that they didn't have correlation with the tortures and the suffering they had to tolerate, but I could not imagine what the trick was.
Ruanel: Those scenes are when the submissive woman is fresh, as if she were a green lettuce sold in the greengrocer’ shop, hugging the dominator…
Interlocutor: That is filmed before anything happens...
Ruanel: Of course that it’s filmed before anything happens!
Interlocutor: Is it incredible that the authorities that could stop this have not realized this trick. In short, "There are things that are difficult to believe" Master, Could we continue with what you perceive from the initial moment in which an applicant falls into the trap?
Ruanel: Are we speaking of the most naive applicant?
Interlocutor: Yes.
Ruanel: Well, let’s find the most naive woman who ignores the whole issue related to BDSM, but who is dazzled by the amount of money that they offer her. Directly, what they do is to hire her.
Interlocutor: Are we speaking about the nine women from the ten?
Ruanel: But among those nine women, there are even more naive applicants, one who perhaps knows, or rather she thinks she knows about sexual games because she have had some experience on this matter, she has been tied up and things like that, but she never imagine the true meaning of this matter, the huge abyss there is between what she thinks she know and the reality of the facts.
Interlocutor: So, the first person that interviews her is only a filter.
Ruanel: Of course, the first person that interviews her is not the one that makes her sign the contract, but somebody who will ask things about her, what she did previously, if she acted in movies, if she likes what she does...
All the questions aim to get her psychological profile and be sure that the applicant is the one who says she is and not another person or a trap since there are many people that are sent to investigate.
In addition, that psychological profile helps to turn those women down, those who can cause problems for no reason, like drug addicts or troublemakers. Definitely they are interested in women that are easy to dominate.
Interlocutor: I understand. On the other hand I suppose that they make the applicant believe that they will hire her for her knowledge, obviously that is the least that matters.
Ruanel: They over excite her.
Interlocutor: Is a psychologist the first person that interviews her?
Ruanel: Of course, and not necessarily a graduated psychologist, but a person who knows about profiles, a person who has what you commonly know as "street experience"
Interlocutor: I understand.
Ruanel: And to the person they deem as probable troublemaker, they never tell her that they won't hire her, but rather they tell her that they will call her and that she must wait the phone call. They also tell her that she will have to wait several months before they call her because they have a long line of applicants. If they didn't do this, those people would be a long source of problems because they are determined to get what they believe is an honest and well-paid job.
Interlocutor: Then a woman accepts, and they introduce her to the highest boss in the company, who will allegedly hire her. Am I right?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: Well, I have a contract that I found in the internet, which is made for amateur bondage, but allegedly it can be taken really or by intuition, by those mobsters or let’s call them company of torturers. The question is if this contract can be used according to the clauses during the torture since there are even ambiguous clauses that can be interpreted in many ways.
Ruanel: Yes, it is something similar, but they calm her down saying that they are light spankings, some pinches, they never tell her that it’s something worse than what they have experimented with a boyfriend.
Interlocutor: Do they also clarify her that she can stop what they are doing in any moment by means of a certain signal or certain safeword?
Ruanel: No, they don't tell her directly, but only if she asks it. There are women that are so naive that they demand that that clause be added in the contract, without realizing that if they don’t keep it -something that they don't do in fact- she doesn't have the way to prove it.
How can she prove that she said the safeword or she made a signal so that they stop and they didn't do it?
Interlocutor: Obviously.
Ruanel: Besides, you don't have to forget that the videos are edited, so, even if in the film she appears saying the safeword or making the signal, they have enough with cutting that part and the problem is solved.
Interlocutor: I suppose that they won't keep those cut parts that are compromising.
Ruanel: Of course, they destroy them immediately.
Interlocutor: Why do they put a gag in a women’s mouth? Is it because that certain torture will be very painful and she will scream too much? That could prove that there was abuse
Ruanel: It can be for the reason you say, but it can also be that the woman is in fact very difficult to manipulate, and in that way the problems are reduced. What happens is that there are different grades of submission and there are different types of submissive women. There are submissive women who have such big passivity that they don't need extreme measures to contain them… Do you know what I mean?
Interlocutor: Yes, perfectly. Do they give her a copy of the contract?
Ruanel: Yes, but at the end, and that copy will contain the clauses that are convenient for them.
Interlocutor: So, they deceive her as if they were professional swindlers?
Ruanel: Totally. it is important to keep in mind that many women will be only interested in the clauses that mention the distribution of money because it is the only thing that they are interested in, the distribution of money, how much they will give her before, how much they will give her after. They are not going to read the other clauses of the contract so much.
And they are so blind by the money that they don't realize the truth because the tree doesn't allow them to see the forest.
Interlocutor: Let’s suppose that they hire her, Do they give her the contract with the risk that she consults it with some lawyer?
Ruanel: No, what they do is simply sign a very general pre-contract that doesn't compromise them at all.
Interlocutor: How long do they hire her for? I mean, How long do these sessions last?
Ruanel: The sessions for which they hire her last up to four hours, but when they edit what they have filmed, it doesn't reach 25 minutes.
Interlocutor: Is it so short?
Ruanel: Yes, because they are perfectionists. Here happens the same thing that happens in pornographic videos, they erase many scenes, only leaving the best scenes. And if the male has an accident that is to say, if he ejaculates prematurely, well, they wait until he gets over and then they continue.
Interlocutor: That’s clear. Do they Always drug the models before the sessions?
Ruanel: No, not always, it depends on the submissive level that the tortured person has.
Interlocutor: Could it be that as soon as the woman realizes what she has gotten into, she wants to leave and they threaten her to damage her, not only to her, but also to her family?
Ruanel: Yes, of course, and many times they also give her money in advance (10%) and she already spent the money, and then they take advantage of this circumstance to keep her trapped and to exercise more pressure.
Interlocutor: I imagine that in front of a situation of rebelliousness they will have enough with putting her head under the water until almost drown her and taking her head out for brief instants until she accepts.
Ruanel: Correct, and they can also use electric discharges.
Interlocutor: It is obvious that the woman is so defenseless that she has no other choice than to continue with the game.
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: I also suppose that as soon as they sign the final contract she goes directly to the session, lest that she changes her mind if she comes back the next day.
Ruanel: Yes, of course, they tell her that in that moment everything is ready to film and they show her the money which is already there for her, when she concludes the scheduled session.
And as I said before, those women that are too naive and who are horrified, when they realize what is happening or what has happened to them, those women don't return. The women that come back are those that have their mental decoders burned by life, they don't have anything to lose; their decoders are in permanent short circuit.
Interlocutor: Added to the pleasure-pain engrams that also make them return.
Ruanel: Of course.
Interlocutor: Well, when she goes to the torture room and she is spanked and flogged. I suppose that she is completely terrified. The question is: what does she do? Well, she is tethered and she cannot move. I’d like to know what happens during the parts that do not appear in the videos.
Ruanel: She thinks: “Well, the worst thing has already passed, now the sexual part, the erotic part will come”
Interlocutor: And what if another torture even worst comes, which is almost sure?
Ruanel: She will always think: “this was the worst; the next one will be easier”. When they increase three or four times the torture level, then the woman begins to worry saying: "oh, oh! This is not what I thought." I am conceptualizing ironically.
Interlocutor: I understand.
Ruanel: The first time she says “I already underwent the worst thing” When the level of torture is increased she thinks: "Oh, no! that wasn’t all" When the third and the fourth level of torture begin and it’s a higher torture, she is already alarmed thinking: "This is not going to stop, this is going from bad to worse, I won't be capable to resist it" Then she starts moving abruptly in order to be free. In some cases she screams loudly and then they can put a ball gag in her mouth to silence her voice…
Interlocutor: I also see that sometimes they put a hood on her head also.
Ruanel: People, and you have lived this in past lives, when they have their faces covered, they have a feeling of so big powerlessness, even increased by the immobility in which they are subjected that they are at the mercy of the dominator.
And people that are at the mercy of the other depend on the other for their survival. Then, they cannot do another thing than to be submissive. If she can scream, she screams, and if she is not able to do it, she tries that all happens as quickly as possible.
There is also a moment in which her decoder makes a “click” and she is off…
Interlocutor: Well, but I suppose that that is not good for the film, and then they really stop everything until the victim gets over.
Ruanel: Of course that it’s not good for the sale. Then, what do they do to the young girl? They tell her that everything is fine that the worst part is over…When the victim is relaxed, she returns to a state of alert, and when she is alert and realizes that they will do to her the same thing again, she tries desperately to resist, because that is what sells. Do you understand?
Interlocutor: Perfectly. In short, they deceive her always with the story that the worst part is over.
Ruanel: Sure, because if she knew that what comes next is always worse, then she already gives up, and remains helpless because she thinks that she doesn't have a way to resist.
What happens is that they give her hope; they give her the illusion that something softer will come, and that makes her alert again.
Interlocutor: In the videos that appear on the internet one can see few seconds of torture only. How long do these sessions last?
Ruanel: The sessions begin, they stop, they begin again and stop, during four hours more or less, later on, they erase many parts when editing the film.
Interlocutor: Four hours of torture?
Ruanel: Correct. I Want to state something: they categorize the videos…
Interlocutor: I don’t understand.
Ruanel: As well as it happens in the movies, in which some videos are better than others, also in these videos some are better than others. There are videos "A Class" which are those that were better, and those videos are sold very expensive.
Interlocutor: And what happens to the cramps?
Ruanel: In some cases they give to the woman something to drink, something with potassium to alleviate them.
Interlocutor: Well, but I suppose that they don’t care because the cramps provoke intense pain and that is what they are looking for.
Ruanel: Yes, but don’t forget that the cramps can cripple her, and that is something they want to prevent.
Interlocutor: Do they prepare the victim for the torture? I mean with enemas, for example, or washing her vagina?
Ruanel: In many cases they do and in many others they don’t, If something goes wrong during the torture or something physiological happens, like an intestinal problem or an empty bladder, they directly erase those scenes and they solve the problem.
Interlocutor: But I suppose that everything will depend on what people want to see, because in some places that can be interesting.
Ruanel: Of course! There are places where that video with intestinal purge is an “A Class”, and people will pay a fortune for it. Is there something more natural that could happen in a torture session?
I would like to continue because as a spirit I’m interested to investigate, but the vessel is very tired due to the tremendous heat he is feeling.
Interlocutor: Do you want to suspend the session here to continue in another moment?
Ruanel: Yes, because this topic gives for more.
Interlocutor: Well, Master, then I say goodbye.
Ruanel: See you later, Radael.
Interlocutor: Thank you, Master, and see you later.
(*) BDSM: is derived from the terms bondage & discipline (B/D), dominance and submission (D/S), sadism and masochism (S/M)

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