Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.
Interlocutor: Karina.
Entity that came to dialogue: Ertel-El (Albert Einstein’s
Interlocutor: Welcome...
Entity: Thank you, dear sister.
Interlocutor: It is a pleasure to have you here. I really wanted to
contact you...
Entity: My name as Thetan is Ertel-El. I'm in the plane 5 sublevel 1. It is a joy to be
here. In that life, as Albert, I transcended with the theories of special and
general relativity, there were many things that were not taken into account, my
loving life...
When I was nearly four decades and I separated from Mileva and Elsa attracted me, with her I felt like a kind of
internal communication. And somehow, it's like that she supported me a lot in
what I was doing. I was working in a simple office in Bern and I was doing the
calculations of the theory of special relativity. I was interested on the
electromagnetic field. Then, when I developed the theory of general relativity,
I did research on space-time.
Interlocutor: I would like to let you know that, apart from admiring
your work as a physicist, I like a lot and I identify very much with your
thoughts. I would like to ask you if after that incarnation you have
Entity: No.
Interlocutor: And from the plane where you are, Do you have contact
with other thetans? Do you contact embodied beings as
Entity: Yes, of course, I contact with thetans from embodied beings, I guide the 10% incarnated and
I have contacts with Spirits of Light to exchange concepts.
Notice that
there are many Masters, some of them incarnated and others are disembodied
spirits, who give preference by saying that gravity is not a force but a
curvature. If you take the time to read what I've written, what I have left at
that time -and we're talking about almost seven decades ago or more- I was
speaking about the curvature of space-time, where a mass produced a curvature.
Notice that even the light -and I developed that- was bent in a space and
astronomers and physicists of that time did not know how to interpret that.
Then, when I developed mathematical formulas, showing that the mass of a body
could bend space in such a way that even the light itself was curved. And it was
more than half a century before the current Masters brought to
Interlocutor: In your last years, as Albert, you've been quite busy
studying how to integrate a theory of a gravitational force and electromagnetic
force, Is there any other concept or contribution that you can share with us,
now that you are disembodied?
Entity: Sure. My mistake in that incarnation is that I accept that
when one has something in front of one’s eyes and one is so concentrated on
something, one does not see the obvious thing. Well, if I myself, in that
incarnation as Albert, commented -developing mathematical formulas- that gravity
was a curvature produced by a mass, it was impossible to unify it with
electromagnetism because, although the strong force and the weak force are
considered forces. Even years before I developed my theory, electricity and
magnetism were considered separate forces, which later on were merged into one
force called electromagnetism.
When I was looking for the theory of everything,
l wanted to unify mathematically gravity with the other forces but, why I have
not been able to achieve it? Because I didn’t pay attention to something which
was very obvious that it was in front of me. That gravity was not a
Interlocutor: What’s your opinion on the undivided
Entity: I think that there is a holographic universe. Everything
Interlocutor: We’ll call it “holographic” using quotation
Entity: Yes, and then, it’s like you can connect with the Everything
and, surely, two or more people can -and they have- reached the same conclusion
either in this world or in other worlds, regardless the type of civilization.
However beware: It’s not that you, because you have been connected directly to
that 'undivided mind', reach a conclusion because, as Albert, I had to have not
only a base, but a gigantic castle of knowledge.
Interlocutor: Let’s say that the undivided mind allows you to have an
inspiration, grasping a concept, an idea, and after having the tools of
knowledge, you can develop it.
Entity: Sure, if you don’t have a castle of knowledge, there is no
undivided mind whatsoever. And there are many opportunistic beings -how
difficult it is to bring a concept to spoken language- that are interested in
winning the medal without having run the hundred meters, if you understand.
These opportunistic beings seek, somehow, to achieve the result without having
the sacrifice of the study. When the Master Johnakan
talks about how important is the service and not the sacrifice, I’m talking
about another kind of sacrifice: the hard work, studying, burning the midnight
oil, while the next day you had to work at an
In seeing how little they considered me when I was young, many
teachers thought: "this young man, Einstein, I see no great future for him", Do
you understand? But if you don’t’ have the base of study, if you don’t have the
knowledge, if you don’t’ have the commitment, it’s impossible that you grasp
that undivided mind and turn it into a practical
Interlocutor: Another question: It’s said that we can, from a
particle, a small part of matter, have a huge source of
Entity: Right. And I have proved that.
Interlocutor: In fact, on these studies is based the knowledge that
have made the atomic bomb.
Entity: I have a little knowledge of
Interlocutor: I know!
Entity: I think that everyone knows the
Interlocutor: It is also said that in order to create matter it is
necessary a huge amount of energy. Is there something, some knowledge or tool
that is escaping from today's scientists to do that?
Entity: It is quite difficult. Even advanced civilizations are barely
doing it. Notice that there are infinitesimal
Interlocutor: Are you speaking about
Entity: No, we are talking about bosons, which are theoretical, yet
unproven. Scientists, through accelerators, have seen little footprints, as if
suddenly you could feel like a small discharge and when you stand up, the
lightning has passed, but you still can see a glow, somehow. And from the
mid-twentieth century they have advanced greatly on quantum physics. Notice that
the smallest particles discovered so far are called quarks, but quarks have
Interlocutor: Are there even smaller particles than
Entity: We speak about the electrons which are spinning in orbit. The
electron is a particle practically indivisible –just like the quarks- in the
atomic nucleus. However, there is a quark that many call ‘up quark’, which is thousands of times heavier than the
electron- we might say- because there is a field- as well as in the accelerator
they are seeking the Higgs boson, there is something called the Higgs
Interlocutor: Could you tell us about it?
Entity: Yes, the Higgs field –and we are talking about atomic and
subatomic level- it’s a field completely independent from any other field, it’s
a field that makes that quarks weigh more, it’s as if that field had a kind of
gravitational force. I'm talking about it in a very basic language, just to be
Interlocutor: How would you call that force? This has not yet been
Entity: Higgs field. Then, if for quantum physicists –let’s talk
about size- if the size of a quark can be similar to the size of an electron why
certain quarks weigh thousands of times more? Because the spinning electron
around the atomic orbit is far from the Higgs field, then it is lighter. I
explain it in a simplest way possible.
Inside this Higgs field there
is a sort of densification that makes that that ‘up quark’ be thousands of times
'heavier' or that it has more mass than the electron, however, it’s an
indivisible particle. That is what I wanted to
Interlocutor: It’s a stunning contribution and I thank you so much
for your comment. With respect to the dark energy, Could you tell us something
Entity: It is an energy that it will take
some time for scientists to explain it.
Interlocutor: Is there any relationship between this energy and the
Higgs field?
Entity: Not at all. That energy is a repellent energy, it’s a great
Interlocutor: And what is the reason?
Entity: It's in its nature to be a great repeller; in the same way that gravity is in its nature that
the mass deforms the space causing the gravitational field. This repellent
factor is currently responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.
Reaching a certain extension that repeller -and this
has not been said before, take it as a paradigm – it will be weakening and a
great contractor will be strengthened, which is the dark matter.
When there is a
balance between the repeller and the contractor the
universe will stop expanding rapidly and it will start with a slight
contraction. When that contractor force called dark matter starts, there will be
an accelerated contraction –just like now there is an accelerated expansion-
until the Big Crunch comes and everything becomes a tremendous singularity.
those who study the superphysical world would say: our
Creator would stop being manifested until the next
Interlocutor: How long does it take, approximately, from a Big Bang
to a big Crunch?
Entity: You can calculate forty billion years (40,000,000,000). So,
we still have (13.7 billion years) of antiquity in this Creation. There is still
time to expand.
Interlocutor: The thing is that the human being, watch out his planet
and start respecting each other, right?
Entity: Yes, Notice that this planet has barely four and a half
billion years (4.5 billion) compared to 13.7 billion years (13,700,000,000) of
this universe.
I'll let this beautiful and blessed vessel rest and don’t miss the
chance to contact me again.
Interlocutor: I’d love to do it and don’t doubt that I'll contact you
again. I have many personal questions for you. I'd like to ask you in a future
session about your political viewpoints and the conditioning they had on your
Entity: What I can say now is that sometimes you give something to
humanity and sometimes you are responsible directly or indirectly from the use
that mankind gives to what you have given. You cannot give a weapon to a child
because the child is going to hurt himself...
Interlocutor: I don’t want to imagine what you felt about everything,
and what you went through just by the way the man used that
Entity: That’s Right. For that reason our Father says: we are a huge
kindergarten - I include myself-.
Thank you, dear
Interlocutor: See you soon. All the Light to
Related pages:
Einstein’s unified field
Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.
Entity that came to dialogue: Ertel-El (Albert Einstein’s spirit.)
Ertel-El: Sometimes it's like you all have a lack of information about
astronomical phenomena. The so-called black holes are not holes; they are
celestial objects with a very high gravity. In order to give you an idea, a
supergiant star, like Antares, at some point will exhaust its nuclear fuel, the
star will reach a turnoff point and it can condense more and more to the point
that electrons and protons are no longer there; leaving only neutron cores and it
becomes a neutron star.
If several bodies, such as that neutron star, attract each other they form
a solid body so compressed that something of the size of a marble could weigh a
ton, ten tons, one hundred tons. Its gravity is so huge; its spatial curvature is
so huge that not even light can escape from its event horizon.
It's not true
what some astrophysicists say that through a black hole, using it as a bridge, one
can go to another place in the universe. A black hole is not a passage or a
bridge, it’s a solid object, so heavy, so compressed that if it only had the
size of a ball; it could have as much mass as a planetoid. And there are so
gigantic black holes that they can even swallow up stars. The word swallow or engulf
it’s not used correctly, actually it’s like they are joined together, they are added
to its gravitational well.
And not only is there a black hole in the center of each galaxy, but there
are even many undetected black holes between galactic spaces. The so-called
white holes do not exist either, which are the passages out of which alleged starships
would cross that bridge.
What astrophysicists or astronomers have not yet
detected are those pleats or membranes, which are passages that do allow traveling
many light years away, and in the future these membranes can be detected by
quantum computers, computers that are used by the ships of advanced
civilizations. Civilizations that seek their own welfare and the welfare of
other civilizations and their inhabitants, and they are surprised to see how the
inhabitants in Sun 3, watching that little blue planet as you call it, is
mistreated by its inhabitants, who allegedly are smarter, but they fight over something
that they will not be able to take beyond the physical life. There is so much
stupidity, so much.
It is easier to escape from the intense gravity of a black hole than to take
a material possession to the superphysical plane.
Thank you for allowing me this moment of reflection.
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at Wednesday, September 26, 2012
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