the present moment in the history of our planet and more precisely in the
last decade, most of the people on Earth have ignored the way in which our
planet works in terms of geopolitics and economy, however, if we consider
that during the last years, prior to the current pandemic, the ESE have been
constantly trying to take over this planet on behalf of their overlords,
those alien beings who have infiltrated within our society and have been
intervened in the evolution and history of mankind ages ago.
many people now have realized that all the incidents that happened a year ago,
such as huge wildfires, diseases, floods, droughts and mind manipulation in
the way of social engineering, mass shootings and mayhem displayed. All of
that has been designed by the same alien force that is looking to “evict” all
those human beings that are not going to be part of their plan of
colonization, this plan was known as a reduction of population, in other
words the ESE was planning a mass depopulation of the planet, they blatantly
exposed their agenda in the Georgia Stones for all the world to see, they
wanted to get rid of the poor and ignorant people they clearly despise and
also those undesirable dissidents.
plan to take over our planet has been envisioned in accordance to those treaties
signed by these overlords with the corrupt ESE which many people now call the
“hidden hand” the deep state, global cabal, Illuminati or secret governments,
which exist in many countries within lodges and respond to a central power.
Now, their plan was to create a centralized Orwellian society ruled by a
unique power a single currency and one law or form of world government, in
accordance to the supremacy of the CP located in the Middle East and those
nations that have acquired political and economic power. They have literally
sold out their population to this off-planet force.
those who have been paying attention to the geopolitical scenario, certain nations
have been monitoring the rest of the world with “5 eyes” using technology
unknown to the ordinary man, they possess secret and exotic technology, they
naively acquired from these alien beings. What most of the people do not yet
know is that the AI which these oligarchs plan to roll out in the form of 5G
wireless communications is contaminated with alien AI, and the purpose to implement
this 5G network has to do with enforcing the control grid they have on the
people who live and also those who are close to die, so that no human soul
escapes from this planet. In other words, their plan is lockdown the
reincarnation wheel, which they have hijacked on this planet, these are meant
to be the shackles we don’t see, but we all use in our cell phones.
U.S. in this scenario is will be playing the big brother role and the tool or
police used by these overlords, this is the main reason they have military
bases in many parts of the globe; they are acting like the proconsuls of these
alien beings. There is no coincidence when the U.S. president decided to
create the “U.S. Space force” he already knows that the secret space program
exists and has been functional decades ago, it’s a matter of time to disclose
its existence to the world.
the other hand, China has also signed treaties with other alien race and now
there are at least two alien races that want to get their part of the cake (planet),
previously we said that these alien beings trade with DNA, human and animal
body parts, and they use children as sex slaves, this is exactly why the ESE
promote pedophilia as a normal trend.
it was stated in the previous post, this alien race has succeeded in
conquering many worlds and civilizations, because the inhabitants of those
planets had only one government and even a single language, therefore it was
relatively easy to enslave those planets, this is the main reason that the
ESE wanted to deploy the NWO agenda, a plan to globalize and enslave the
world we live in with one way of government,
so that the colonization could be attained through treaties and
agreements with the rest of the nation.
the exopolitic diplomacy there is only one way that an alien race could
enslave a whole civilization and it is by infiltration instead of invasion,
by signing contracts so that the inhabitants of those planets relinquish
their freedom to the hands of the overlords in order to get food and safety,
it’s like becoming a subservient race willingly in order to avoid severe
punishment. This is the reason why many authors like Salvador Freixedo have
called our planet a “human farm” becausse they treat other planets and our
civilization in the same way a farmer treats a cow or a pig.
alien beings that want to take over this world see us as a natural resource
for them to use. Which is why they have been abducting people and hundreds of
children disappeared every year, the governments on Earth know everything, but
they are afraid to disclose the truth.
year their plan of depopulation backfired, for some reason the man-made virus
was released accidentally and luckily it was not as lethal as they expected,
although highly contagious, it is possible to counteract its virulence. Now,
the ESE is on the run because their plan did not succeed as they projected. We,
as a human race, have the opportunity to be united against all wickedness
displayed by the evil forces and more than ever have the time to meditate in
harmony so that we can move forward to the next vibrational state.
an interesting stage in history because even those people who have been
controlled by the MK Ultra project are awakening since the mental program is breaking down
because the Earth, as a living Entity, is changing its frequency and moving
to another level of consciousness, those who are attuned with the Mother
Earth will follow her to the next density in the same way that a train leaves
with passengers who already have a ticket, they will pass to a parallel
universe in accordance to the vibration, those who are still dense and keep
living in darkness will be left behind, this is why grey aliens wanted to
hybridize with human beings with themselves it’s like they wanted to cheat
nature and they failed to acknowledge that. In the end it’s a matter of
choice, this is the sifting of the harvest we predicted long ago.
are people who are intrinsically evil and it is part of their nature to be
like that, since free will is respected in the universe, they will remain in
this 3d frequency or reality. Others will wither away in a matter of few generations,
it is important to clarify that this has nothing to do with racism or elitism,
it’s just part of the frequency one has inside, and again it’s also a matter
of choice. Each one of us has the final choice, either you live to serve
others or you keep serving to yourself only, in the end it will be like a
graduation day some people will have to repeat their lessons, others will
move on to the next learning level, there is no punishment whatsoever, these
are just phases and cycles the universe has to go through, there will be
another opportunity to the ESE in the next cycle, thousands of year in the
future, by then we also hope that they learn to love each other and live
serving to others and stop being like parasites, this is also a warning to
those people who belong to their group because they are still in time to
correct their mistakes, they just have to change their ways, come clean and
amend the harm they have done to others. In the end it is just their choice
as well.
know that inside this elitist group not all the people are evil, some of them
have been mind- controlled and threatened, however it’s time to surrender and
stop living in that vibration, the same goes for all those people who dwell
in chaos and hatred. This is a time of reckoning, either you choose to follow
the path of Light or you are left behind because our planet has chosen already
to move ahead to the next cycle. Now the choice is in your hands either you
live in harmony with others or you keep parasitizing in hatred and indifference.
good news is that the plan of colonization and enslavement of this planet
will not be achieved in this timeline, because there are many nations, many
languages and it would be impossible for them to make agreements with all the
tribes and peoples in the world since there is no agreement with a single
form of government because it is so fragmented and also because their time is
short. So, even if some of their plans come to fruition it is in our hand to
choose to be enslaved or be free and remember that one becomes a slave only
if his mind or thought has been controlled not when there are chains in your
limbs, again you have to remain calm,positive and avoid giving place to
negative vibrations such as fear, panic or hatred to others. In your mind you
will be free or a slave person, it is up to you.
All the Light and Love to you!!!
This entry was posted
at Monday, April 06, 2020
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