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Should you have any question or any comment about this website.
You can write us to the email: gegrupoelron@gmail.com or you can follow future updates at https://twitter.com/gegrupoelron
https://parler.com/Elrongroup Grupo Elron provides all the material from the sessions held with the Masters of Light for free, answers to the questions from those people that are interested in the channelings, and further explanation on certain topics that might be unclear.
However, it’s also important to notice that at first the questions that were addressed to Profesor Jorge Olguin were few and he was able to respond them almost immediately, but over time more people emailed him and the amount of emails surpassed his capacity to reply.
We are aware that the amount of information published in English so far may be somewhat overwhelming and confusing at times for some people that recently read these channelings. For that reason, Profesor Jorge Olguin has authorized that some of the bilingual collaborators of Grupo Elron can reply many important questions that remained unanswered.
We do realize that many questions are important, but given the lack of time and due to Profesor Jorge Olguin has to do other activities for a living. We are opening this contact so that All the people, who kindly have been following the messages from the Masters of Light, may be able to remove any possible doubt they have.
Furthermore, If we hadn’t the answer to your question or if it’s a question that requires a future session to solve it. Then, we won’t be able to respond it immediately, not even to determine the date of the session because some events might happen that are out of our control.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to respond questions related to criminal investigations because that is not part of our task and we would be jeopardizing our mission. It’s perfectly clear that this does not mean that we are forgetting the free service provided on this website and we constantly proclaim to anyone that You can enter freely in the websites
Or use the search tool to find some specific information. You may also download or print out the information without any requirement and use it in the way that your Free Will chooses because the teachings of the Masters of Light belong to all humanity and not to someone or a particular group.
However, we suggest that you do mention the source in order to avoid plagiarism and because we are fully responsible of the material published on these sites.

This entry was posted at Sunday, August 21, 2011 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the .

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