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Medium: Jorge R. Olguin

Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute)
Interlocutor: Well, I think the issue is clarified. Going to another question that I think is quite interesting... Has it ever been a change in our history without us knowing it? For example, Kennedy was not killed… This question relates to time travelers.
Eon: The history on this planet has changed many times and the planet has involuted.
Interlocutor: The specific question is what was changed and who did it.
Eon: A time traveler that alters something practically creates a new alternate universe and this new alternate universe can be transformed in the original one.
Interlocutor: And the previous alternate universe?
Eon: It simply dries up as a root that has no water.
Interlocutor: Are only time travelers who can alter the facts that have already happened?
Eon: Time travelers and also decision making.
Interlocutor: Could you give us some concrete example?
Eon: You know about reincarnation memory, but there is another memory, which is called temporary memory.
Interlocutor: What is temporary memory?
Eon: You've heard or read in some history books, that Charlemagne conquered many territories. Well, if a time traveler kills Charlemagne at five years old, that history of Charlemagne as conqueror has not happened. The same could happen with Alexander the Great, if they kill him being young, the history of conqueror Alexander has not happened… In these cases, you will never know about them as being conquerors. But your temporary memory has a kind of aftertaste of that
Interlocutor: That’s clear, but it’s a hypothetical story. Is there any real history that we could know?
Eon: One true story is that Jesus was not crucified.
Interlocutor: Will that be the true story?
Eon: You cannot talk about true story. The true story is always the present one, the one you are experiencing. Just remember that I am above all alternatives.
Interlocutor: How was then that story that Jesus was not crucified?
Eon: That story continued in which he did not do any mission in another planet, he was not resurrected by extraterrestrial, he had a normal life, he went back to look for Miriam, the Samaritan of the Well of Jacob, who was alone because a plague had ravaged her entire family, also dying her husband and children… That is why she went with him, because otherwise she would have never left them…
Interlocutor: Are we talking about an alternate universe?
Eon: That's right… I am talking about the Samaritan from the story of Eloah Arbillac…[1]
Interlocutor: Yes, I remember it.
Eon: Jesus and the Samaritan go to live in Kashmir, have children and he dies in this place…
Interlocutor: There is just a book called "Jesus died in Kashmir"…
Eon: Exactly. That book was written with temporary memory.
Interlocutor: Remarkable!
Eon: But the book is incomplete because it does not speak about the Samaritan, nor of Jesus' encounter with her at Jacob's Well or anything of those things.
Interlocutor: But the original story is the one we know, namely that Jesus was crucified?
Eon: Correct.
Interlocutor: But who changed that story in which Jesus did not die in Kashmir and finished being crucified? Was it a time traveler?
Eon: They were decision makings. I already indicated that not all cases are time travelers who change history.
Interlocutor: Are you saying that it was a Jesus’ decision?
Eon: Yes. He thought that it might better to serve humanity by being crucified… Here, there is a very thin line between service and sacrifice, because somehow, we are talking about sacrifice with pain and not with joy. Jesus somehow wanted to continue conveying his messages, but he chose to make a blow effect, by calling somehow to his crucifixion, so that Christianity could come up with more force.
Interlocutor: Had Jesus transcended the same without the crucifixion?
Eon: Absolutely not. It would have been a story like so many others. Jesus is remembered precisely because of his martyrdom. In addition, the Apostolic Roman Catholicism is so basic that is not interested in Jesus’ messages and his love for humanity, they are only interested in miracles and in that alleged resurrection.
Interlocutor: Obviously, religion is only interested in the phenomenological…
Eon: Exactly.
Interlocutor: That alternate universe where Jesus died in Kashmir, did it dry up?
Eon: Yes. The alternate worlds do not persist. Those that persist are parallel universes.
Interlocutor: Is there any other case in history that has been modified?
Eon: There are many alternate universes that have dried up. In those alternate universes the Che Guevara was still alive, Kennedy was not killed because he had been warned and instead had put a double, which is murdered, Marilyn Monroe did not die, there is a Third World War in 1989…
There's even an alternate universe that dried up where this vessel did not meet with you, because that day he had a consultation and could not go to the meeting that you had prepared and you never got together later…
Interlocutor: That’s interesting!
Eon: And the Grupo Elron did not exist and therefore nothing came to light, because you have been an active part of all messages that Johnakan has given through this telepathic channeling.
Let's say that you have emphasized the need of growing the Mediumship of this vessel, you have encouraged him, or perhaps his competitive spirit, to see that there was another medium that said a lot of nonsense – which in this case is a good thing – he unconsciously thought, I mean the 10%, "and why not?", so he decided to go all the way…
That is to say, there were a number of factors that affected this vessel to become a medium, whether he had been contacted by you, whether his 90% seeing that his 10% was prepared to receive the aphorisms, which he did them in a week and are now more than three hundred… All these things contributed to begin his path of mediumship with the messages.
Interlocutor: That is very clear

Medium: Jorge Olguin.

Entitiy that came to dialogue: Master Jesus, current Solar Logos.
Interlocutor: Who is present?
Master Jesus: Hello, Dear brother, I am the Master Jesus.
Interlocutor: How are you Master, long time no see, I say it so to speak, since you were always present in every session we make with Jorge.
Master Jesus: One of the things that I want to clarify is about personal love being incarnated. Many incarnated Masters are in favor of personal love, others not and they have eulogized in me, my impersonal Love when I was in the physical plane.
I want to demystify my image and avoid misunderstandings, where they see us as superlative beings. All those who are embodied in a certain moment not only are exposed to temptations of power, but also to temptations of ego.
It has already been said many times that when I was tempted in my own ego, my own mind told me “you have at your feet a lot of people in ignorance, you can manipulate as you wish" and it’s the analytic mind, the divine spiritual conscience that triumphs in that moment over that role, the one that says NO.
It’s not true what has been written about me in the sense that Satan offered me palaces, wealth. That is very childish, if you want.
What the role of ego offers is something simpler, It’s a gift of dominion, and a gift of subjection to the other, and this is something the conscience of Light rejects completely.
I want to clarify undoubtedly that I am not against personal love, since I have felt it, and I have enjoyed that love, even though I didn’t crystallize it in the life I had. But I have felt it, I have lived it, I have vibrated it and I am not sorry of having felt it. Let us say that it gave me incentive for the rest of my mission.
I want to add that most of these small brethren that surrounded me, I say small with all affection, very few of them understood my message. Many times it was like I was disheartened and I looked for others that could listen to me, without taking the audacity of leaving aside those who were following me from the beginning.
But truly it was like I was disheartened because very few understood me, my way of thinking, my way of feeling, my way of working. And it is true that many times I myself have been tempted to stop giving messages. It is true that many times I have wanted to abandon that cyclopean task that has been recorded in the history of this planet.
Many times the human being, not my spirit, has wanted to lower the arms…
Interlocutor: Master, when you were incarnated, Did you know that there was an alternate universe that opened up by your decision in which you married to Miriam the woman that offered you water in Jacob's well?
Master Jesus: I knew it when I disincarnated.
Interlocutor: That is the only thing I wanted to know.
Master Jesus: I will leave you some minutes so that this vessel rests because He is very agitated in his cardiological part due to the tremendous energy he’s been receiving.
Interlocutor: OK, Master…

Medium: Jorge Olguin.

Entitiy that came to dialogue: Master Jesus, current Solar Logos.
Interlocutor: Who was in fact Mary Magdalene?
Master Jesus: I can visualize to that spiritual being who in the physical plane was called Leonardo Da Vinci who painted that painting so wonderful called "The last supper", and I assure you that the person he depicted at my side was my dear disciple, John Zebedee, and not a woman.
Which means that the book that has been sold…
Interlocutor: The Da Vince Code…
Master Jesus: That’s right. That book is completely false from the beginning.
Interlocutor: Who was in fact Mary Magdalene?
Master Jesus: When she was incarnated, she was a being that loved me as a Master, she respected me, and she has had at times a wrong life.
Interlocutor: Was she a prostitute?
Master Jesus: Sure, but many people confuse her with that prostitute they wanted to stone and it is not her. For that reason I say that there are misunderstandings.
Interlocutor: How was the name of that prostitute they wanted to stone?
Master Jesus: Her name was Miriam, but this was a very common name in that time, just like Joshua.
Interlocutor: Was Mary Magdalene simply a fervent follower then?
Master Jesus: Totally.
Interlocutor: How old was Mary Magdalena when she met you?
Master Jesus: She was three years younger than me. Notice that when I disembodied I was 35 years and 8 months old, and she was perhaps 32 years old.
Interlocutor: All they say about Mary Magdalene who married to you secretly, and even bore children?
Master Jesus: At least not in this universe.
Interlocutor: I understand. Everything was a fantasy of authors then.
Master Jesus: Correct.
Interlocutor: Where did Mary Magdalene born?
Master Jesus: In Judea.
Interlocutor: Was she a family friend?
Master Jesus: She was simply an acquaintance.
Interlocutor: But she was the same Mary Magdalene who was at the tomb and who saw the extraterrestrials there, although obviously she didn't know they were extraterrestrials?
Master Jesus: Exactly.
[1] (A story of Eloah Arbillac, Jesus and Miriam)

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