Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.
Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: I’ll move on to the strange case of the small humanoid of Chile. I read the summary for the record:
During the firs days of October
Ruanel: That creature was an extraterrestrial.
Interlocutor: How did he come to Earth?
Ruanel: In a space ship, but he didn't come alone, but with other partners.
Interlocutor: And what happened to him?
Ruanel: He had a problem with a terrestrial virus, he was not able to adapt to this planet.
Interlocutor: Why didn't they take him? I ask it because when the boy found him he was still alive.
Ruanel: They simply didn't want to endanger the health of the ship.
Interlocutor: So they decided to leave him here abandoned?
Ruanel: Correct.
Interlocutor: Was he agonizing when they abandoned him?
Ruanel: No, he was not that sick yet.
Interlocutor: Did they leave him with his passive consent?
Ruanel: No, obviously not, he wanted that they took him to an isolated chamber so that they study his problem somehow and try to solve it.
Interlocutor: Was it something cruel on their behalf?
Ruanel: It was indifference directly.
Interlocutor: I don’t understand.
Ruanel: These extraterrestiral beings have that idiosyncrasy, they don’t care about what happens to the others.
Interlocutor: What old was he?
Ruanel: Around 38 terrestrial years.
Interlocutor: How many years do these beings live in their planet aproximately?
Ruanel: 112 years more or less.
Interlocutor: What planet did they come from?
Ruanel: From a planet which is quite far from us, around 6000 light years. Notice that the closer stars are at dozens of light years.
Interlocutor: What was the size of their ship? I ask it because these beings were very small and they should have a ship according to their size. Are All the inhabitants that small?
Ruanel: Obviously yes. as to the size of the ship, it measured 180 mts. [590 ft] approximately.
Interlocutor: Keeping in mind the small size of their structure, I consider that it was a quite big ship.
Ruanel: That’s right.
Interlocutor: What is the name of their planet?
Ruanel: Horix, and these beings would be Horixians.
Interlocutor: I understand. Horix 3 or 4?
Ruanel: Horix 4.
Interlocutor: Obviously the whole atmosphere of Horix is proportional to these beings, trees, animals, etc.
Ruanel: Yes, of course.
Interlocutor: Okay, Is there anything more to add about this?
Ruanel: No, not about this case.
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at Tuesday, October 06, 2009
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