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Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin

Entity that came to talk: Master Ruanel.

Interlocutor: Here I have scheduled to ask you about a case that has been called “the enigma of the fish man of Lierganes” The concrete question I want to ask you before we start is if in our waters, oceans, seas, lakes, etc., there are aquatic rational beings. I am referring to extraterrestrial beings that have come to our planet, obviously because I know that human beings are not aquatic.
Ruanel: The answer is yes, there are extraterrestrial aquatic beings on the planet Earth.
Interlocutor: And have they been seen by humans?
Ruanel: Correct. There are oceanic trenches that are not very deep. Hold on a second, the vessel is filtering slowly the information that I am transmitting to him.
Interlocutor: Okay, I wait.
Ruanel: There are oceanic trenches that don't pass of three hundred or four hundred meters depth.
Interlocutor: Closer to the coast?
Ruanel: Correct. Notice that there are oceanic trenches that reach eleven thousand meters, like the Mariana Trench.
Interlocutor: Do extraterrestrials have the technology to build energy fields capable to resist such enormous pressure?
Ruanel: Of course they have it, but using those energy fiels would mean an enormous expense of energy. Then they go to less deeper abysses. If they had been in the deep oceanic trenches, the human beings would have never sighted them.
Interlocutor: Do these beings live permanently in the water? I mean if they are like fish that die outside of the water.
Ruanel: Yes, they live totally in the water. They are aquatic beings, not terrestrial.
Interlocutor: Would they be something like aquanauts but with gills? I say this to give an approximate idea.
Ruanel: Yes, they are something like that.
Interlocutor: Are they completely extraterrestrial or is there some mixture with human?
Ruanel: They are completely extraterrestrial.
Interlocutor: How many are there?
Ruanel: There is a civilization but divided in two places. One of them is near to one of the populated centers of the Mediterranean Sea.
Interlocutor: Of Rome, for example? I say the first place that crossed my mind.
Ruanel: Near to Greece.
Interlocutor: And the other one?
Ruanel: In Oceania, in the coasts of Australia.
Interlocutor: I understand. Is this a civilization that has buildings or some immense dome that covers them?
Ruanel: No, they don't have buildings or a dome like Comic books. The idea of Comics has just been transmitted by your thetan. But they have an emergency dome to be protected when they are discovered by some kind of terrestrial submarine.
Interlocutor: Let’s suppose that they have been discovered by the crew members of one of those submarines. what do these aquatic beings do?
Ruanel: They capture them and keep the prisoners in that dome, in special compartments with oxygen. I clarify that that dome is not for them to hide, but to maintain human prisoners who have discovered them.
Interlocutor: I understand. And how do they capture them?
Ruanel: That dome has a kind of gravitational field that atracts and they are simply absorbed towards it.
Interlocutor: I see that reality is even more surprising than fiction. According to what you tell me, I see that these beings live in the water as if they were fish, without necessity of any special cover. Is this completely right?
Ruanel: Correct. They are like the famous mermen of mythology. In each world there is a different type of these aquatic beings. Those who have come here have very big eyes, of white color, like the frogs, with a totally flattened and vertical pupil. The eyes are covered by a transparent membrane like many fish.
Interlocutor: Do they blink like we do?
Ruanel: No, they don't blink. They can’t close their eyes and not to see either, because, I repeat, their eyelids are transparent.
Interlocutor: Do they have some type of hands or directly fins?
Ruanel: They have fins with hands and feet.
Interlocutor: How many fingers do they have?
Ruanel: The same as humans, five fingers in the hands and five fingers in the feet. The fins are similar to the fins that frogs have.
Interlocutor: In which Spiritual plane are the thetans of these beings?
Ruanel: The same as the human beings. There are thetans in the planes 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Interlocutor: This means that me, as a spirit, if the day of tomorrow I decide to embody in these amphibious bodies I can do it?
Ruanel: Of course! You can even contact yourself through mediuship with their thetans.
Interlocutor: Remarkable! Sometimes I regret having so little time to perceive all the experiences that can be made. But what is a being of Light doing there, in an amphibious body?
Ruanel: In fact they are humanoids. They have such an important decoder as human beings have. Their mouth is like a flattened protuberance as if it were a castanet. For that reason I said that their face profile is similar to the frogs. But strictly we cannot call them amphibians, because this term is used to denote only to animals that can live indistinctly in the water and the surface, and these beings cannot live on the surface, except for a little time.
Interlocutor: But how do they communicate with each other? Maybe, and forgive me for the prank, with “glu glus”?
Ruanel: They communicate by mean of gestures.
Interlocutor: I understand. And how do they do to see? I ask it because it is obvious that in the oceanic trenches practically there is no light.
Ruanel: They have such a sharp vision so that they can see almost in what would be an absolute darkness for humans.
Interlocutor: It was almost a logical. And what do they eat?
Ruanel: They eat small fish, mollusks.
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand. Do they sit down at a table to eat or directly they open their mouths and gobble like the fish do?
Ruanel: How will they sit down at a table to eat? Keep in mind that everything has to be related to the habitat and the circumstances.
Interlocutor: Do you want to tell me something similar as if suddenly I were in the North Pole or climbing a mountain, where the wind is so strong that everything flies, I would have to grab the food as I could?
Ruanel: Something like that.
Interlocutor: Now I understood. And what is their physical and mental activities? I can’t imagine to these beings thinking.
Ruanel: They have an abstract philosophy, let’s say that they know that there is something beyond the oceanic habitat they live.
Interlocutor: Can they go out to the surface?
Ruanel: Yes, because they have gills that can be adapted to a non watery habitat. In this way they are not fish in the true sense of the word.
Interlocutor: But if we could compare them with a well-known animal?
Ruanel: If I had to define them, I would compare them to batrachians.
Interlocutor: I have seen drawings of some people that have seen them and they have depicted them like that. I suppose that they can’t stay a long time out of the water can they?
Ruanel: Everything depends of what you understand for a long time.
Interlocutor: Well, I think of one hour , half an hour.
Ruanel: No, they can be more time out of the water, maybe six, seven hours maybe more.
Interlocutor: Six hours or more! I consider it’s a long time, keeping in mind that fish outside of the water can die within few minutes. I try to imagine what these aquatic beings do in that aquatic habitat. Are they like fish in a fishbowl that swim around without doing anything? Do they build buildings, for example? Do they write something?
Ruanel: No, they don't build anything and they don’t write either.
Interlocutor: Do they vegetate?
Ruanel: No, they transmit to each other abstract thoughts by mean of gestures, in the same way that indegenous people badly called “Indians” in America they transmit legends from parents to children or through shamans.
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand. Let’s suppose that I submerge myself towards that place where these beings are, what will I see?
Ruanel: You would see ships.
Interlocutor: Space ships?
Ruanel: Correct. They have the necessary technology to build space ships and with them they have come here. What happens is that they are a few on Earth and they passed by, but they have being staying here.
Interlocutor: I don’t understanding the idea completely.
Ruanel: I will close the circle. Their original world is entirely aquatic. They are accustomed to a stronger gravity compared to terrestrial gravity. Around three hundred and four hundred meters depth, the gravity is much stronger than the terrestrial gravity, and when they come out to the surface it is, in proportion, as if you climbed a thousand meters.
At that altitude the pressure is small and then you breathe with a lot of difficulty. In the same way, they can breathe our air on the surface but with difficulty. They feel more comfortable breathing with their gills, in the same way that fish do with the oxygen of the water.
Interlocutor: I understand.
Ruanel: In their world which is at around a thousand light years, they have very little food because they devastated their environment unscrupulously.
Interlocutor: It seems that those things happen everywhere!
Ruanel: You have said it. Then they have built space ships and they have gone to several worlds to collect food and they have bred in their planet something similar to terrestrial krill which ia like a small sea lobster, and also fish eggs so that in one or two centuries an aquatic population grows again, otherwise they would starve to death.
Interlocutor: Did that depredation make that their food be exterminated?
Ruanel: Practically yes. And when they came to Earth they found the surprise of rich seas in fish to such a point that they can feed themelves during thousands of years. What they do is periodic trips taking to their planet in gigantic fishbowls several living beings from many worlds.
Interlocutor: Only aquatic beings?
Ruanel: Yes, only aquatic, because it is their natural food. Not only they take fish, but also amphibians, like frogs, etc.
Interlocutor: Are the space ships like immense fishbowls?
Ruanel: Something like that. They are even taking aquatic animals that don't exist in their planet and they are adapting them in their planet to have variety of food.
Interlocutor: When you speak that these beings come from a sea world, what do you mean? Is it a planet like ours that has land and water or only water?
Ruanel: They have little land. Their planet is mainly aquatic.
Interlocutor: What is the name of their planet?
Ruanel: The star is called Oman.
Interlocutor: And the planet?
Ruanel: Oman 3.
Interlocutor: To conclude for the time being with this so interesting topic, how many of these aquatic beings are there are among us in these moments?
Ruanel: If we add those that there are in the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the coasts of Oceania, in Australia, there are four thousand approximately.
Interlocutor: Have these beings had adventures out of the water? I ask this because there are many stories of terrestrial encounters with them.
Ruanel: Very rarely due to the habitat difference.
Interlocutor: But have they had encounters with terrestrials?
Ruanel: Yes, they have been sighted sometimes.
Interlocutor: I mean if they had some type of mating with humans.
Ruanel: No, not at all. They are beings of a totally different constitution.
Interlocutor: Well, I asked to be sure.
Ruanel: Besides, the penis of these beings hardly reach four centimeters erected and it is very thin, because it doesn't reach to one centimeter thick.
Interlocutor: I believe that such small penis should also be adapted to a very small vagina.
Ruanel: Correct. And the females don't have the vagina in the front, but in the back, and when they copulate, the male ejaculates in three or four spasmodic movements.
Interlocutor: Are they mammals?
Ruanel: No, they don’t breastfeed as the mammals do, but rather they are oviparous, that is to say, they lay eggs, but they also have sex.
Interlocutor: To the human sight, Would these beings be directly ugly?
Ruanel: They have a skin like the frogs have.
Interlocutor: And do you say that there are beings among them of the 4th and 5th planes?
Ruanel: It would be ego on your behalf to think that other races with other customs could not be in planes of Light. There are beings, in this city where you live Buenos Aires, who vegetate the whole day and they don't do another thing than watching TV or read the newspaper while they smoke their pipes. And many of them they don’t even read or write, and I’m not speaking of illiterates only.
Interlocutor: I understand the irony. It is obvious that in the habitat where these beings are, I mean to their aquatic environment they can’t do many things. Well, I believe that with all that you exposed it is already clear this topic or Mermen.
Now I’d like to move on to a specific case that has been called “The Fish Man of Lierganes”
The known story is this:En San Juan eve of 1673, Francisco De la Vega Cesar, neighbor of Lierganes (Santander), went to take a bath with other boys to the creek of Bilbao, a town in which he was learning an occupation. He was an excellent swimmer. However, he was in the water and he didn't appear anymore, his partners considered that he had drowned. In 1679 some Gaditan fishermen saw amid the sea a man swiming with great ability, when they rescued that man they found out that he was Francisco, who had returned to his land, he lived nine years in an extravagant way, without pronouncing a single word and then he disappeared without leaving any trace.
Ruanel: This person was captured twice by these aquatic beings, the first time when he was twelve years old and during two days they made a genetic experiment with him, in that opportunity they put DNA of them into him. The second time you mentioned, it lasted 64 months.
Interlocutor: Which was the reason of the experiment?
Ruanel: The experiment consisted of discovering, on one hand, if this boy could be adapted to the aquatic life and on the other hand, if one of these aquatic beings -who volunteered for the experiment- could be adapted to the life on the surface. They exchanged DNA, but not all of it, only a part.
Regrettably for these beings, the human DNA was too strong and the aquatic being disincarnated.
Interlocutor: How was performed the experiment?
Ruanel: They extracted a DNA sample from this boy by mean of a sample of his tissue, like a biopsy, and they implanted it to an aquatic being. And the same way, the boy was implanted with the DNA of this aquactic being.
Interlocutor: And what was the result?
Ruanel: The experiment affected his mental decoder and it even changed part of the skin, leaving in him something like fish scales.
Interlocutor: Why did they capture him for the second time and why did they keep him captive for so long?
Ruanel: Because they made new experiments with him.
Interlocutor: Were these new experiments those that left him like a zombie?
Ruanel: Correct. It was like if he had been lobotomized.
Interlocutor: The intriguing thing is that he disappeared again, and this time forever.
Ruanel: He was captured again for new experiments.
Interlocutor: Would it be possible that in some other session I could be contacted with a thetan of some of these aquatic beings to discover more things, and discover also what happened to this person in the end?
Ruanel: Of course, whenever you want to.

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