There are
dark forces that have been working to manipulate, to shape and distort the way In
which people think, these hidden powers have been infiltrating in a deceptive
way in our society in order to control public opinion. In many cases they
have used brainwashing techniques to literally erase true facts from history
Honest historians have been prosecuted,
threatened and in many ways silenced permanently when they
tried to expose the real events of an inconvenient truth. It
would be easy to reveal the names of the people, who control the
organizations behind the main stream media, however, it would be also
dangerous for the families of brave men and women, who have sought to change
the world for the better, because these dark and evil entities threaten to
harm their relatives and innocent children, which is a cowardly response that
ensures that truth cannot reach public opinion.
If history were true, nobody should be afraid
to explore new evidence that contradicts what oficial history have told us so
far, but it becomes very suspicious when we hear that particular people
and/or organizations grind or destroy books that reveal the true nature of
those who have Won the wars.
Many times it is hard to unveil the whole
truth because these thugs do not hesitate to discredit any information that does
not agree with their “oficial” version of history by using mass media, and so
they would call us racist, anti-semitic or even worse, they would end up
prosecuting us, jailing us and even the valuable spiritual messages published
in many years would be removed and destroyed.
Essentially we are moving towards a world in
which freedom of speech will no longer be protected, little by little we have
been dragged, as if we were sheeple to a world ruled by fascism and totalitarianism.
Even though the messages of Light speak about
Love, Service and tolerance towards our fellowmen, no matter who they are, these
dark forces managed to distort the world we live in, by means of subversion, disinformation,
blatant lies that most of the times replace the true events they want to conceal, they also hid
very important information that could potentially destroy their plans of
world domination or expose who they
really are.
There is still hope In this world for those
who seek the truth, Justice and freedom from this dark council that
plans to destroy our heritage on this
Fortunately there are honest and decent people who are awakening and they
are realizing now that wicked and greedy people have been manipulating the
public opinion in order to take control of nations. These people behind the
government have been rewriting history according to their own convenience (
History is written by the victors)
Ask yourself. Who are behind corporate media? What
do they tell you? How do they tell
you? Are they really unbiased? In many cases they censor the information or
they argue that there is nothing to talk about, they strongly oppose to
historical revisionism, but they are
also affraid of the truth movements that seek to expose the hidden side of history.
Do you see why?
Never believe what they tell you openly because they
have already published fake stories
and reported events that never happened.
As l said before, the truth shall come to the
Light, sooner or later, and we all shall be free, until then, it's important that you do your own research and inform yourself and others, look for those
people who seek to destroy or ban books so-called “forbidden”, those who threaten
publishers or sanction them with illegal terms, look for those authors who
have been suspiciously found "suicided". Investigate alternative media, try to question
certain "facts" they made us believe and don’t match with reality
or logic.
Finally, always look for the other version of history. One day you will realize,
very surprised, that we all have been lied to. Remember that truth does not
fear investigation and we deserve the whole truth, as painful as it can be.
All the
Love and Light to you all!!!
This entry was posted
at Friday, September 23, 2016
and is filed under
Who are they?
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