
"Monkey Trial" 1925 Scopes vs the State of Tennessee
The movie "Inherit the wind" 1960 an adaptation of
the "Scopes Trial" depicting the endless quarrel between
Science vs Religion, Creationism vs Evolution or Faith vs Reason
the "Scopes Trial" depicting the endless quarrel between
Science vs Religion, Creationism vs Evolution or Faith vs Reason
The problem with Religions is that they try to impose teachings, beliefs, dogmas and preconceptions based on fundamentalism and most of their members think that they have the absolute truth and the other is wrong even Scientology is in this trend, however, not even the Masters of Light are the owners of the truth, they have admitted it with humility, they are also learning in this Universe and only God is the owner of the truth.
Most religious people believe they are the elected people of God, but God does not have favorites, most of them are radical and they despise other religions with prejudice, they forget that each one of us is a free agent. They will never believe that Yahweh was only an Eloah who fell prey to Ego.(*)
God has given us Free Will, then, why they don’t respect the Free Will of the others? Many religious people are easily offended, they are somewhat touchy about their beliefs and that is a symptom of ego, something that only the spirits of error have.
On the other hand, the Path of Light does not impose anything, every teaching is proposed and each one of us is free to accept it or dismiss it. We believe that each man is free to choose according to his Free Will as long as his Free will does not invade the Free will of his fellow men.
Something that Religions don’t understand is that God does not punish the wicked or reward the righteous. God has given us his Love and the precious gift of Free Will, and if we commit hostile acts against our Fellowmen, there is no punishment, but a karmatic consequence, a spirit in the plane of error will learn his lesson in the long run.
It’s important to repeat that the Path of Light doesn’t have anything to do with religions. Therefore, only Spirits of Light act with a lovely Freedom, enjoying helping those spirits who need illumination respecting the Free Will of that spirit, suffering willingly so that another Spirit reaches the planes of Light. Spirits of Light lack of ego and they live serving others. There is a lot of work to do only 1% of the human population reached the planes of Light 4 and 5.
According to the teachings of the Masters of Light
Medium : Jorge Raul Olguin.
Entity that came to dialogue: Tar from Orion (Rigel 4)
Interlocutor: Is here present some entity that will initiate the session?
Tar: My name is Tar, and I am joyful of being able to communicate with you, since the messages that I am going to transmit can be useful for future life.Throughout different eons I have seen bloom different civilizations, not only in this world, but in other worlds of this vast universe. Also I have been present at the fall of many empires, learning that the earth power is ephemeral. Only the Light of the Cosmic Essence is eternal. I know that many are eager to know what is going to happen in your planet. No spirit has the gift of divination and we can only predict a certain event, using common sense. In this world great changes, not as much geologic, but changes of consciousness are approaching. practically know the beginning of this planet, when everything was a single continent.
Interlocutor: Where is your origin?
Tar: I come from Orion. My spirit was created thousands of million years ago. I was witness of the end of many planetary systems and also of the creation of others more recent. I was in the formation of the Solar System, also in the formation of the Pleiades. These stars are of third generation, whereas your sun is a star of second generation. [1] Your planet had in its beginnings a lethal atmosphere for present life. There were great changes. At the end life was developed, although they only were unicellular animals. As time went by, life began to be more complex. After the extinction of the dinosaurs, there was a humanoid race that inhabited this world. They were gigantic beings that came from another stellar system. There was much erroneous information on that matter. Even in your Bible those beings are mentioned and also in other old writings. It was thought that those gigantic beings were children of spiritual and terrestrial entities, which is not correct. The truth is that immense interstellar cruises came and were visiting the Earth. Since it was
a very hostile climate, the expeditionary could not be used as habitat. However, one of the ships remained, creating an artificial climate in a region, where those beings could stay. But they did not survive the volcanic eruptions and the earthquakes, which were many more than at present time. Later discoveries of bony rest revealed that there were beings which measured approximately between 3 and
Interlocutor: Perhaps, you are talking about the time of Lemuria (the lost continent)?
Tar: Much more back in time… Soon new forms of life were developed, until a new race was formed, but directly terrestrial. They were very basic beings, with primary instincts.
Interlocutor: Are we speaking about the two first human races?
Tar: Long before the first one known and after those giants. They had lived 500,000 years ago. The air was still not breathable for your present physiology.It was a 98% of carbon dioxide. Oxygen almost did not exist. The average temperature was in the 40º Celsius (104º F), according to present measurements. Soon that Era started changing. The species were perfected. It has been verified that other ships came in other times to experiment.
Interlocutor: Did those races have a reactive mind? [2]
Tar: The reactive mind has been since the beginning of the spiritual evolution.
Interlocutor: I didn’t have that data.
Tar: Spirits were created with a reactive mind, channeler of ego, because we only evolve from the imperfection.
Interlocutor: I know that many spirits have managed to overcome their ego and already are in the planes of Light.
Tar: That’s right, although spirits who are dominated by ego are much more numerous that those which surpassed their ego. There are 4 spiritual planes or levels, from 2 to 5, plus level 1, the physical plane. They are 5 planes altogether, with different vibratory levels. The most known are those that they communicate periodically with the incarnated beings of the physical plane. These are the spirits of Error, who dwell in planes 2 and 3.The fourth and fifth planes are levels of Mastery. The beings that inhabit those planes are very much evolved into the Path of Light.
Interlocutor: In an occasion, we communicated with Master Jesus. In what vibratory level is he?
Tar: Master Jesus is in the 5th plane.
Interlocutor: I have understood that he only projects a particle of his being. Does he?
Tar: Nearly less than a particle. There are very few earthly entities that can communicate with a master of Solar Hierarchy. I say of Solar Hierarchy and non Planetary because Master Jesus has ascended in the last two thousand years.As well as Jesus ascended from Planetary hierarchy to Solar hierarchy, the previous Solar Logo, the Christ, ascended to Dimensional Logo category. At this moment the Christ is in the maximum spiritual hierarchy. But he is not the only one. There are other Divine Energies that act, as the Buddha, who is the present Galactic Logo.
Interlocutor: Could we know which your function is?
Tar: My function is being a messenger throughout time. Speaking in human terms, it would be what you call a mail… I was incarnated centuries back in your world to bring wisdom. I lived millenniums ago in the Egyptian civilization under the name of Thot. Previously, I was in which you call the Age of Stone, coexisting with beings in wild state, similar to your primates.Many civilizations have disappeared in this planet.
Interlocutor: You said before that beings from other planetary systems have also come to Earth to experiment. Is that so?
Tar: Correct. This planet was used as a test field.
Interlocutor: For example?
Tar: For example, your contemporary Charles Darwin spoke about the evolution of the species; it was undergone five thousand years back by extraterrestrial beings. Many of these foreign races have left different developing species in dangerous places of your world, and returned to look for them after one thousand years of your calendar. Those entities had mutated, they had experienced biological changes for the better, to protect themselves from the climate or the aggressions of other natural species of the planet. These entities had got in one terrestrial millennium what in a normal passage it would take ten or twenty thousand years. Those expeditionaries proved that the process could be accelerated demonstrating then that this is possible.
Interlocutor: How has the Homo sapiens evolved?
Tar: The Homo sapiens has evolved too slow, but by his own engrams. [3] There is a planetary engram that at this moment is delaying it. The human being tends to lose his teeth and to enlarge his skull and encephalic mass. If this race is not extinguished, the day will come when he is not going to need to feed, since he is going to nourish from his star, the Sun. He is practically going to get energy through the dermis, by the epidermis.
Interlocutor: Something like photosynthesis?
Tar: Not like photosynthesis. He is going to feed himself from the energy of his central star, also from etheric vibration. The human being will be so evolved in the future that he’s practically going to be free of diseases, it happens in some advanced planetary systems. That is if before he does not destroy his habitat. Scientific advance is so large with global cooperation, that is so sad to see how in the planet Earth too many discoveries are delayed or others are not getting known by stingy economic interests. There are some travelers of galactic cruises that directly manage to mute their physical vibration to change it when they have a health problem. As far as their technology, they have advanced so much that they put on their ships a power field that makes them invisible to any detector. Other travelers use “wormholes”, that are like tunnels in the emptiness, which they connect thousands of light years of distance. For that reason they can cross great distances in seconds, leaving the physical universe from one sector of the galaxy and entering another in a short time. They have 7 civilizations in your planetary system. There is a civilization that arrived from a distant star and it was based in Ganymede (the largest moon of Jupiter). They are very advanced beings, but before they were not.
Interlocutor: They live inside Ganymede?
Tar: Yes, inside the satellite. Their technology allowed them to get a habitat where they can isolate themselves from the atmospheric frosts conditions of the surface. At the present time, they have directly taken to Ganymede inhabitants of your planet to approach them into the spiritual pathway. Their philosophy is based on material detachment, but it was not always so. In passed times, they had great fights. They had a great technology but they lacked of love consciousness. Their spiritual advance was done in these two last centuries. In previous centuries the beings from Ganymede were devoid of an altruistic vocation.
Interlocutor: Were their fights only internal?
Tar: There were great fights with inhabitants from a planet of the Syrian Galaxy. This one was a community of entities that lived exclusively for Service and towards the pathway of Light. These beings wanted to convince the inhabitants of Ganymede to demote their militant attitude, but they full of pride did not accept it. On the contrary, they watched at neighboring worlds with greed. The only way those beings from Syrian had to restrain that situation was to impose a change in attitude of the others. In fact, a superior being cannot overrun by force another one because good sets out. But, really, one is always avoiding a greater evil.
Since Ganymede was about to put under the planetary system of Syrian, which was not so advanced technologically, as they believed, they had to be overrun by force. Those evolved beings from Syrian got with different apparatuses to change the mind of the inhabitants of Ganymede. They had to do it, because they did not have another alternative.
Interlocutor: For doing that… Do they need some special permission?
Tar: Yes, they had to request permission from the Planetary Logo and the Solar Logo. They communicated in telepathic form. Once permission was granted, just then, they acted and directly changed the metamorphosis of those beings. It’s not that they wiped out their mind, but they changed their militant part. With time, descendants of that militant race from Ganymede evolved in knowledge, philosophy and Love, using scientific knowledge for the good. Aeons back there were also Mars beings and at that time they were not prepared either for a warlike fight. The Mars beings had dedicated to agriculture. They were pacific beings and they lived in harmony altogether. But they had a tremendous epidemic. There was one plague, very great, it was a disease like in Earth you call chicken pox that has decimated people by thousands. They were forced to take refuge inside the planet. In Venus something similar happened. Many millennia back there had been a flourishing life in that planet. The atmospheric climate was very different, as much in pressure as in temperature. There was no comparison with this present time, where temperature and atmospheric pressure are so elevated making life impossible. Like the stellar travelers who were based in Ganymede, the inhabitants of Venus were also very arrogant; they thought that could dominate the entire solar system. They have also been decimated. Venus has changed much since then. There were great wars, great later cataclysms that have changed their atmosphere.
Interlocutor: Could you confirm that at this time Venus atmosphere for the terrestrial man is not accessible?
Tar: No, it’s not accessible for you. You could not support its atmospheric pressure, 90 times the one of your world, neither its temperature.
Interlocutor: In this planet (Earth), are we going to continue advancing spiritually or it’s going to back down?
Tar: These advances are going to follow, but this planetary engram, reinforced by engrams of countries, relatives and individual, had caused that it is very difficult to overcome it at this time. Consequently, this race is approximately five thousand years back in their spiritual pathway. There had been very few changes, with the exception of some people who have become aware of how their world is being deteriorated and try to change the way of thinking of others.
Interlocutor: Here changes are taking place thanks to Dianetics and Scientology, sciences whose founder was Ronald Hubbard. At least, Scientologists are releasing engrams, and that is important.
Tar: Yes, but in a very slow proportion. Often we have communicated with different entities that use Dianetics and they are powerless, because for each one that they can take to the Light, there are ten which directly enter the shade cone, folded by their emotional field. Many people harm, many people hurt, many people implant engrams to other people by the singleact to put under. This civilization is so much behind spiritually that they think if put people under, they can rise more fluidly. Therefore, doing engrams to close ones, putting them under to rise, without realizing that they are not progressing, but backing down also they make back down all their family, all their work surroundings and their friendships surrounding. So, they start falling one after another like pieces of a terrestrial didactic game. It is very difficult to reach the pathway we expected. But anyway, it must be acknowledged that Dianetics is one of the valid ways to release engrams from this planet.
Interlocutor: There is also another therapy called Psycho-integration, created by Professor Jorge Olguin, which helps to overcome the ego.
Tar: Soon there will be contacts with assistant beings. There will be entities that will approach every human being and they are going to subconsciously dictate how to overcome certain engrams, but because time is closer, we already need to begin raising this race.
Interlocutor: How do you see the mission of our spiritual group? How can we be helpful?
Tar: There are many beings from the shadows that have been hampering the mission and they will continue. But your mission is to disseminate messages of Light and must continue. As you say in your world, without lowering your arms.However, there is a way where you cannot fall and cannot be attacked by anybody: - Silence. Silence is the tool best suited not to offend anyone with offensive words and thus avoid hurting anyone with grievances. Silence does not offend so nobody will offend you. Silence does not disturb, and thus no one will disturb you. [4]
- Keep your mind elevated. This is even more important because in keeping your mind elevated, any negative vibrations will not hurt you. On the contrary, you will be more willing to help others who might need it.
- Do not attack the surroundings. It is important to be always calm, because when we lose control, we can reflect in the other that loss of control. Bear in mind that at any level, from the material plane to the spiritual one, both are a mirror. If a spirit loses control, the other spirit reflects like a mirror that lack of control and between the two there will be a power struggle. Aggression brings more aggression. It is wrong to think, in human terms, that all spiritual beings are Masters. There is a lot of misunderstanding on this. There are religious centers on the planet Earth that constantly communicate with spiritual beings, as some schools, as some yoga meditation centers, or directly spiritualist centers. But they only communicate with the second level. They don’t communicate with the highest levels, except when some great Master or a great Guide comes.
Interlocutor: Now, I would like to ask you if this vessel, which you are using at this moment, is transmitting your thoughts well. I ask you because this is the first session that we are going to record.
Tar: This vessel gets me without any interference. As time goes by, with practice, he will channel more. With regard to the validity of my messages, all that I bring are messages of guidance, information and service.
Interlocutor: Is it our job to disseminate these messages?
Tar: The mission of any spiritual group is to spread words of Light for the benefit of their fellow human beings. That is not an imposed task, but a task that is performed with joy. In the same way, you should not impose any idea, but transferring knowledge to those who require it. At this time, I have at my side another entity, from another system that wants to communicate with you.
Interlocutor: Thank you Tar for your presence here and your messages.
Tar: There is still much you should know, especially about how the Earth was unfolding. I humbly tell you that I am who has more knowledge of the subject, not only for having studied your habits, but for having embodied twice on this soil.
Interlocutor: Some of what you are conveying is in The Secret Doctrine, Madame Blavatsky...
Tar: Yes, I understand that all the spiritual words point to the Light. But also, in my case, I seek to convey new revelations that clear many mysteries of your past. I leave you with another brother of Light.
Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.
Entity that came to talk: Rammadel, Ricardo’s Thetan.
Rammadel: I am here with you, my name is Rammadel, I am in the plane 4.4, which is a Mastery plane and my idea is to talk about few topics that may be interesting for you, a few topics that can be debated later on by other spiritual entities or by all of you in the physical plane as well.
We are going to speak about knowledge, Many times it has been said that on the planet that we call Sun 3 being the third planet of this system, it has advanced very much in knowledge, but it has advanced very little in what you would call morality. Do not be on the defensive! a Spirit does not judge, it doesn’t prejudge either.
I understand that each one with his conduct creates certain karma, Spiritual Entities do not accuse like figuratively many of you do, we simply try to guide, to intercede in your bodies of ideas or causal bodies to give you orientation or at times conciliatory desires, conciliatory for you yourselves.
Sometimes, and this is very important, different beliefs put back your spiritual growth, it means that the same avidity to believe makes you step back in your internal growth, but: Why does this happen? Because most of you incarnated beings guide yourselves by preconceptions, many of you have close minds and a narrow criterion, you do not pay attention to other words, to other knowledge. Sometimes, you take for granted things that are very difficult to believe and other times you reject ideas that are very possible. You are contradictory!
More than two thousand years ago, in an Eastern country someone who had a lot of knowledge reached to have his idea that he was standingon an almost spherical planet and he was calculating that it had
It happened that the dark ages came, the age of persecutions, where the knowledge was frowned upon, where knowledge was witchcraft, there were pursuits of great men of history like Galileo himself: How many have had to retract their earlier statements about religion! And: How many have not retracted and they have been burned!
The most common example is Giordano Bruno who had knowledge about the plurality of inhabited worlds, something very advanced for that time and there were many others who ended without guts or glory, and I copy a phrase of yours again.
They could understand, they grasped that every little light in the night sky could be the most distant sun surrounded with worlds like the Earth, but they themselves had this comprehension in a very poor way and the several religions have conspired so that this knowledge was buried, it was buried and for centuries and centuries there was a big delay: a tremendous backwardness!
Up to this day, many scientists mention that the life in Sun 3 is a miracle, because when the raw material was formed for life, the first form of life, suddenly something inside this little chain of aminoacids made a "click" and it allowed duplication: There the life began! because the only way to know that there is physical life is when something is duplicated, it is quadrupled then in
Scientists, Do you have any idea how many rocky planets are there only in this galaxy that could shelter life? No, you have no idea, you don’t have the slightest idea that in other worlds this “click” could have also happen in this chain of aminoacids and not all life has necessarily to be equal, not necessary all life has to be based on Carbon.
The possibilities are almost infinite, but to think, like many people think that in a universe infested with worlds, only Sun 3 lodges life, it would be even stupid. If allegedly they believe in a creator, because I am speaking from your point of view, not from mine.
Then, I try to see from your vision from how you perceive things. If there was a small plane in scale, where Sun 3, which is at 150.000.000. Kilometers from its star and this scale could be reduced up to
Today, with the current technology your automatic ships that travel to other planets reach 40.000 km/hr. According to your measurement, you would take thousands and thousands and thousands of years to arrive to Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star from the Sun.
What you don’t know, is that the universe has like small creases that can be captured by a device that I couldn’t explain to this vessel, because he would have to have the knowledge to be able to transmit it to you, in the same way that if I had the knowledge of how an antigravitational engine works, I could not transmit it to this vessel either, because the vessel in order to decode my concept, he needs to know what it is all about. It is that simple. Then there are devices, so that you understand me, similar to your radars (it is only for you to understand) that can detect these creases so that the ship enters in these creases and this ship is able to go at many light years of distance in moments, by means of these creases; I call them creases, not cracks, because it does not stop being a gap.
There are so advanced civilizations that have created energy fields so condensed that not even a nuclear missile might be able to get through these energy fields, and even for those who are skeptical and don’t believe in these concepts, which were already transmitted by other brothers of Light like the sublime Johnakan and Morganel.
Explain to me, how a light formed by photons that they can behave like waves or particles you can condense them in such way that a beam could open a crack in the steel. When you can explain it to me, you will be able to understand that with a similar technique, it is possible to create a quantum energy field that can be "impenetrable" I say impenetrable betweeen quotation marks for what your current technology is.
There were few technicians, and this happened in the 60s of the XXth century and this has been distorted so much that even books have been written like novels so that they are unbelievable, because one of the tools that those who have to conceal information is to do of history a novel: it is the best tool to conceal the truth!
They have found in an area of Russia, a space ship that apparently had an accident and it was coming from another world and in the rush or something like that, they have left apparently useless devices. There was a Russian scientist who took a device, he pushed a button of this device and his hand and forearm disappeared, he had lost his arm and only the stump of his elbow was visible, fortunately sterilized. It’s like he didn’t know what this device was and it disintegrated his arm.
Essentially, it is as though a human being would give a grenade to a monkey and the monkey, which does not know what it is, pulls the trigger and it keeps looking at the grenade. Obviously, in less than 10 seconds there is no more monkey, the grenade blew its head up and parts of its body. To what point the human being is ignorant with this kind of extraterrestrial remains!
Many governments keep secrets and many of those who want to investigate like my 10% incarnated as Ricardo wants to investigate... and sometimes it is like that dose of patience that we have reaches a moment almost in the limit because you wonder: What do you lose announcing officially the Extraterrestrial contact? We are already advanced as civilization, we are not going to flee terrified.
Today we have the Internet and sometimes the rumors are so smiling that we, the Masters of Light, have to go out to deny everything. I remember cheerfully, but with respect, a kind of conceptual but respectful laugh, not a mocking laugh because a university student cannot make fun of a child of the first grade who is learning to write, because he is in his stage. This child of first grade can surpass later on university student.
Then it is not a matter of a mocking laugh, but a laugh like saying: “I understand.” But there was a rumor that at the end of your last year, one of the most important presidents in one of the countries of the north was going to announce that he had had contact with aliens and through the Internet this rumor was spread. Through this vessel, other Masters of Light came to deny that.
These rumors have the purpose to confuse and the medium doesn’t have the fault because the majority spread through channelings, the medium is not guilty. Simply the medium does not discriminate or he cannot be protected by this Golden Christic Energy or he cannot intention a Master of Light and there he falls prey of spirits of error who dictate him nonsense.
Many times, people have asked to this vessel, who allows me to read his concept: How to channel certain Entity? How does this vessel know that he had to channel me, the thetan of Ricardo, and not to another entity of error or perhaps another Master of Light? Because every spirit or thetan vibrates in a certain tonality. Even the twin souls that vibrate in the same tonality, have different pitch. For he who knows about music, there can be two singers, who sing a duo in the same octave and nevertheless, one with his ear, one who has musical knowledge is going to differenciate: Oh! This is the Italian soprano and this one is the Spanish soprano, listen to her pitch, or this is the French soprano listen to her pitch!
There was a great French singer who had a pitch so peculiar that was almost and we cannot say impossible, almost impossible to imitate, a pitch almost unique.
Very well, not only the spiritual entities do not have a pitch almost unique: We have a unique pitch! Each one of the thousands and thousands, of the millions and million of spiritual beings was created with a unique pitch, then, a medium who is truly qualified to channel certain entity is going to channel it for its pitch, if the expression is understood.
Obviously, first he is going to intention mentally to this Entity like this vessel intentioned me.
There can be other entities in the way who want to infiltrate, who want to bother, but not only does this vessel create a Golden Christic Dome to push back those visitors who want to bother, but he forms like a kind of connection, a bond and when I say bond, do not take it literally, like many of you who took literally that famous “Silver cord” A silver cord that does not exist! IT DOESN’T EXIST! This famous Silver cord was only a fraud. If we take it as a decorative figure “the silver cord” it is fine, but take it in this way, not like something real.
Well when I express that between the medium and the channeled entity there is a kind of bond, it is figuratively, there is no bond! Simply so that you understand.
Then, there is no way that this medium, or any medium who value himself as a medium gets a wrong entity because let’s suppose that in another part of the planet there is another masculine being whose name is exactly the same as my 10% incarnated, the medium goes beyond the name, even without meeting personally the 10% incarnated, because sometimes the channelings are ordered at distance.
There is a spiritual contact with that 10% that helps as an “intermediary” in quotation marks to channel the thetan, there is zero margin of error of intentioning another entity different from this thetan: Zero margin of error! I wanted to express that. I apologize to this vessel if with this tremendous concept I have exhausted him a little, but I wanted to express my humble opinion. Thank you very much.
(*) Read : Session Yahweh and Elohim Conspiracy
[1] The present universe was created about 14 billion years ago and our sun has “only” 5 billion years. It was formed with the gaseous rest of stars of first generation, already extinguished.
[2] Reactive mind is that function of the mind that keeps and retains physical pain and painful emotion and looks for to direct under the stimulus-answer principle. It thinks only about identities. Analytical mind, however, is the function of the mind that it perceives and retains information to raise and to solve problems. It thinks about differences and similarities. Reactive mind is a survival mechanism that enters to work when the analytical mind becomes disconnected. It’s the one that handles impulses. Finally, as reactive mind is instinctive tries “to prevent that a person gets in danger”.
[3] Engram can be defined as a mental image of a past experience that contains pain which is a real or imaginary threat against survival. Engram is an unconscious registry of the reactive mind.
[4] A Light being, named Juan Damasceno said, "Silence is the appropriate expression of man's relationship with God, because of the Divine significance. Silence, therefore, should not be an excuse for failing to do theology, but rather a path to bring us close to knowledge.
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