EON 13/MAY/04
SESSION - 13/May/2004
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin
Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute)
Interlocutor: Who is this?
Eon: I'm EON… I am here…
The curiosity state of terrestrial human beings is innate. The problem is that 99% of that curiosity is ego, to satisfy their own necessities. It’s not an altruistic curiosity.
It’s very difficult, without cutting that free will that has been given, to be able to teach humanity… Any curiosity is useful for evolution, because as human beings are learning – doing it – they can evolve. But you are still so childish, as a race, withdrawing into yourselves and not trying to grow…
Interlocutor: I recognize that I have a tremendous curiosity and when I have a mystery in front of me, I don’t stop until I solve it. But what happens is that once that curiosity is satisfied there is a need to discover another mystery… It becomes something insatiable…
Eon: Most incarnated beings, at least on this planet (Earth), call mystery anything that vibrates beyond your perceptions, such as the spiritual planes. But you must bear in mind that mystery is also what I have given to you and that is life itself. When I speak of "life" I am referring to the life of the physical plane. Anyone who had a real concept of what is the “animus”, would not doubt to marvel throughout his earthly existence, because although it’s true that what’s really important is the spiritual life, which is more than millenarian, the terrestrial life, within its short time for your concept, is extremely magical…
It's something akin to a child entering into a toy store and making the toys alive when touching them with what you call "magic wand". Very little importance is given to real life. It’s taken for granted. I give you a very basic example, when you were little you didn’t have on this planet what you call TV…
Interlocutor: There was only radio…
Eon: Exactly, but a century ago there was not even radio, and people were raised using the light of a candle, and it was fine. Then they grew up with the radio and it was also fine. And today a child grows with a color TV and is fine, because they learned to accept the wonderful things; they take it as something natural.
If you had said to a person from three centuries ago that ships could travel to the moon, he would have been amazed, but not today… So, what I said is that you must never lose the gift of marvel, never…
You will ask me, because I can read your unconscious thought: and you, who know everything, are telling me that?
If you had even the slightest idea of the millions and millions of worlds to the nth power – if you know something about math you would understand – that exists in the universe with different ramifications of life and concepts, you could not marvel because you could not assume or digest it… the differences of lives and concepts are so many!
It would be very difficult at this time for the decoder of this vessel to translate… but I'll try… I'm going to try it “in full”, as you say… I am sending him concepts so high that only beings from the centre of the Galaxy may channel, but never before a terrestrial… (a long pause).
There is life in other worlds where beings do not communicate with a language but with the color of the skin, so the color of the skin represents a state of mind, it represents an approach to sexual mating, it represents sadness…
When exuding certain smells, they can move away a person who they don’t want or bring a person who they want. Even the color of the skin personifies the social stratum of each of the inhabitants.
Interlocutor: That's really incredible…
Eon: I'm talking about things that here on the Earth, nobody could even imagine…
Interlocutor: Could our spirits incarnate in such organisms if we wanted?
Eon: Perfectly… The spirits adapt to any type of organisms while the decoder is ready to receive the spiritual concepts. It just happens that those decoders are broader than the terrestrial and so they capture the concepts differently…
Interlocutor: In those worlds where the states of mind are communicated, etc., through the shades of the skin, will they also use the speech or telepathy?
Eon: No, they communicate through gestures, through colors…
Interlocutor: Could it be said that they are mute with respect to words?
Eon: They don’t know the concept of sound and they are not interested on that either.
Interlocutor: It’s really curious… There is a question that many people ask me and I’ll do a comparison to explain myself… I compare the Absolute with a circumference formed by infinite points that it has always been. Is that comparison valid?
Eon: Yes, if you can better understand it, the comparison is valid.
Interlocutor: Ok… in those infinite points is the crucifixion of Jesus, the burning of Rome by Nero, the assassination of John F. Kennedy… Is this correct? I mean that there has never been a moment, from the standpoint of the Absolute that these facts did not exist, that is, they always existed…
Eon: So far everything is correct…
Interlocutor: Then, how does free will connect to all this? I meant… on one hand I am free to decide, but on the other, everything is already predestined…
Eon: There is a phrase that Einstein said when he was incarnated: "Everything is relative"… An ant is a giant for a microbe, but it is a small being for an elephant.
Interlocutor: Clearly.
Eon: Time is relative, free will is relative – this was already spoken in many sessions with other children of Light – and what for me is an eternal present for you it’s not. And what for me is a free will, for you it’s a destiny that has already been planned…
Interlocutor: Could I say that from the moment I don’t know the future I’m creating it, and so that’s my Free Will. I mean I have to separate, on one hand, the fact that everything is predestined, and on the other, I'm creating the future with my own free will…
Eon: That’s precisely the free will… I know what you will do in the future, as much as now. No matter what I know, just forget about it, so as not to get into confusion, the important thing is that you don’t know it... Is it understood?
Interlocutor: Perfectly… Well, I close the subject… There is another issue that I don’t fully understand and it’s about alternate universes, it was said that they last a bit… But don’t they last until the Big Crunch?
Eon: Not necessarily… you suddenly take a different decision from that you could have taken it and then you create an alternate universe. This alternate universe is going to be your new universe – that's going to be the original one – and the previous one is going to last minutes and then it disappears, because you have made a decision. That is, if you make a decision, the alternate universes, of decisions not taken, last only moments. Do you understand?
Interlocutor: Yes, it’s clear…
Eon: Well, if you travel to the past and suddenly in the past you kill your biological grandfather, automatically, your father would not be born and neither would you… Then, you have created an alternate universe…
Interlocutor: On where I was not born…
Eon: Exactly, on where you were not born, but on this one you continue being…
Interlocutor: And that universe where I was born, can it last until the Big Crunch?
Eon: That's right; it can last up to the Big Crunch, but is not a universe of decisions but a universe of temporary travels, which is called "paradoxical universe"…
Then, there are two types of alternate universes, decisional alternate universes and paradoxical alternate universes. Let me make a digression… At this moment this vessel is capturing a limitation of mine and is transmitting it to me…
This is one of the few times that a living being created by me transmits things in which I had not noted…
Interlocutor: And, can I put it in writing?
Eon: Yes, you can, and it’s a paradox… This vessel is transmitting a limitation of mine, that I cannot create another Absolute.
Interlocutor: …and neither to destroy yourself.
Eon: We already spoke about that, because I cannot stop from being: directly… I am.
Interlocutor: It’s clear…
Eon: But even though I have the gift to create everything in my power, to create tetra-dimensional universes, which might be unstable but I can create them, nevertheless I cannot create another Absolute.
Interlocutor: I understand that when you say that you had not noted such a limitation, it’s just a way of saying… Is that correct?
Eon: Yes, it's a way of saying and meaning that I had not given importance to that impossibility…
and the fact that it has been noted by a created being is indeed a great pleasure, a great pleasure…
I am saying it in human terms, of course, to be understood…
Interlocutor: Continuing with the alternate universes…
Eon: There are alternate universes that are formed by the decisions of each individual… Only on this planet there are nearly 8 billion incarnated spirits, and each one, day after day, make a decision, there would be 8 billion alternate universes in each planet per day…
It is not that this escape from my control, because I can control all alternate universes being formed, but it makes no sense to have so many. Therefore, alternate universes that cease to be of importance automatically disappear, because their flames go off…
Interlocutor: When I disincarnate from an alternate universe, am I going to a spiritual alternate universe?
Eon: No, not at all… When an alternate physical universe is created, it’s always the same spirit which will act. This means that your Thetan is incarnated in you in a 10% and in the alternate universe it is incarnated in another 10%...
Interlocutor: Now I understood, my Thetan no longer is 90% spirit, but is 80% ... Is that correct?
Eon: Correct, you have gotten the idea perfectly.
Interlocutor: It’s very clear… Is my Thetan aware of what the other 10% is doing?
Eon: Of course. To make it clear, your Thetan has absolute knowledge of what H 1 and also H 2 are doing.
Interlocutor: Is there a H 3?
Eon: No, there are only two H, but it can be up to three decisions, because otherwise the spirit would be weakened.
Interlocutor: Well, that was very interesting… Another question, we know that there are 22 parallel universes, but is it because, as you said, for a matter of balance of the Creation?
Eon: I confirm to you that it is for a question of balance, as well as the eleven dimensions.
Interlocutor: If there were 23 parallel worlds and 12 dimensions in the creation, would it collapse?
Eon: That's right, because there is an order involved… another universe could be created with other form of lives and other parameters, but not this one.
Interlocutor: In all the worlds created, even in the 22 parallel universes, are two beings needed to engender a child? I wonder if in any world, for example, three people are needed to procreate.
Eon: They are always two, never three, and also only one can procreate.
Interlocutor: I understand… What about polygamy and monogamy, how is in other universes created? Here, for example, we have both ways.
Eon: There are infinite variations where there is polygamy; sex is considered an entertainment such as the movies for you… There are even parts of the universe, in the same way that many terrestrial insects, where the female eats the male…
Interlocutor: I suppose you are referring to animals or beings with a primitive decoder…
Eon: No, I'm talking about beings with an intelligent decoder.
Interlocutor: I can’t believe it… Well, this is clarified… now I want to talk about homosexuality from the standpoint of the Absolute…
Eon: Homosexuality has nothing to do with spirituality. Note that in the spiritual plane homosexuality does not exist because there is no gender, but only the spirit. The gender exists only on the physical plane. Homosexuality could be engramic or a matter of choice.
Interlocutor: Yes, it’s clear.
Eon: There are people who have no engramic problems, they simply had small shocks when young and they have chosen. Their homosexuality is a choice. Even if the disorder, to some extent, is engramic, it could be reverted, but they have chosen homosexuality.
Interlocutor: I have on the web something about homosexuality in which I catalogue it as a sickness, on the grounds that anal intercourse in itself is not normal, since the anus has been
designed as an orifice of exit rather than of entrance.
Eon: Women have anal sex with his male partner in a much higher percentage of what you think.
Interlocutor: Well, but in man-woman couples anal intercourse practice is as an alternative, to the vaginal way.
Eon: But if you catalogue the homosexuality as engramic, then 95% of the human males have engrams, because 95% - and look at the figure I give you – of human males, their fantasy is anal intercourse.
And some human males, when they cannot satisfy their fantasy with her woman partner, they look for men couples to satisfy it. And they are not engrams, I clarify. They are options and I suggest you that you not call it sickness but rather "choices" or "psychological choices." Sickness has symptoms, and homosexuality is a disease when is engramic, not when it’s a choice.
Interlocutor: The point that I want to mention is that homosexuals want to make heterosexuals believe that homosexuality is something normal.
Eon: No, it’s not normal, for the simple reason that a heterosexual couple forms a family to have physical descendants, since it is the only way that the spirit incarnates to evolve. Homosexuals, unless they adopt, cannot create a family. In addition, homosexuals are emotionally very unstable, making them more unfaithful.
Interlocutor: Is homosexuality a sickness? I refer only to whether homosexuality carries, somehow, physical illness… Specifically, are there homosexuals completely physically healthy?
Eon: Yes, when homosexuality is a choice, there are homosexuals completely healthy.
Interlocutor: Should I have to correct what I have written about homosexuality?
Eon: You have free will to do so, but my suggestion is that you do not call it sickness but "choice" as the cross-dressing.
Interlocutor: You are talking about not calling homosexuality a sickness when it’s a choice, but only when it’s engramic… Is that correct?
Eon: Yes, of course, when homosexuality is engramic there is no doubt that this is an illness.
Interlocutor: Specifically, then, what I wrote is Ok…
Eon: I reiterate that it's okay, but you have to clarify, so that there is no doubt, that homosexuality can have two origins: First, it’s caused by engrams, in which case is an illness, and second, it’s the result of a free choice, in which case is only a " psychological deviation" or "psychological choice."
Interlocutor: Could a person without engrams be homosexual?
Eon: Yes, perfectly.
Interlocutor: Well, I think this issue was clarified…
Eon: The vessel is very tired… Make one or two more questions…
Interlocutor: I am going to make a more general question… from all the data we put into the web, is there some top official who has been interested? So far the emails we receive are from ordinary people like us, and not from any public official with power to change things…
Eon: Do you know why those people have not seen it? Because most of them are so pedantic that they don’t want to be either corrected or share their views, they are locked in their shells and they stay completely disinterested.
Interlocutor: Are time travels possible because everything is a continuous present?
Eon: Yes, time is another dimension. If time were not an eternal present, the journey through time could not exist and there would be no way to cross it. If quantum physicists could understand that, there would be mathematical formulas to make simpler machines to travel in time…
Interlocutor: But in the future we will get it…
Eon: Of course, but I mean you could get it now… In other worlds, there are even much more sophisticated machines than those you will construct in the future here on Earth.
Let me give an example and I conclude with this: just as you have a wrist watch, in other worlds, there are time travelers who directly put an apparatus on the wrist, press a button, they get surrounded by a power field and they travel to the past or the future…
In the future, some techniques will be so surprising, that today, it’s almost unthinkable for you. I hope you, who are on the path of the Light, never lose the ability to be astonished.
Interlocutor: To conclude and taking into account the 22 parallel universes, what would be the most advanced technological invention in this Big Bang – Big Crunch?
Eon: Going to parallel worlds… my bright light of Love for everyone.
Interlocutor: Thank you and until the next time.
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at Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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Dialogues with EON
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