
MIA ANEL 30/JUN/97  

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SESSION - 30/Jun/1997
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin

Entity that came to talk: Mia Anel
Interlocutor: Thank you for your message, Kumi An. Who is going to communicate now?
Mia Anel: I am Mia Anel, thetan of N. A. Let me talk to my physical part, which is present at this meeting, and explain that she is on the right track, although it is difficult to achieve much of the advances that she yearns for. I know that sometimes she despairs because has economic ups and downs and wonders: "How can I take care of my spiritual growth if I cannot pay my basic material needs?" As my brother spirit Kumi Ann said: "If a person communicates with his Higher Self, could have a better orientation to solve his problems." Nobody said that the spiritual path is easy to journey. On the contrary, imagine a steep upward slope and a winding path. This will be your spiritual elevation. For my incarnated part, is very difficult climbing along the trail, but she has the merit of not relaxing. In the past year she was one of the people who have advanced more in terms of knowledge and wisdom. But every human being can be pushed to the cliff by his ego. And he will fall in a depression, he will strike at the edges of momentum, the wind of uneasiness will blow him and he will crash on the rocks of despair. We know that creates a demoralizing situation and may greatly push the person back, making him even lose control of his actions. The ego will continue feeding from the uncontrolled actions and will gain more protagonism. And every role generates suffering. My incarnated part sometimes gets trapped by impulses and she "throws away" all progress made earlier. Her reactive mind is always ready to make her fall. An offending word, an insult that could not be stopped in time or a gesture that could not be controlled, are the weapons that the ego uses so that my incarnated part can fall again and again into the error. It’s necessary to depersonalize, is essential to avoid being victims of circumstances. We must not let discourage get to us. Think that you are not the only ones who have deficiencies and, with solidarity assistance, you can prop up one another. Here, we are not speaking of material aid, since not everyone is in a position to provide it, but of spiritual support, which many people are so petty in offer it. As if "to give a hand" would cost them one hand. Very few treat his partner as being on his foot, with his problems. That is why it will always be difficult to be authentic. Or is it easy to make the other person feel understood? Remember what Master Jesus said: "Service enlarges you to the eyes of the Father." Nor should insist on imposing an idea, nor should get angry if the other person does not accept your point of view. Sometimes, as you say in the physical plane, to bend the head does not mean submission, but wisdom. And this is very important.
Interlocutor: I’d like to ratify if your physical part is really prepared to do what we call "astral projection".
Mia Anel: She's fully prepared and only she should make the decision. My physical part can do it. Now, I say Good Bye and until the next communication. I send you my Light and leave you with another entity that wants to talk.
Continue Jesus 30/Jun/97

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