At the present time, The most supressive scientologists known are David Miscavige and Guillaume Lesèvre, they do not admit that these messages come from Ron Hubbard, and literally they have closed the gates of Scientology to new advances, which is why now they are stranded, In addition, many more people are attacking the technology of Dianetics and Scientology developed by Ron Hubbard. These bad scientologists do not understand that something that does not expand it is closer to disappear. They dismiss totally what Ron Hubbard wrote:
“For God’s sake get busy and Build a better bridge!”
Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.
Entity that came to dialogue: Master Ruanel.
Interlocutor: Master, Now I want to talk about the attacks on Scientology by a group called "Anonymous”... Where did they come from and Is it possible they have a worldwide consensus? I know you're going to talk about the reactive mind, but ...
Ruanel: It’s an international group that wears the mask of " V for vendetta" to identify themselves and they are against the religion of Scientology, rather than the doctrine itself ...
Interlocutor: Something they do not know at all ...
Ruanel: Not in all the cases because some of them were rejected members of the organization and they do it on rebound ...
Interlocutor: Ah, the famous rebound!
Ruanel: And here I want to talk about something, I hope they don’t take me as a “macho” spirit because the spirits do not have sexual gender ...
Interlocutor: I know what you mean Master ...
Ruanel: I mean to the scorned woman who speaks badly of the one who once loved, because that love dumped her ... In this case there are many ex-Scientologists, who have even become fanatics with Scientology, who were expelled for certain reasons ...
Interlocutor: And Do they belong to this Group called "Anonymous"?
Ruanel: Some of them are those who compose this group of anonymous ...
Interlocutor: But then, in fact, they are not against Scientology, but ...
Ruanel: They are against religion ...
Interlocutor: Is it against religion or against Scientologists who were once his friends? … What I mean is if it’s not a movement against a wrong target ... Here in Argentina there is a former Scientologist named Robert D., who has an anti-Scientology web site, and we've talked about him already, who had a quarrel with some of his fellow Scientologists and instead of aim his anger against them he quarrels against the organization of Scientology ...
Ruanel: That’s precisely what I'm saying ...
Interlocutor: Particularly they are Scientologists who had a personal problem with other Scientologists and ...
Ruanel: Yes, but do not take it as a common denominator, because there are many who have not been in the organization and yet they don’t like what scientologists are doing now, they don’t see the religious part right and then directly they make these reactive demonstrations I clarify ... Those who make these demonstrations, are not better than those who they attack to...
Interlocutor: I see ... Can we say that Scientologists somehow are causing these demonstrations?
Ruanel: Absolutely, because it is a principle of "action and reaction" ...
Interlocutor: This action causes that reaction ...
Ruanel: Right ...
Interlocutor: These anonymous demonstrators instead of going against the same Scientologists, unconsciously are going against the organization of Scientology which has nothing to do ...
Ruanel: If you have a child who has been molested by a priest, you are going to have a tremendous hatred against the church he belongs to. Although you’ll have an aversion against the physical being, if you are not analytical and you let yourself be carried away by your reactive mind, you are going to have hatred against the church he belongs and you are going to attack it by all possible means also...
Interlocutor: But that's the wrong direction ...
Ruanel: Correct...
Interlocutor: Well, Master, I think the issue is properly clarified.
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at Friday, August 28, 2009
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