EON 11/NOV/03
SESSION - 11/Nov/2003
Medium: Jorge R. Olguin
Entity that came to talk: EON (the Absolute)
Interlocutor: Are you, EON?
Eon: Here I am…
Interlocutor: How are you? Obviously, I'm joking… Speaking seriously, I will ask several questions that I have scheduled…
Eon: You can ask the questions.
Interlocutor: The first question I have is about the origin of man on Earth. It’s a subject on which I have much confusion. What we know is that the Elohim created spirits, including human spirits… and then the spirits waited for physical bodies to evolve from viruses…
Eon: No, they did not evolve from viruses but from bacteria. In addition, the Elohim did not create "human" or "animals" or "plant" spirits, but conceptual spirits, which can incarnate in a human, a reptiloid or a plant, as long as the race has the suitable type of decoder, that is in relation to the conceptual level or discernment of the spirit. This means that a high conceptual spirit, with superior discernment, will never incarnate in an animal entity, such as a terrestrial dog, because it could not fit, since he requires a more sophisticated decoder in order to express his ideas. What would happen then if the conceptual spirit which requires a decoder of a homo sapien ssapiens – we are talking about the Earth – incarnates in a pithecanthropus?
Interlocutor: Obviously, he would be prevented from developing his thoughts.
Eon: Correct. And nevertheless, despite that, high conceptual spirits incarnated in those primitive entities.
Interlocutor: Why did they do something so irrational?
Eon: Because the decoder in those primitive entities was developing very slowly and the spirits decided to incarnate to accelerate the evolution of that decoder and thereby generating, at the genetic level, the analytical mind.
Interlocutor: Was there some kind of pressure, I don’t know how to express this, for incarnating in those so primitive entities?
Eon: Not at all, and this is a merit of them, because nobody forced them to incarnate. At that time, the evolution of the Australopithecus and other hominid races was very slow, almost non-existent, because they were races that did not live more than twenty-five or thirty years, and were only engaged in eating, procreating and fighting among them.
Interlocutor: Then, thanks to those spirits the evolution was accelerated.
Eon: Yes. The spirits voluntarily incarnated in them, so that, through successive incarnations the race evolved.
Interlocutor: Does any other medium ever talked about this?
Eon: No, no medium on the Earth has ever talked about this. This is the first time. Even the spirits of Error of planes 2 and 3 incarnated to enjoy mating with females, and thus, although indirectly, serving the race.
Interlocutor: Therefore, can it be said that with many successive generations, man evolved and his mental decoder became more sophisticated?
EON: That's right… There was, for example, a race that lasted forty thousand years. Well, comparing it to what it was like at the beginning of those forty thousand years and how was at the end, the race progressed greatly, to such an extent that it was no longer the same, since it had evolved genetically. Let me explain what happened to the spirit with his conceptual mind, in a decoder of 800 cm3, which had a tenth of abstract thought that the homo sapiens-sapiens have at present.
Interlocutor: I suppose that the spirit would feel like imprisoned…
Eon: Yes. Imagine if you were incarnated in an ape of today…
Interlocutor: I can imagine…
Eon: Well. But even so, those incarnated spirits did it, as I said, with the mission of helping the race to evolve. The complex conceptual spirits that incarnated at that time knew that primitive race, in the future, was going to be completely human and that they would develop in the physical plane a conceptual thought also elevated.
Interlocutor: That's clear, but... Do the Elohim only create conceptual spirits?
Eon: The Elohim create conceptual spirits and non-conceptual spirits, that is, more basic spirits, like the actual animals.
Interlocutor: Were all the spirits of any kind, then, created by the Elohim?
Eon: Yes. All spirits were created by the Elohim.
Interlocutor: Summarizing what has been said to see if I understood. The Elohim create human spirits…
Eon: The Elohim do not create "human" spirits but conceptual spirits. They don’t create "human" spirits because this designation cannot be, because today you can incarnate in a human organism and tomorrow disincarnate and then you could incarnate in a reptiloid. In that case, you're not a "human" spirit incarnated in a reptiloid, but a concept spirit who incarnated in a reptiloid organism. And you can also incarnate in any other animal or plant organism. Nothing is going to prevent it, but as long as such animals or plants have a decoder just as humans. You can even incarnate in a humanoid organism, as it did that philosopher you always name, Rah, from the planet Antares 4, who measures less than women on the planet Earth, weighs less than 40 terrestrial kilos and his DNA is not equal to DNA from here…
Interlocutor: Could a Langar, a reptiloid like lobster, disincarnate and incarnate in a terrestrial organism?
Eon: Yes, because the mental decoder is similar.
Interlocutor: That's clear, but I'm intrigued as to why could a conceptual spirit incarnate in a reptiloid or an amphibian?
Eon: Let's see. Why are there different races in the universe? There are different races in the universe because each planet has different life conditions. And sometimes those different life conditions become more favorable for an amphibious life to grow in intelligence and his decoder to flourish. There are planets where humanoid or animal races have not flourished and it had so plant races, which initially were motionless and then began to leave their roots and through the millennia they got their own mobility and abstract thoughts.
There are planets where the plants are a thinking race to the point that their decoder is similar to that of humans.
This means that there is no impairment in a conceptual spirit that incarnated in this type of organism, since he may evolve just as in a human organism.
Interlocutor: I understood. Since plants on our planet are of no use for a conceptual spirit that incarnates, but what type of decoder do they have?
Eon: The plant race on this planet has a cellular decoder. Note that if you cut a branch with scissors, and you go out and return the next day with those scissors and something to measure its reaction, you would see that when getting closer or touching the plant, the needle would mark fear. And even though, the plant does not have a developed decoder as that of humans or animals of this planet, the plant intuits, because it has a cellular decoder, although very basic, it exists.
Interlocutor: Yes, I have read about that experiment.
Eon: I continue with what I was explaining… In the different races of the universe there are thinking beings of all species, and thus, it can be found not only thinking humanoid but also thinking apes, thinking plants, and even thinking minerals.
Interlocutor: Thinking minerals?
Eon: That's right… There are planets where beings are made of silicon and also selenium, not carbon as on the Earth. If you could touch them you would feel like touching a rock. They can hardly move. They handle themselves differently. They have almost a voice, since they emit a guttural sound. They communicate by signs. Nevertheless, they can host in their organism, so to call it, a conceptual spirit…
Interlocutor: Are we always talking about of a 10% of the conceptual spirit?
Eon: Yes. It always incarnates a 10% of the spirit, nothing else.
Interlocutor: So far everything is clear… But if I am in the spiritual world, can I differentiate each “conceptual spirit” as to say, for instance, "this is the spirit of a tiger, that other is the spirit of a reptile, that one is the spirit of a plant”?
Eon: No, you could not, because the “conceptual spirits” are not human or humanoid or animals or plants, but simply “conceptual spirits”. Differentiation is only on the physical plane.
Interlocutor: I understand… As a curiosity, when I disincarnate as human, about what could I talk about with another spirit who disincarnate as a plant?
Eon: You would simply exchange experiences. Actually it's easy to understand. That conceptual spirit who incarnated as a plant would ask you: "What did you feel, being incarnated as human, when having an orgasm?" And you, in turn, would ask him: "What did you feel when you scattered the female plant all the pollen on her body with caresses” – note that since having mobility, there are male and female plants.
Interlocutor: Indeed, it would be a very interesting experience… How do plants make love?
Eon: When plants have mobility, and this is newness, they make love like this: They begin to caress, embrace, feeling like a kind of orgasm in all their leaves while the male is spreading pollen through the body of the female, until the female releases her seeds to grow new plants. Those plant seeds are buried into the ground until the new plants are born and then they begin their mobility.
To give you an idea, it's like a snake or a turtle egg that is buried in the sand until the reptile or chelonians break the egg and then they go out and walk.
Interlocutor: It’s clear… could we interchange roles?
Eon: Yes, of course. You could incarnate as a plant and the other conceptual spirit could incarnate as a human. I want to clarify that if you go to another world and incarnate as a plant, you are not going to be as a terrestrial plant, but a plant of a world where the vegetables have expression and even write poetry.
Interlocutor: Ok, suppose I disincarnate and it also does a spirit that incarnated in a chicken. I say chicken just to mention a kind of animal with "little lights". Could we communicate and exchange experiences?
Eon: No, because they are not conceptually equal spirits.
Interlocutor: But somehow, could we understand each other?
Eon: Perhaps you would understand the spirit that incarnated in a chicken, but not vice-versa, because that spirit is conceptually very basic, very elementary.
Interlocutor: Could I incarnate in a terrestrial chicken?
Eon: No, in a terrestrial chicken no, because its mental decoder is very limited. It would be like if you were locked up without being able to communicate.
Interlocutor: Being in the spiritual world, can I say, for example… "This is a spirit of Light, this is a spirit of Error, this is a spirit suited to incarnate in a chicken, this one is suitable to incarnate in an amoeba”. Specifically, can I distinguish the spirits in this way?
Eon: Yes, you can distinguish them like that.
Interlocutor: Then, there is a classification!
Eon: There is a spiritual classification for what you call in the terrestrial plane "inferior animals", a bad way to call them.
Interlocutor: Let's see if I understood: The Elohims create different conceptual spirits, from those who can incarnate in human or humanoid to those who can incarnate in a virus or an amoeba… Is that correct?
Eon: Yes.
Interlocutor: Now I see that you explained it well but I misunderstood…
Eon: When I say that your spirit can incarnate in different races we are talking about thinking races.
Interlocutor: That was clear to me… But I think at some point I asked whether there were divisions in conceptual spirits and you told me there are not…
Eon: When I said that there are no divisions, I have done it on the basis that all conceptual spirits can incarnate in all the thinking races of the universe, being humans, humanoids, animals, plants, or minerals. But always, they could incarnate in them if they have an appropriate mental decoder to fit the concepts of discernment of the conceptual spirit.
In turn, there are other lesser conceptual spirits that will incarnate in animal species that have a smaller decoder fitted to them. And now let me give you a newness… Do you know who is responsible for maintaining the balance and knowing in which planet must incarnate each spirit?
Interlocutor: I cannot imagine it…
Eon: The Lipikas…
Interlocutor: I had understood that the spirit had free will to choose his incarnation…
Eon: The elevated conceptual spirits can choose where, when and under what family to incarnate, and they can even choose to go through certain problems to evolve, always with the risk of involuting if they fail. But the lesser conceptual spirit of a chicken – and I mention this animal because you brought it up before – cannot choose where to incarnate because its concept is very basic. So the Lipikas sent the 10% of that spirit to incarnate, for example in the organism of a chicken.
Interlocutor: Now I understood… In animals, is there communication between the Thetan of the animal and its 10% incarnated?
Eon: Of course! Look for example a horse that is going along a path, whether with a rider or dragging a cart and it happens that the path is cut off because there is a cliff, and because of that, the animal suddenly becomes nervous many meters before reaching that cliff… How does the horse know about the danger? Because its 90% is telling that to it! How could nobody, on the planet Earth, having seven billion incarnated human beings, thought about it? The Thetan of the horse, although being a limited concept, is telling its 10%: "Beware that there is a cliff". And the horse stops just on the edge and saves the rider or the driver of the cart. And you attribute that to instinct!
Interlocutor: I have read those facts many times, but it was never explained like that… I continue reasoning to see if I understood… The Elohim create conceptual spirits of various kinds.
Eon: That’s correct.
Interlocutor: And also create "non-conceptual" spirits? I ask this because I want to clarify the meaning of the phrase "non-conceptual."
Eon: All spirits are conceptual to some extent, but the term "non-conceptual" is reserved for spirits with very small capacity of concept.
Interlocutor: Now I got the idea. I had a misunderstanding. Then, the spirit of a virus would be a "non-conceptual" spirit…
Eon: That’s right. Obviously, the concept that has a virus is so small that it is almost nonexistent, that is why I speak of non-conceptual spirit. A virus is almost pure instinct.
Interlocutor: That’s perfectly clear… I now turn to another question… What was the first human organism in which a conceptual spirit incarnated?
Eon: The first human organism was a race that existed millions of years ago in the middle of the continent that you call Africa. It was a quadruped animal, just a little bit more conceptual than the present monkey.
Interlocutor: Is that race registered in our books of anthropology?
Eon: No, it is not registered. It was very pre-Australopithecus.
Interlocutor: And how could we call it?
Eon: It could be called Africapithecus.
Interlocutor: I will write the term down... To conclude this matter, why could we not call the spirits apt to incarnate in human organisms "human conceptual spirits", to differentiate them, for example, from the conceptual spirits apt to incarnate in plant or animal organisms?
Eon: There would be no problem in using the term, but only if you are referring to the planet Earth. You are a human conceptual spirit because you have incarnated in a human organism, but if tomorrow you decide to incarnate on another planet as a plant in an important mission, then you're not a human conceptual spirit…
Interlocutor: You are right, it was obvious… Would it be some way to call it?
Eon: You can call it "higher conceptual spirit".
Interlocutor: OK… Is it completed this matter about the origin of man on the Earth?
Eon: Yes, with the new concepts I have given – and making a joke, because I also do jokes, since the joke, like love, are part of Creation as the star and the stone - I would tell you that "they are concepts that only God could have given you."
Interlocutor: Now, I wonder if it could be a classification number of the conceptual spirits from higher to lower… For example having ten, twenty, one hundred classifications…
Eon: One million, at least!
Interlocutor: Well, I think the issue is clarified. Going to another question that I think is quite interesting... Has it ever been a change in our history without us knowing it? For example, Kennedy was not killed… This question relates to time travelers.
Eon: The history on this planet has changed many times and the planet has involuted.
Interlocutor: The specific question is what was changed and who did it.
Eon: A time traveler that alters something practically creates a new alternate universe and this new alternate universe can be transformed in the original one.
Interlocutor: And the previous alternate universe?
Eon: It simply dries up as a root that has no water.
Interlocutor: Are only time travelers who can alter the facts that have already happened?
Eon: Time travelers and also decision making.
Interlocutor: Could you give us some concrete example?
Eon: You know about reincarnation memory, but there is another memory, which is called temporary memory.
Interlocutor: What is temporary memory?
Eon: You've heard or read in some history books, that Charlemagne conquered many territories. Well, if a time traveler kills Charlemagne at five years old, that history of Charlemagne as conqueror has not happened. The same could happen with Alexander the Great, if they kill him being young, the history of conqueror Alexander has not happened… In these cases, you will never know about them as being conquerors. But your temporary memory has a kind of aftertaste of that.
Interlocutor: That’s clear, but it’s a hypothetical story. Is there any real history that we could know?
Eon: One true story is that Jesus was not crucified.
Interlocutor: Will that be the true story?
Eon: You cannot talk about true story. The true story is always the present one, the one you are experiencing. Just remember that I am above all alternatives.
Interlocutor: How was then that story that Jesus was not crucified?
Eon: That story continued in which he did not do any mission in another planet, he was not resurrected by extraterrestrial, he had a normal life, he went back to look for Miriam, the Samaritan of the Well of Jacob, who was alone because a plague had ravaged her entire family, also dying her husband and children… That is why she went with him, because otherwise she would have never left them…
Interlocutor: Are we talking about an alternate universe?
Eon: That's right… I am talking about the Samaritan from the story of Eloah Arbillac…
Interlocutor: Yes, I remember it.
Eon: Jesus and the Samaritan go to live in Kashmir, have children and he dies in this place…
Interlocutor: There is just a book called "Jesus died in Kashmir"…
Eon: Exactly. That book was written with temporary memory.
Interlocutor: Remarkable!
Eon: But the book is incomplete because it does not speak about the Samaritan, nor of Jesus' encounter with her at Jacob's Well or anything of those things.
Interlocutor: But the original story is the one we know, namely that Jesus was crucified?
Eon: Correct.
Interlocutor: But who changed that story in which Jesus did not die in Kashmir and finished being crucified? Was it a time traveler?
Eon: They were decision makings. I already indicated that not all cases are time travelers who change history.
Interlocutor: Are you saying that it was a Jesus’ decision?
Eon: Yes. He thought that it might better to serve humanity by being crucified… Here, there is a very thin line between service and sacrifice, because somehow, we are talking about sacrifice with pain
and not with joy. Jesus somehow wanted to continue conveying his messages, but he chose to make a blow effect, by calling somehow to his crucifixion, so that Christianity could come up with more force.
Interlocutor: Had Jesus transcended the same without the crucifixion?
Eon: Absolutely not. It would have been a story like so many others. Jesus is remembered precisely because of his martyrdom. In addition, the Apostolic Roman Catholicism is so basic that is not interested in Jesus’ messages and his love for humanity, they are only interested in miracles and in that alleged resurrection.
Interlocutor: Obviously, religion is only interested in the phenomenological…
Eon: Exactly.
Interlocutor: That alternate universe where Jesus died in Kashmir, did it dry up?
Eon: Yes. The alternate worlds do not persist. Those that persist are parallel universes.
Interlocutor: Is there any other case in history that has been modified?
Eon: There are many alternate universes that have dried up. In those alternate universes the Che Guevara was still alive, Kennedy was not killed because he had been warned and instead had put a double, which is murdered, Marilyn Monroe did not die, there is a Third World War in 1989…
There's even an alternate universe that dried up where this vessel did not meet with you, because that day he had a consultation and could not go to the meeting that you had prepared and you never got together later…
Interlocutor: That’s interesting!
Eon: And the Grupo Elron did not exist and therefore nothing came to light, because you have been an active part of all messages that Johnakan has given through this telepathic channeling. Let's say that you have emphasized the need of growing the Mediumship of this vessel, you have encouraged him, or perhaps his competitive spirit, to see that there was another medium that said a lot of nonsense – which in this case is a good thing – he unconsciously thought, I mean the 10%, "and why not?", so he decided to go all the way…
That is to say, there were a number of factors that affected this vessel to become a medium, whether he had been contacted by you, whether his 90% seeing that his 10% was prepared to receive the aphorisms, which he did them in a week and are now more than three hundred… All these things contributed to begin his path of mediumship with the messages.
Interlocutor: That is very clear… another question… What is the reason that a time traveler could travel to the past and to the future? Is it because the Creation is itself a present time, regardless of the point of view of the Absolute?
Eon: The Creation is just a present time for me…
Interlocutor: So, is the time traveler in that same present of the Absolute?
Eon: No, that’s not the case. Time is part of the dimensions. When we talk about the physical dimensions, we are not talking about the size of the Cosmos, which many delirious confuse with spiritual planes. When we speak of time, we are talking about a dimension, and as well as you can go across the three space dimensions, why not being able to cross the space-time dimension?
Interlocutor: I understand…
Eon: Time is another dimension and dimensions can be crossed. Dimension implies size, dimension implies length. Time is just really a length and it can be traveled as well, depending of course, on finding the appropriate coordinates.
Interlocutor: The point was clarified… However, the time traveler travels to the past to redress events that have been altered. We know that there is no need to repair anything on the physical plane, but time traveler believes differently… And why do they travel into the future?
Eon: By curiosity.
Interlocutor: Curiosity? Is it nothing more than curiosity?
Eon: That's right, just curiosity, for example to know the progress, because in the future they will not repair anything because it has not yet happened… I mean that did not happen for the time traveler.
Interlocutor: And… could time traveler intervene to modify something in that future time?
Eon: In that future no, but he could change the present so that future changes.
Interlocutor: I don’t understand…
Eon: If suddenly in that future, there is stunning news, for example that such disease has been defeated or that such a country seized the world… Let's talk about forty more years… Suddenly in the Middle East, they find the formula to defeat the West. So that this time traveler of the present travels to 2043, and when he returns inform the American president that in 2028 they have found a formula to produce, through distillation of petroleum, certain product with a lethal weapon than can decimate an entire country. Then, he gets the information from 2043, regarding the discovery made in 2028, so in 2003 it reaches the American president. If the United States takes precautions and makes a direct invasion of that country in the Middle East, destroys it completely, no matter what… the history changes.
Or directly he asks to that time traveler to go back to the future, to 2043, to bring the formula on how to distill that oil to produce a lethal weapon and so they make it in 2004 or in 2005.
So going to the future can change the history of the present and therefore also the history of that future.
Interlocutor: Are these examples theoretical assumptions which in practice do not occur or are occurring in some planets?
Eon: There are only theoretical hypothesis, because similar events are occurring in some worlds.
Interlocutor: Is there any advanced planet where all the inhabitants carry a small "trans-travel" that anyone who wishes could travel to the past or the future? I ask this because, for example, here we have a portable cellular phone that we can use to communicate with others without going to our homes or some special place.
Eon: Yes, that happens in some worlds, but not all have that apparatus, just as not everyone has one of those mobile phones, since there are people of limited economic resources who do not even know what it is.
Interlocutor: I was referring if somehow it was available to anyone to have them.
Eon: Yes, and those who can access it, can travel through time.
Interlocutor: Do those travelers make any chaos altering events?
Eon: There are rules that must be respected.
Interlocutor: And how do they do it so those rules are respected?
Eon: There is what you would call "time police" to monitor that these rules are not violated.
Interlocutor: It was almost obvious to assume something like that… Are spacecraft coming from the future? I refer to the so-called UFOs.
Eon: Yes, of course.
Interlocutor: Are we talking about UFOs coming from the future with tourists or only with crew?
Eon: With tourists… Why would it not be something like that?
Interlocutor: Is it toward both the past and the future?
Eon: Yes.
Interlocutor: I confess that I am completely amazed…
Eon: You could even go to the Jurassic period and film the dinosaurs in live.
Interlocutor: I never really thought that something like that could be possible… Although I think it would be more interesting going into the future… Really, do some planets make tourist trips into the past or into the future as we can make tourism to the Niagara Falls?
Eon: That's right, but you keep in mind that these technological advances do not necessarily mean that they are also spiritually advanced.
Interlocutor: Yes, for sure.
Eon: It's like those millionaires who are in their yacht without doing anything, enjoying the sun and
helping nobody.
Interlocutor: Do I have ten more minutes of session?
Eon: This vessel is very exhausted because my energy is too much for his decoder.
Interlocutor: How do you perceive, being the Absolute, for whom everything is a present time, to all the people, of all moments of this Creation or Big Bang? I mean, do you perceive him in every moment as an individual or as a whole.
Eon: I sense him in two ways, individually and as a continuum. It’s similar to those mirrors of
amusement parks where the person's image is reflected repeatedly.
Interlocutor: It was said that there are 22 parallel universes as a balancing factor of the Creation. Is it also a factor in balancing the need to have in each of the 22 parallel universes the same amount of Elohim, Divine Energy, Angels, spirits, etc.?
Eon: Yes. In the same way that due to gravity, planets are almost spherical.
Interlocutor: Does the Absolute deal with smaller things, so to speak? Today, for example, I was going to suspend the session because it was raining very much, but suddenly the time improved and even the sun came up… Was it mere coincidence?
Eon: No, it was not chance. It was scheduled by me because it was extremely important that you had this message today, especially with regard to the different types of conceptual spirits, higher or lower. I use the words higher or lower only in terms of understanding, that is, without any connotation.
Interlocutor: It’s clear… On Friday it happened to me something quite strange. I was trying to fly a kite to my grandson but the wind flow was not strong enough. Then I asked the Absolute for more wind, I was feeling quite… how would I say? between silly and embarrassing, but the matter is that it began to blow a beautiful wind and I even got it flying more than two hundred meters, obviously to the delight of my grandson. Well, I wonder whether it was a coincidence o if it was the hand of EON…
Eon: They are small interventions that I do that do not violate any Free Will or Karma or any Service…
Interlocutor: Was it you, then?
Eon: Yes. With the restrictive conditions mentioned, I can intervene in lifting a small kite and dealing with a world where there is a full earthquake. If I were unable to do so, it would imply that I am limited and I do not have limits.
Interlocutor: Can it be said, then, that there are more interventions of the Absolute than one could imagine?
Eon: Of course. But it could never be done against the Will created by me… Make one more question, because the decoder of this vessel is very tired…
Interlocutor: I would make two… The first is… how would you define yourself, the Absolute, beyond "the beginning and end of all things"? And the second is whether or not it is possible to travel from one parallel universe to another and if this has been achieved in other planets. And of course, what would happen if I travel to a parallel universe… for example, could I meet with me?
Eon: I answer this last question first. Yes, it is possible to go from one parallel universe to another and this has already been done in other worlds. If you go to a parallel universe you could find a person with your identical DNA…
Interlocutor: But, could it be some problems in that meeting?
Eon: No, there would be no problem. It’s not like in some fiction films where meeting with oneself produces a kind of temporary explosion.
Interlocutor: If in a parallel universe my spirit "double", to call it somehow, who incarnated as a woman… could we even become a couple?
Eon: Of course. Nothing prevents it.
Interlocutor: Has it ever happened in any planet something like that?
Eon: No, it has not happened.
Interlocutor: But at least, have they found each other?
Eon: Yes, they have met but not knowing. Sometimes it is not the same DNA and not always they are twins.
Interlocutor: I understand… Now, the way of going into the parallel universes, is it with machines or just walking through the dimensional openings?
Eon: Both ways.
Interlocutor: How would you define yourself?
Eon: Johnakan, a spirit that I respect a lot, said: "In the beginning there was Nothing and Nothing was Everything".
Interlocutor: Is this, then, the best definition of the Absolute?
Eon: Yes. Study it and you will understand it... I give all of you a huge hug…
Interlocutor: Thanks and “see you soon”…
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at Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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Dialogues with EON
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