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Recently, we received more information on the global agenda that the Illuminati group has been plotting for these times. For instance, It’s time to reveal that our planet has been colonized by off-planet entities from Sumer times and ever since the advance of humanity has been held back so that people do not regain their full potential as human beings. These entities, who were known as Nephilim in the Bible, Annunaki by some researchers or ancient giants by indigenous people, managed to alter the DNA of mankind and they literally experimented on us removing from us some special talents we previously had as human beings, these traits were our inner psychic abilities, which were removed from us; we are talking about channeling, remote viewing, psychokinesis or telepathy just to name a few psychic traits.
It’s very important to underline that these alien beings did not create humanity, they came and altered our DNA structure so that we couldn’t fight against them or revolt. In Sumerian clay tablets it’s written that humans were created by them, however this is the way that these ‘visitors from the sky’ wanted that Sumerian people depict them in order to gain full control of mankind, keeping future generation in complete ignorance about our true history, so that’s why the Sumerians portrayed them as their ‘gods that came from the sky’.
Back then, they managed to infiltrate and control humanity by some mechanism of enslavement like the invention of money. They even managed to build a planetary grid capable to recycle human souls so that only they can be able to reincarnate on this planet, this could be named as a forced reincarnation over and over again.
Previously, we published that there is a Wheel of incarnations mechanism based on Free Will, and we all can embody on this planet or many others, however they developed a Light trap commonly presented as a light at the end of a tunnel for the people who die of were closer to die. This Trap was designed to enslave the souls of the people, based on false religions and beliefs of the afterlife. This is the reason that many people have unwittingly have called Earth a ‘prison planet’.       
The huge device built at CERN has a purpose not as scientific as we have been told; first of all we have to ask ourselves the question. Why did they spend so much money if there is no return of money there? Is it possible they did it just to experiment on particles for the sake of science so that one single physicist receives a Nobel prize? This makes no sense; nobody would throw a lot of money away just for the love of science and technology, unless there is something unknown and a very powerful agenda to fulfill.
We said many years ago that there are superluminous planes that coexist in the same space we live in, although some researchers refer to them as “dimensions” the most accurate term would be levels of reality that exist on other frequencies. Nikola Tesla was absolutely right when he explained that the secrets of the universe had to be understood in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
For instance, we live on a physical plane that has its own laws, but there are other “realities” or other “Realms” so to speak, where other entities inhabit, with the correct technology it’s possible to expand our reality to these other planes of existence or travel to other places that exist in other frequencies or parallel universes. This is the key to understand the role of the LHC.
Whenever we hear some researchers talk about a fourth density, so that common people could grasp this concept, we really have to understand this issue as other realities or planes of existence that coexist in the same place we inhabit, although on a different frequency, this is the main reason we say that the LHC is very dangerous for humanity and the Earth itself was at risk, what official science has failed to accept is that our dear planet is basically a sentient organism energetically connected with all the living creatures that dwell on the face of “mother” Earth.
People would be surprised when we said our “mother” Earth, but keep in mind that indigenous and Ancient civilizations have known our planet as "mother" ages ago with feminine and creating energy, this issue comes full circle because our dear planet goes through several cycles still not known by official Science.
Summing up again, the LHC “device” was built with the only reason to stop the Earth cycle of evolution from moving to a different frequency or level of consciousness; it’s also working as an anchor to stop it and an energy particle weapon that has also the capability to open dimensional doors to other realities on this same planet. We said it years ago that there are natural star gates on this planet especially in the middle east that were supposed to be used as a pathway to travel to other places in space. The LHC was built with extraterrestrial technology and materials that were back engineered from UFO Crashes in order to expand these dimensional doors.
The main problem with this particular technology is that the scientists who were working on this device did not understand fully how our planet operates, they were using the LHC as a mean to communicate with beings from other planes who were giving support to bloodline Elites and thankfully on December 21, 2012, the LHC failed to operate in the way they expected and ever since they have tried to re-open the fluid communication and exchange of resources/ personnel from these entities and even though they had unlimited resources, they were unsuccessful at this task.
At this moment the CERN facility is under surveillance by black magicians who remote view all the time looking for other people who want to spy on the place psychically. This could be called as a psychic war or psychic espionage.
The timeline that the Elites projected in their time ‘scopes’ back then, in order to push the NWO was changed on that date due to Earth consciousness rising and at the moment we are moving to a positive timeline.
After 9/11/2001, which was also conducted as an occult or esoteric sacrifice by these Elites, they have been struggling to create economic distress, insecurity, false flag attacks, wars to create a feeling of terror, fear and helplessness on the people of this planet so that they find hard to fight back. They also caused the climate change effect due to their stupidity by misusing weather changing artifacts designed to cause tidal waves, earthquakes, draught in many parts of the planet. Other countries know about this threat, but they have to keep silent because it’s not possible for them to disclose it.
The true history of humanity has been hijacked by these evil people and recently we could delve more into the sinister intentions they had for humanity.
I firmly believe that nobody on this planet should pay for food, drinking water or a place to live, however, these big corporations, the global Elite and those who control the resources of the planet have at their disposal what we call ‘free energy’ or ‘zero point energy’, this technology has been available on Earth only for this tiny group of psychopaths, but remained hidden for the rest of the people on the planet. We all know that these people control the market of goods, oil, food, water etc. However, they don’t want anybody to have free energy because that would imply the loss of control and the need us to buy their products as a mean of control. For that reason, they have put money as a control mechanism or enslavement agenda, what we need is a change so that these groups back off and be removed from these positions of power.

In order to save the planet and to raise all the poor people in third world countries out of poverty. we need this free energy and every ordinary human being on this planet should have the right to have access to free electricity, free water and energy. When Nikola Tesla proved that this free energy was possible to transmit all over the planet from one area to another without cables, the Elites were very impressed indeed and they sought to get money out from this technology, but when Tesla said to them that this kind of energy was free for all, they immediately stopped Tesla’s project and bankrupt him keeping this technology hidden from the public.

This issue is a matter of getting people on this planet out of this power slavery because that’s what we are in, and we have a small Elite who controls the access to this technology and if we all want to have a decent life, we have to pay for it, not because we have to, but because they ‘say’ we have to, if any of you go outside and stand on a warm sunny day, you are warmed by the sun. How much did you pay for that? That is free energy.

I want people to understand that from the moment you are born on this planet you are completely controlled by this 1% people who are using resources which are natural and should be free, just so that they can be wealthier and wealthier. Remember, I don’t have problem with people making money, the problem I have with these people is that they are extremely greedy and, they want everything for them and they don’t want to leave anything for anybody else. This is what we have seen in these big corporations, it’s their need and greediness, so they want as much money from people as quickly as possible for as long as possible.

Scientists who have been trailblazers on this field of research like Stanley Meyer or Eugene Mallove were murdered because they global Elites/ Corporations did not want to share this free energy technology with the rest of the people. So, we have been hijacked from the beginning by these Huge Corporations that only look for their own benefit.

Prior to the post related to the NWO agenda was released, the deeper secrets of this cabal group were open, but not publicly disclosed by the media, The Elites literally hijacked the democratic countries and declared war to middle east countries that were openly against their one-world government plan. It’s not a secret that the president of the U.S. was a paid puppet of this cartel of bankers, he was appointed to be the president of this Country since he was a kid, and they pushed him to obedience, mind-controlling him and the people around him as well as many other people in MSM, military and secret agencies through the publicly disclosed MK-Ultra program. This is the very reason they were madly against the new president-elect.
I wouldn’t say luckily, but the painful truth has been seeping out through certain whistleblowers like this one, other gifted remote viewers, mediums, and psychic people, who literally contended against these black magicians who work for the Elites preventing other people to disclose many other secrets.

Finally, by all means remain calm, do not fear or panic because these dark entities feed off from these lower vibrations and above all keep spreading the messages of Love and Service that humanity needs to move to another plane of consciousness. Be an example of Love in your daily life.

Love and Light to you all!!!     

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