"A Conspiracy
to rule the World"
the true nature of this secret organization would be very extensive and even
hard to explain, suffice to say that it has multiple ramifications and
it’s developed to achieve ultimate control of banking economy, finances,
pharmaceutical industries, military weapons, food, religious beliefs,
technology, mass media and science.
Practically this organization has a vast
compartmentalized structure that only those members –a supreme grand master-
in the higher ranks of its pyramidal structure know about. It’s like a club,
a secret sect that has blood agreements; the driving force of these masters
has to do with satanic energies, which offer them a sort of supernatural
powers in order to obtain certain goals of domination and destruction of
their adversaries. They have passed off Satanism as pedophilia, so they have
at their disposal a network of black magicians, for mind control, remote
viewing and intelligence agencies such as MI6, NSA, CIA, Mossad that work for
them and very advanced technology they got from alien space ships that
Not only
do they have huge amounts of money, they use it to ensure political power and
pay infiltrated agents in all the key positions of public and private
organizations, they gather a huge pile of information to control governments
and politicians in many countries, they have manipulated world economy and
they are the masterminds behind every economic collapse, past and future, as
we said it before, they plan to establish a new world order, which is not new
after all. Unfortunately they have obtained ancients artifacts, gadgets and
they have back engineered alien technology and rediscovered scientific
advances from Atlantis.
families like the Rothshild, Rockefeller are behind of these plans, the
Illuminati group has fallen in a trap in which they ended up parasitized by
dark energies known by many people as Archons, although we envisaged them as
Demiurge and primordial beings, these entities have taken the names of
Moloch, Baal and gods from Babylon and Sumer as well.
Illuminati had been promised that they would receive power to rule the
world as global elite and the rest of us would be under their command,
however, the very dark powers they managed to contact with lied to them. At
first they thought they could attain a NWO in which they could establish a
one world government in which only they would have all the privileges, but
they did not realize that the main objective of these dark entities was the
total annihilation of mankind, by infiltrating artificial intelligence, which
could pervade people and through trans humanization gain total domination of
Earth, so this plan includes these people who are actually part of the
dangerous path the Illuminati have chosen is now threatening the very
existence of this planet, which is why extraterrestrial beings from other
systems have intervened blocking their demonic plans because the threat is
huge and it can spread to other planets.
researchers have linked the Illuminati with reptilian beings, and they
pointed that their elitist lineages have hybrid DNA, this is partially true,
but we know for sure that reptilian beings do not care about humanity, but
they want to keep humanity under control and remain hidden underground
(in a sort of status quo) where they can kidnap human beings, mostly
children as labor force, a source of DNA for experimentation and food. This
was hard to believe until we got evidence from remote viewers, but there is
also archaeological evidence that support this theory, testimonies from
witnesses and our own research on the topic.
technology that Illuminati have now is quite amazing, they have anti-gravity
aircrafts, space ships capable to travel to Mars in minutes, teleportation
technology, a secret Space program quite similar to sci-fi movies like Star
Trek, biotechnology capable to restore damaged organs, body parts, life
extension, creation of clones, free energy technology also plagiarized from
Tesla and they planned not to share this advances with humanity and save the
planet, but on the contrary they want to have the planet for themselves, they
already have the cure of cancer and many diseases, obtained many decades ago.
yourself, Have you noticed that these people live longer lives, quite healthy and peaceful
lives and they are cancer free? The elite do not go to a public hospital,
they receive special treatment from unknown personnel and they do not expose
their body fluids or DNA samples to anybody. Have you noticed that very
important people (who belong to the Illuminati) do not receive Chemotherapy?
Not even their doctors want to receive this treatment. Do you know why? Only
common people have to undergo these medical procedures?
This is
part of their plan of their plan of depopulation because they do not want to
lose control. Now, what are their future plans? They have planned to create a
financial crash this year because they are running out of time. Sooner or
later they want to provoke a major incident or crisis that will make look
previous economic collapses like children games, they were organizing a major war
in middle east, serious enough that people will not have other choice to
accept their terms, but if everything fails, what they really want is to push
forward a plan to have people under control.
are their plans in the agenda:
false flag announcement (An alien Landing or Epidemic threat)
on Internet, Communications, travel etc.
an alleged defeat
of Human “Clones”
of a Second invasion
a one world government
of a RFID chip
alien Landing will not be an open invasion, but holographic technology will
be used (Project Blue beam), they have already prepared propaganda and videos
of the alleged struggle between the alien forces and the “good” guys from the
American Army. It does not mean that this “alien” landing is going to happen,
but they have this plan already prepared. Make no mistake, if this “alien invasion”
should happen, do not panic, it will be a false flag operation destined to
gain total control over population.
If you
have watched the movie “the 5th wave” you’ll understand their agenda, for
they want to implant an RFID chip, they have been preparing us for many years and this will be the way to identify alien
invaders from human beings. Again, make no mistake, this will be the excuse
they will use to implant this advanced microchip in order to take control
over your body, although this will sound like science fiction, these are the
plans they truly have.
Illuminati have already set up false flags wars before, they have
destabilized Europe and the Middle East now, creating a disaster with
thousands of refugees and they choose who is going to replace the American
president, they have cloning technology and even if their selected candidate
dies unexpectedly, her body can be replaced.
they created the war against terrorism and now they need this new false flag
operation to “create” the next necessary enemy according to the Iron Mountain
report. That’s needed to take over the world. This event will be the major
false flag in History if it happens, but we are not saying that this will
necessary happen, it’s just the plans they have prepared, If it happens,
above all things do not be afraid because that is what they want from you, in
panic most people will look for salvation and they will easily surrender
their free will, self-determination and sovereignty, but remember that it
will be a false flag like the one we saw in New York 9/11, this will not be
an extraterrestrial race threatening us because our planet is currently under
I hope
you will take necessary precautions if the previous plans take action.
This entry was posted
at Sunday, September 25, 2016
and is filed under
Who are they?
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