THE MYSTERY UNVEILED THE CRIME OF ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE. ANSWER Arthur Conan Doyle, along with Gladys Hill Morris, the wife of Bertram Fletcher Robinson, who was also his accomplice and lover were those who poisoned him. One of the main reasons of the murder of Robinson is that he was authentic author of one of the most famous adventures of Sherlock Holmes, "The Hound of the Baskervilles", Doyle stole it and he published as his own. Robinson died suddenly, when nobody was expecting it, he was 36 years old and he was healthy. However, he decayed and died in one day. It’s not necessary to mention that Arthur had studied Medicine when he was young, so his knowledge of poisons was obviously ampler than an average person. Officially, his death was attributed to typhoid fever. But the truth is that his wife Gladys poisoned him with laudanum, a powerful toxic, the doctor Doyle knew that poisoning him in this way, it would make people believe that Robinson died due to a feverish illness. Bertram Fletcher Robinson died in January 21 of 1907, 21, six years after The hound of the Baskervilles was published with extraordinary success, and eight years before Doyle was named gentleman. SESSION 17/SEPT/02 Interlocutor: Here I have an article published on the Web that says that officials of Scotland Yard are investigating during one century the mysterious death of Bertram Fletcher Robinson, and all the suspicions fall on the author of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, who was his friend. There is a particular, investigator whose name is Rodger Garrick-Steele, a retired psychologist who is sustaining the theory that Doyle was the intellectual author of his friend's death. He also says that Gladys, the wife of Robinson, was Doyle’s lover, and that he persuaded her to poison her husband by giving him laudanum, a powerful toxic. Ron Hubbard: Yes, that investigator is in the correct theory. Doyle murdered Robinson because he stole ideas from his friend and with his death he was avoiding to be accused of plagiarism, this would have destroyed his reputation, which was very high during that time. Interlocutor: Was Robinson the authentic author of the famous story "The Hound of the Baskervilles"? Ron Hubbard: That’s correct. Interlocutor: And of course, Doyle was not caught. Ron Hubbard: No, he was not caught... I’ll leave, the vessel is destabilized.... Interlocutor: See you later, Master, and thank you. |