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ELOAH ARBILLAC: The true wisdom is to learn and to apprehend. My name is Arbillac and I am one of the seven Elohim. I will not deliver messages nor will I respond questions, I only want to tell a short story...
Centuries ago in your planet, an embodied being of maximum Light, as it was said previously, lived certain circumstances.
Why have we created spirits in a non perfect way so that they could evolve in this way? So that when evolving they emit an energy of growth which goes elevating an octave the tonality of the Universe, and in this way each Big Bang will create a Universe an octave higher.
But the spiritual growth of these entities is not the only thing that makes grow the vibration of the Universe, because the happiness of each spirit does it. I know that altruism is giving and I know that magnanimous beings are happy giving, but many times the same happiness of each embodied being, also makes grow the universal vibration, particle by particle, moment by moment, life by life...
This is a parable, but we know that many things are chance, but also nothingness is chance... Everything was already written and nothing is written. In the highest of vibrations, Nothingness and everything join, because the highest element of persistence it is nothingness. The emptiness of nothingness is on step above of everything.
This doesn't mean that nothingness is above the Absolute because if the Absolute had ego, the ego of the Absolute would be nothingness, the total lack, the infinity of not being.
A long time ago of your centuries an embodied being of Light was going along with his disciple. They were traveling alone, because other beings that surrounded them had been with their families. In fact, they were not in mission, although the trip was projected as a mission.
They had arrived to a village, they were thirsty. That being of Light was 34 years old, and his disciple, who was accompanying him, was 17 years old.
John Zebedee: Master, we have finally arrived to the village. Let’s go to the center, I know that there is a very big well wherein we can satiate our thirst.
Master Jesus: My child that thirst is easy to satiate, you drink a couple of cups and you already satiate your thirst... But what about the other one? What about the other thirst? I want that you satisfy that thirst.
John Zebedee: Master, I know what you mean, but you know what the body needs. We didn’t ask this body, Master, but we have it...
Master Jesus: You are right my child, sometimes it is like I only live to teach you...You know that I love you.
John Zebedee: I know, Master, I love you too... sometimes I think that other people don't understand you when you speak of that Kingdom...You know, Master I don’t care about material things, you know that I’m interested in all that we have inside...
Master Jesus: I say that permanently, my child... look! we arrived already, we have water here... A young girl is approaching... What is your name young lady?
Miriam: My name is Miriam, and by your face and through your eyes I see that you are a Master.
Master Jesus: My child, we are all Masters... There is something deep in your eyes that dazzles me...
Miriam: Can you see my interior, Master?
Master Jesus: Maybe I’m not only seeing your interior... Maybe I am seeing your exterior... Have you said that your name is Miriam?
Miriam: Yes, Master...
Master Jesus: Where is your family?
Miriam: It’s strange that you came to speak to me. Because from the other villages they don't want to speak to those from our region, and even less men don’t speak to women...
Master Jesus: Dear Miriam, the spirit is not man, the spirit is not woman. Tell me, where is your family?
Miriam: My family is in the synagogue, in the mount Gerizim... I’m sure that your relatives are in Jerusalem.
Master Jesus: Dear Miriam, yes, many of my relatives are in Jerusalem and they went to the synagogue obeying the Law, but you know that you are spirit and you know that the Father is Spirit... It’s not necessary that you go to Gerizim or Jerusalem... Seek within yourself, there you will find the Father... How old are you my child?
Miriam: I’m 18 years old and I am... There is a family commitment with our neighbor whose name is Jacobi...
Master Jesus: And why do I see so much pain in your eyes?
Miriam: Because even though I love that Father you say, It’s like I also want to feel that other type of love, and I feel as if with Jacobi I will never feel it. I see him like a passionate person and yes, sometimes, I feel his hug. Forgive me if I confide in you, but it is like I reject him and I know that that’s wrong, I know that God will get angry with my attitude...
Master Jesus: No, no, the Father doesn't judge the acts of Love; the Father only judges ungodly acts... I want you to understand the difference. I perceive that you have a soul with a tremendous vibration, and I feel as though my heart beats in unison with your heart when I perceive it...
Miriam: Master, I want to talk to you for one second.
Master Jesus: Hold on, Miriam...
John Zebedee: Master, I don't understand your words! I feel that what you say has another meaning...
Master Jesus: You know what happens, my dear John? There are different types of lonelinesses. Sometimes I feel lonely when those that surround me don't understand me, they don't understand my parables, and they don't understand my teachings... But there is another type of loneliness...
John Zebedee: Master, you have always said that Love is abnegation and it is like with my short 17 years I notice like you also speak of another type of Love...
Master Jesus: You know my child, I have told you more than once, eating by the light of a bonfire, at midnight while the others were sleeping, when we were speaking about the Kingdom that in the measure that we learned, in the same proportion that we knew what the path is, we will vibrate with more Light and that will contaminate to the whole Heaven and that Heaven will expand because of our growth. I don’t know if you can understand what I am telling you. As I also know that if we get happiness in the personal thing we will also be happy.
John Zebedee: Master, you are telling me as if you... It is like you are dazzled by Miriam! She is one year older than me! You are 34 years old and she is 18!
Master Jesus: The spirit doesn't have age, the spirit is millennial...
John Zebedee: Master, she is engaged!
Master Jesus: I know that, I won't do anything to break that commitment... Come Miriam, let’s continue with our path.
Miriam: Do you want to come to the lodging house? I accompany you until there at least some minutes to rest. In that place you will be able to wash your feet. But allow me to go with you, in that way you’ll wash with water and you will rest a little bit... In fact, Master, I see, I perceive, I notice something yours that makes me feel well that makes me feel peace, a trust, something that I have not felt with anybody in my short life or in this short life. I feel as though I knew you all my life...
Master Jesus: It can be, but not from other lives but from other planes... We are spirits and you vibrate in the same syntony I do.
Miriam: I know, I perceive it, I perceive that I vibrate in the same syntony you do, Master, and also in the same syntony of this young man who is with you. But with you it is different, because not only do I perceive the same vibration of our souls, but I rather perceive something more, more than here, from my chest, the same vibration in our hearts... Excuse me; I don't want to offend you...
Master Jesus: No, what one feels in a genuine way, it can never offend. One sometimes would like to get rid of everything and be happy... We have a bag with coins, I could stop walking and buy three horses and if I allowed myself to be guided by my impulse I have enough money to give to your family.
And I know because I know it that your family is so needy that they would break up your commitment immediately with that Jacobi and we would leave to the East the three of us in horses to begin a new life.
But there is something more important than your commitment with Jacobi, there is something more important than what I have felt in these minutes more than all these 34 years, there is something more important than the Love I feel for my disciple and it is my task, because I don't want to betray myself. If I had known you in other circumstances, I would have sacrificed my end...
John Zebedee: Master! What are you talking about?
Master Jesus: My child, you know that within some stations I will no longer be with you... Now don't say anything, it is not the moment, but I would have sacrificed that end because after all I know that they will distort much of what I say, but I want, in what I have left of this incarnation, to continue giving ideas, to continue giving concepts. And my concept is not to betray, and I don't want to sow my happiness at the expense of somebody’s unhappiness.
Miriam, I cannot judge if Jacobi is worthy of you, I can’t. I know that you are like that water that flows, you are transparent, crystalline like the water of the fountain, you have an immaculate spirit...
Miriam: Master, I want to tell you that...
Master Jesus: No, don't tell me anything. I am talking about your spirit that is immaculate, the rest is transitory. The human being only thinks that the being is the body.
Miriam: But Master, you have also said that you have seen my eyes in the outside and the inside...
Master Jesus: Of course, I hate hypocrites, I tell them race of vipers, and I won't be one to them... I love your gaze, I love your figure, I love all of you... Feeling you, hugging you, would make me the happiest being in the world and that happiness would spread to the Heaven so that this grows.
I know that it is like that, I know that the happiness of each one of us can be spread to the rest so that the whole vibration of the Earth, of the plants, of the air, of the sky, grow...
But I can’t, I cannot build my happiness at the expense of other’s unhappiness... I don’ know how to do it, I swear to you that I don't know how to do it...
And sometimes even me, with all the wisdom that I believe I have, I don't understand how in so little time I can love so much. You are not only in my same vibration as for my soul, but you are also in my same vibration as for your body. That is the difference with my disciple.
I love you impersonally and personally, in both ways. I want to hug you, but I’m not going to do it, because I know that if I hug you I could not back away, because I would feel your person inside of me and I could no longer detach myself from that feeling.
It is an inexpressible sensation. I know that there are dozens of souls that have the same feeling among them like the one we have between us, like the feeling between my disciple and me, but with you there is something more, it is something personal, it is a fusion but it could not even hurt a flower...
Miriam: Jacobi doesn't matter... I don’t want that you dim your Light!
Master Jesus: Maybe if I had known you in another town, with other customs, where commitments are not an oath, perhaps the things would have been different, but we are here and now, and here and now we have to respect...
My Father says, for what I listen very inside of me, not with words, it is something that I cannot explain, Love is the most wonderful thing that my children can experience and Love is Him, and starting from Him, everything, but thinking that Love has a single branch is impoverish it.
I won't impoverish Love, Love is rich, Love has several ways, several feelings of how to express it, the one that I tell to my followers, the Love of Service, the Love of contact, taking the hand, taking the shoulder as I make with my dear disciple who is still the person I love the most at impersonal level...
Don’t say anything, but there is also the Love I experience now, it is the one I feel for you, Miriam, and I see you and I stare at you with those slanted eyes, with that brown skin, with those lips, maybe not so fleshy, with that figure somewhat small, with that so deep expression in your gaze, with that intelligence that is developing now...
Do you know how difficult is for me to be impersonal? Do you know how hard is for me to give you an impersonal advice being involved? I believe that this is the biggest test. I feel down in the energy wheel of the mouth of the stomach a feeling of suffering, of lump, while I tell you this...
Be happy, you will have children, respect your husband, I don't ask you that you love him, because Love is not decreed, Love is felt, but at least love him in an impersonal way, make him happy in your own way, it doesn't matter if you don't feel it in the physical part, remember that the body is something temporary, educate your children wisely and when you think about me, think that I am a spirit that passed by and gave you this teaching, love your neighbor as yourself, because that neighbor you love, will also love you in that way...
Look at that old man that caresses his donkey, he is your neighbor because he has sensibility. Look at the blacksmith with those rough metal pieces that he barely bend, however he stops his work to look grateful at the sun that every day illuminates him. That is your neighbor...
He/she looks at the carpenter that makes the door to protect your housing, and that he/she can also make a box that contains that physical shell when your spirit is no longer; that is also your neighbor...
Look at that small child; See how he already helps that old woman who barely can cross where that puddle is. That small boy is your neighbor. Love them, to those who live giving because the one who gives is worthy of being loved and the one who loves is worthy of receiving. Be happy in your life within what this material happiness is...
Do you know what happens, Miriam? In the fair of Damascus they assemble with some thick papers some drawings that later on they cut in a hundred pieces and they mix them. Then, those small drawings have to be gathered in pieces to arm the board again, that is the spirit, symbolically all the pieces are spread and mixed, it is very hard that those pieces fit again, in spite they vibrate in the same syntony. Remember that although in planes of Light we have the same syntony, sometimes we don't fit in the physical plane, or we already have a commitment, or we already have a relationship, or many other things...
They are very few pieces that fit, but those that fit, happy of them!... I know that we with our happiness can make grow Heaven and I know that personal Love is part of that happiness.
Anyway, look at my face. What do you see?
Miriam: I see a smile, I see an expression, but it is an expression of a sad smile... But you have a tremendous inner strength, Master! I envy the woman who will be your wife...
Master Jesus: No, in this life I will overlook that, but if I had a choice you would be the chosen one. But I can’t, I shouldn’t, I don't want you to betray that promise. I’m not going to judge the merits here, because if we speak of merits, to whom have I known that deserves what he has? How many? I would like to remember....
There is something very important, I know that with the messages I leave for the posterity many of the spirits that embody in the future will be able to learn from my words and they will have the merits to be happy. Eternal life is like pieces to fit and sometimes I feel that every embodied being's heart is an incomplete piece...
Let’s go to the lodging house to eat some solid food, to wash our feet and then to continue our journey...
And to you, my child, my dear disciple that so much will you make in the future and you will go through similar situations as mine...
John Zebedee: Oh! Yes, yes.
Master Jesus: This is between us, at least for the time being. Good-bye Miriam...In the physical plane we won't see each other again, not in this world. Yes, we will see each other in the other one... You will surely meet my disciple.
It is a tremendous willpower a relinquishment. But I’m going to do one thing, because in the physical plane there is also a vibration... My child takes the hand of Miriam, Miriam take the hand of John. What do you feel? There is a vibration, a tickling between you; you will also feel it in the future... Not for anything especial, Miriam you are here and now. John, you are here and now. But in other lives the vibration will persist, not you... May the Light be with you Miriam... Until the eternity.
Note: The Master's prediction was fulfilled because the professor Jorge Olguin (John Zebedee) met in this life with this spirit, also incarnated as a woman. It is necessary to remember that, obviously from the viewpoint of the spirit, there is no relationship with the human couple, the Master Jesus, John Zebedee, Jiddu Krishnamurti and Miriam are twin souls.

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