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In the previous post we exposed the plans of control and world domination of the global cabal, ESE, illuminati or whatever you want to call them. More than ever in the history of this planet their plans have been exposed overtly. Those who have not yet paid attention to the signs, gestures and words said by the person who is now running to replace the U.S president will now understand that with this situation we all are at risk.

We all know that good people on this planet are not capable to harm of cause any damage to others; however, we explained before that these individuals who have been controlling this planet for ages are not human, but reptilian, and their puppets are either hybrids or human beings who have been blackmailed or mind-controlled so that they cooperate with their agenda.

Consciousness on this planet has reached a point in which it is very hard to keep on deceiving and lying to the people without being caught in falsehood. Only those people who have been hopelessly brainwashed or mind-controlled are still under their spell. Most of their plans have been deciphered and many whistleblowers have come forward exposing the corruption and total degradation of the political elites, in addition, many people have declared to the universe that they will not acquiesce to their evil agenda.

It’s for that reason that the ESE are now pushing aggressively any kind of retaliation, censorship and attacks to those who question the official narrative, For far too long they have also envisaged the next world war and this is why they caused the explosion in Beirut, since they have failed, they are planning an open invasion to the U.S. in the case that no other way of global domination could work. Now that we know that the ESE controls the CCP and the CP, their last attempt will be the downfall and division of the American Empire and replace it with a new totalitarian regimen, which will be controlled by the CCP. Therefore, they expect the world witness the rise of the Red Dragon empire.


The efforts of the Global cabal to cause massive havoc and rioting worldwide did not work so far, and now they are pushing a second outbreak of this virus in Europe, commanding tyrannical measures such as new lockdowns, curfews and imposing new restrictions to our liberties as well as censoring free speech in order to keep the control of the human farm.

The crimes and deals of the puppets who have covertly sold out the U.S sovereignty to the CCP are now being published by many websites; this is not going to stop unless they shut off internet. Even those assets from intelligence agencies and the paid-off Main Stream Media know that this is not going to last, their plans about crashing an asteroid or put forward a stage alien invasion are not going to work either, which is why they are now accelerating the election of the first female president in the U.S. since they realized that the man who is campaigning for president in the U.S. is mentally unfit to replace the current president.

Those who have read the book “The last president” by Ingersoll Lockwood could understand that everything was planned in advance as if it were a written script, This is the way that these black magicians operate, in order to succeed, they have to tell the people what their plans are, however, if most of the people on Earth are just too lazy to read or even stupid to understand, they themselves will acquiesce to their evil plans by default, accepting the written script delivered and the evil agenda of the global cabal will eventually come to fruition, this is exactly what happened with the 9/11 false flag operation.

This false pandemic was also announced in this way, they said that a novel pandemic was going to happen worldwide when they organized the event 201 scenario back in October 18, 2019; essentially, everything was designed to terrorize people, kill elder and weak people, reduce the population and instill fear in the hearts of the population… They have failed to do so with awakened people.

With the recent events, many unawaken people who have already voted to replace the current president, regretted their choice and have realized that they had been hoodwinked. Now, this is the point of no return.

The plans of the Illuminati were to weaken and destroy the world economy from within and they succeeded so far by means of infiltration and subversion using the CCP, they are now planning to neutralize any kind of military defense in those countries that will try to counteract their rule and establishment of world domination, which is why Chinese soldiers are present in Canada, in ships surrounding U.S. while the MSM chose not to report this information and look at other directions.

In the event that the Voter Fraud scheme announced openly by this candidate comes to fruition, the ESE will immediately get rid of him and the next president will be a woman, They always wanted to be like that.

Contrary to the other party, the Cabal group has at its disposal the service of black magicians who have a lot of knowledge in the occult, and they have used this month to perform satanic rituals every friday (since this month has 5 fridays) these will include human sacrifices, so that the other candidate loses his re-election, this might be hard to explain, but in the event that this candidate loses his re-election, you will know for sure that the voter fraud announced previously has taken place.

Above all thing do not be afraid, do not fear and do not panic because this is exactly what the ESE (evil satanic elites) want from us. Keep the calm and peace within your soul and know for sure that they will never be able to win because they will be acting against our free will, they will be operating against the laws of the universe, and in the end nothing is going to stop the freedom of this planet

The Illuminati are expecting that the majority of the people acquiesce to their control if the majority fails to notice their plot, however, in the event that they take over America, many people will have to choose, between personal freedom or the opportunity to become a new world citizen, the Cabal might even use the Gesara/ Nesara card so that people choose to be free from any debt or to face potential prosecution as a criminal dissident. Be aware that if you consent to their demands, you will end up losing your sovereign right of Free Will, you will be forfeiting your sovereignty and self-determination given by the absolute and the overlords would have conquered this planet.

However, if you stand with your head high and proclaim to the universe that they are breaking the universal law of free will, they will have to face a huge karmic obstacle. 

For instance, if a criminal rapes a woman against her will it will be a violation of her free will, but if the rapist deceives the victim and rapes her by means of deception or seduction, then, it will be as if the victim had given her consent to that situation and the rapist would face no criminal charge, the same happens if you sign a contract without reading it.

Basically, they could propose to give you money so that you and your offspring lose all the human rights you now have. Ultimately, you would be enslaving yourself, selling your freedom to the ESE in exchange of money and no one will be able to release you from being a slave because you would have given your consent to enslave yourself, this is what you agreed.

Does that mean that you have to hate the Illuminati? The answer is no, we do not hate them because the universal law also explains that you reap what you have sown, if you bless other people you will receive blessings from the universe, if you envy them, they will prosper and you will be poorer. This is why the ESE are so rich and powerful.

This is something that all the people should know, if you harm others, the harm you have caused to them will come back at you, there is no need of revenge because the universe is like a mirror, if they have hurt you, they will have to face the same pain and anguish you felt due to their actions, unless you acquiesce to their demands.

This is very important to remark, The ESE need your acquiescence, they need your compliance. Never consent to their evil agenda, proclaim to the universe that you are a free and sovereign being and you will not consent to be enslaved by means of deception and the Absolute will be able to help you.

At present the ESE have being left alone, most of the reptilian overlords have left the planet because nothing can change the outcome, even when they stubbornly have tried to change the timelines using the looking glass artifact, The vibration or frequency of consciousness of our planet (Mother Earth) is moving forward and the ESE are running out of time, they are the ones who are afraid, they are the ones who are in panic because they have broken the universal laws and they desperately need your consent to elude justice, in the end they will have to deal with their own karma and all the pain they have caused to millions of beings on Earth.

Final Messages:

To those Illuminati ESE Global cabal (specially to the fake news media) who got caught up between fires, there is still time to come up clean and repent, there is still time to change your vibration and move towards the frequency of Love and Service to others.

To all those who have chosen to keep on moving forward with the evil agenda, know that no matter what you do, you are going to lose, even if you tried to mind control all of your lackeys and even if you pull out your new world order, this is not going to last, believe me that your karmic burden will be so huge that you will end up in a negative loop from which you will not be able to escape and you cannot even fathom, in the end you will not prevail because most of the people who care about others will not acquiesce to your evil plans, even if you enjoy causing pain and suffering to others, your actions will backfire at you, you will be like a flower that withers without water and later on is plucked out from the ground. There will be no future for you and your offspring if you keep in the path of hatred and fear you have sown.

To all of you who have been walking on the path of Light, Love and Service. Know that I love you whoever you are, do not be afraid, we are going to win. As it has been said many times. In the End God wins!

To all those who have read these messages of Love and Service to others, and have reached Enlightenment, Harmony and Peace from deep within your souls, please remain calm and strong, know that living without fear is the key to help others, many people want peace on Earth, but real peace can only come from your inner-self if humanity finds it from within, we all be able to live in Peace, Love and Service to others, the evil beings who want to control this planet will have nothing to feed on from us.

Know that each one of you is unique and much loved by the Absolute.

I send all my gratitude, Love and Light to all of you who read these messages!!!




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