At this point of human history, we have reached a
crossroads in which each one of us must choose the path to walk because our planet
and the entire ecosystem is changing to a newer level or frequency; everybody
can realize that the environmental changes and disasters that have been
constantly happening in the recent months have to do with something more than
human intervention.
For many years up until now the ESE has been trying
to sell the global warming hoax, however, the truth is that even in the decade
of the 70s some scientists predicted future changes in the global weather
that would lead to a new glacial period, those researchers, who had delved
deeper on this matter did not receive coverage from the mainstream media and
thus the truth related to this coming glacial age did not find the front page
in the news.
To begin with, all of these global changes are not
only happening here on Earth, they have also been happening in all the
planets of this solar system and official scientists (those who are
controlled by the system) have been keeping these fluctuations of temperature
away from the news, The increment of temperature that occurred on Earth and
all the planets obviously had nothing to do with CO2, and were not
caused by human factors, however what they did not publish back then is that
the weather was going to be very cold in many regions that historically were
hot and humid and, on the other hand, deserted regions would end up as very
cold zones in the north hemisphere, recently, these variations have been
published by the news because it was hard to conceal it from the public, but
even now the MSM
did not report that these changes were related to lower solar activity.
We said many times that our dear planet had chosen
to evolve and move on to a new stage or vibrational frequency, the ESE knows
this fact and they have attempted to stop this beneficial process by using high frequency weapons and exotic
technology they managed to grasp from off-planet entities many decades ago, now
that they are not able to stop the current wave of the planet; they are
trying to slow down its planetary process by using HAARP, Chemtrails, and the
hadron collider at CERN, with little success, but now they have planned to
launch a new 5G cellphone network grid which will operate from satellites,
which are already put in orbit.
We mentioned previously that 5G technology was very
dangerous and a threat to mankind because it would have the capability to infiltrate
in all the computers and mobiles on the planet, similarly, we did not fathom
that this technology could be the worst thing that could happen to mankind
aside from nuclear radiation and artificial intelligence (AI) because it has not
been researched thoroughly and we don’t know how it will upset organic life
on Earth, nonetheless it is now being tested in small populations in Norway and
the U.S. unbeknownst to them because they do not know how it will operate and
these populations are just being treated like guinea pigs.
The most distressing issue is that 5G perhaps could have
the potential, due to its higher microwave frequency, to disturb negatively the
biologic electromagnetic field of all the living beings on Earth and it can cause
huge health problems in the long run such as, headaches, dizziness, insomnia,
brain tumors, tinnitus, cancer and even weaken the immune system, which will
lead to many other medical problems, so it is very likely that this 5G
frequency will harm and modify the human chromosomes (DNA structure), and the
damage can be unpredictable for our race in the future.
We have come to the conclusion that this is also another
part of the transhumanist
agenda, because the ESE knows it very well, which is why they have been pushing
multiple plans calculated to corner human population to a global reduction of
fertility and massive depopulation, they have considered ordinary people as undesirable
beings, and they planned the killing of
two thirds of the population on the planet, and then they will find out the
way to control the rest of those who remain alive, the natural resources and
all the nations unable to defend their citizens, ironically they have not
concealed their evil plans because they are exposed in plain sight, but
common people do not pay enough attention to these cabal signs
Additionally, 5G will work as a platform to push AI
to the next stage, which is the mind control of the remaining people, it’s
well-known that MK- Ultra and Tavistock mind control programs were used to
create mind-controlled assassins through the use of hypnosis, drugs, torture
and radio frequencies capable to trigger reactions in those enslaved individuals,
so it’s not far-fetched to conclude that through this technology their plan of
depopulation first will go through a phase in which many people will behave
as passive avoidant individuals.
The ultimate goal of AI is to hook up in the nervous
system and the brain cells and thus achieve total control over human beings;
this could be the end of the human race as we know it, which is why we all
must take action and boycott any AI project sponsored by the elites.
Furthermore, the alien beings who have taken over
this planet have been using the ESE as puppet masters, who control politicians and
presidents in many nations so that they obey and fulfill their evil plans of
depopulation by means of wars, weather disasters, diseases, chemtrails,
famine, terrorism, etc. However, due to the current change of frequency in
our planet, the mind control technology used in many Mk-ultra slaves, has
been breaking down and little by little these people have been awakening from
the nightmare they lived in and they found out how they were brainwashed and
This might sound odd and those who read this lines could
misinterpret this message, but at this point mankind has become like a
parasitic entity, which is harming the planet, we must remember that our dear
planet is a living Entity, a Sentient organism that supports all living
creatures in a symbiotic way and this relation was well-understood by native
indigenous people from ancient times.
Essentially, the main goal of any planet in the
universe is to shelter life on its surface, but this agreement only works if
the living beings on this planet synchronize their biorhythm and frequency with the planet, those people
unable to cope with the vibration will no longer be able to produce
offspring, and they will start feeling a biological rejection from the planet
itself, they will start feeling weak and sick, eventually they will end up as
an extinct race because they will no longer have the connectedness with the
planet. This is another reason that AI must be stopped at all costs, and the
main reason that our planet is under quarantine by beneficial
extraterrestrials, as if it were a firewall.
Now, our planet’s free will is to evolve to this new
frequency, and those inhabitants who do not synchronize in the same frequency
will be removed from the face of the planet although in a peaceful way, this will
mean that, during a century or two, many dense, evil or hostile people will
no longer find a place to dwell on this planet. This will happen through this
biological rejection previously explained, the ESE knows it very well and
that’s why they are just buying time so that they do not find their own
This new stage of consciousness will open the gates
to a new reality and the ESE, who will not have any part on this new planet,
is trying to buy some time by wiping out all the people they can in the hopes
that they can delay or stop the increase of consciousness.
This is why I said previously that the comparison
might sound rude or strange, because human behavior can be compared to the one
observed in the fleas that suck blood from the back of a dog. For instance,
if our planet had the same attitude that a dog has, we all, as a human race,
could have been wiped out from the face of the planet long ago; because our
planet could have chosen to invert its magnetic poles and cause many
earthquakes and volcanic disasters killing at least half of the human
population in a short period of time, as it happened in ancient times prior
to the existence of the present humanity, however, our planet actually loves
us and it has chosen to love us because this is the vibration it has chosen
using its free will, also our planet has kept an ancient covenant made with the
human race long ago.
Another way to control world population and promote its
division has to do with mind control and the most effective way to take over,
pervert and eventually destroy any undesirable population has to do with the corruption
of the very core of its union and strength, which is the family unit, its
moral and spiritual values, which are based on love, gentleness and respect,
this is something that the ESE has targeted to destroy, using the protocol of
the learned elders of Zion that states: (we
have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the "goyim" by
rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false
although it is that they have been inculcated ) The CP
and the ESE have promoted this brainwashing teachings and false precepts to
the children and people using the Mass media totally controlled by them and
they have been playing always the divide and conquer strategy to subdue those
populations who don’t give in to their evil plans of world domination.
For instance, back in 2011, the government of Japan did
not agree to sell out its population to these evil plans and the answer came in
the shape of a tsunami near Fukushima nuclear plant and the radioactive “accident”
which in fact was a planned event, was designed to plunge down its entire
population in order to get a more convenient timeline for their evil agenda, those
who have paid attention to all of these disasters have realized that there is
no coincidence with the dates, hours and response of authorities when many of
these disastrous events, false flags and terrorists attacks happened, because
they respond to the ritualistic magic that this cabal group work on, this is part
of their psychopathic trend.
Using time technology artifacts that forecast the
future, the ESE had foreseen that the destruction of Japan would lead to the best
scenario (timelime) for their evil plans, and although they did not succeed,
the radiation caused by this weather attack has had a huge impact in the
Pacific Ocean and the people who are now living in Hawaii and through all the
Pacific islands and the western coast do not realize how dangerous the
radiation levels are for their health, they have been exposed to levels of radiation
out of safety ever since and this event has weakened the native population in
the Pacific Ocean causing many problems with the fauna, fisheries and
contaminated seafood, which are provoking multiple diseases due to nuclear radiation,
the scale of this disaster is huge and something hard to measure in the near
future, very few people are paying attention to the Geiger readouts and secondary
effects caused by this event because the fake media don’t report on this issue
The ESE and their puppet masters have become the biggest
enemies of mankind, they are not entirely human (hybridized) and they are against
indigenous populations and all those who have not fallen under their
Babylonian magic spell they put on money, those people who live in harmony
with nature and live in a planetary equilibrium are the target to be
destroyed, this is the reason the ESE is trying to cut out the connection
that we all have with the planet and one way to do it is by killing dolphins
because these creatures vibrate in a higher frequency that helps the planet
to evolve, ironically these creatures are not native from Earth because they
were brought here by an alien race to help the planet increase its frequency
long ago.
The ESE had been promised global control by this off-planet
force and therefore they blackmailed and bought off many politicians who
agreed to their evil plans of extermination and global expansion, they
literally destroyed those nations that were against their will such as Libya,
Yemen and other nations in the Middle East.
Ordinary people, those who work every day for a
living and do not pay attention to the news do not realize how the plot
thickens over their heads because they live as if they were on another planet,
they live their busy lives as if they were inside of a bubble. not realizing
how wrong the world is and if they read something, they see only a fragment
of the puzzle and not the entire picture; this is going to sound blunt, but
if they knew that they are deemed as Goyim, ignorant, dumbed-down consumers,
useless and disposable people by this cabal elites perhaps they will stop
buying their products and thus feeding the system because these cabal groups
and corporations need money as a fuel to exist, if all the people on the
planet reached a level of consciousness all this madness would stop in a
short period of time because they sponsor division and hatred with this money.
First of all they planned to exterminate the strong,
smart and well-educated people in those countries already mentioned and later
on they will continue with those rebellious people whose DNA is considered
expendable, in the end the weakest will be manipulated easily, those weaker
countries will sell out their citizens to the elites because they will not
have the military power to fight against them, only those individuals who, by
then, will be dumbed-down will remain enslaved and will not be a threat to
their agenda.
The scale of madness of this cabal elite is huge;
even now the media reports inaccurately the truth of what happened in Syria,
for instance, they concealed that for more than four years the city of Alepo
was totally surrounded by mercenaries from other countries, these “rebels”
were sponsored by these elites, NATO, the U.S. and controlled European
nations, the purpose was to plunge down Syria just like they did with Libya.
The truth is that there is no civil war over there,
but an open genocide and what the media doesn’t report either is that the Syrian
people were living peacefully (Muslim and Christian people alike were living
in peace before the invasion of these paid terrorists), who started murdering
civilians, beheading people and burying Christian children alive in front of
their parents, torturing and dismembering the bodies of innocent civilians.
They targeted Christian families first because they were a minority and they
had to destroy their spiritual values and the Love they have for each other,
this is no coincidence; seek out why they put the Arabic letter nun on their
The elected Syrian president had the support of his
people and the Syrian army when this invasion took place, but once again the (fake
news media) vilified and demonized his government and his persona by
spreading the lie that he was murdering his own people, being that the
terrorist were the ones killing civilians instead, and using the most
gruesome ways to spread terror and chaos. The media lied blatantly and keeps
lying up until now just like they did in the case of Libya.
It’s very painful to know the truth, publish it and realizing
later on how brainwashed many people are by the MSM, they attack and criticize
the sources and they not even take the time to read, investigate, ask the
people involved in these wars, but the truth will certainly come to the light
and in the end the evil people who sponsored this genocide will have to be
brought to justice, this madness will have to come to an end.
This same MSM, at present, says that the protocols of
the learned elders of Zion are merely a fabricated document, a forgery published
to promote anti-Semitism, but just by reading the whole text everyone could notice
that these protocols fit with our reality and they are fulfilling their evil
In other post we will explain the corruption they
have designed for the children, not their own, but those who don’t belong to
their Satanic ring. We hope that this information be released and not
censored by the MSM, I will end up this post with a message of Love and hope,
I want to say that even though the reality on our planet sounds harrowing,
Humanity is not lost, there is hope and we will certainly be free from the
scourge that the ESE has been punishing mankind, the infiltrators and their
lackeys (ESE) will not succeed because our planet is helping to change these things,
as well as other beneficial alien races, who are giving similar messages and
helping us without physical intervention, respecting our free will.
Above all things do not play along with their evil games,
do not fall under the pressure they put, do not acquire the gadgets they plan
to implement, do not buy the things capable to poison and enslave your mind, Do
NOT fear because they feed off of negatives vibrations. Keep a good vibe in Love
and Service to each other and try to share the truth with those ready to
Remember that we are more powerful than them and they
envy us because we still have the connections with the source of life EON, which
make us more powerful than they will ever be. They have lost this connection
long ago. Do not give in your sovereignty to anybody, find your own ground and
empower yourself and your dear ones using your free will. Choose wisely, if
you are a good person they will need your consent to harm you, if you do not
cooperate with them they will have to leave you alone.
Love and Light to you all!!!