THE PSYCHIC BATTLEFIELD At spiritual or psychic level we all are interconnected to a superphysical mind or universal consciousness, where all the knowledge of past and future events are recorded, in esoteric terms this field was usually known as the Akashic records, all sentient creatures do have access to this knowledge, although very few are capable to retrieve correctly the information from this source. The Genetic Disconnection. Back In ancient times, there was an interstellar conflict between a galactic confederation (GC) and a negative invasive force, which we’ll call the Archonic Empire (AE) the AE is at present a conglomerate of negative races that colonize and conquer other planets in this galaxy, in order to do so they have to use genetic manipulation and voluntary deception in those inhabitants who dwell on those worlds. In the long run these conquered worlds ended up devastated, their raw materials pillaged and entire populations are enslaved and used as a biological resource from which they can harvest DNA material, body parts and adrenalized blood. Before the Alien intervention on Earth, humanity had a fluent psychic connection with each other and the primal Source of the Universe, whom you’d call God, Eon, Cosmic mind or whatever you’d like to call to this Conscious Entity, it was after this intrusion that happened many millennia ago when the first humans lost their inherent psychic connection and were conquered by those invaders, who managed to manipulate the DNA of humanity and they literally cut off the psychic ability and the natural telepathic sense our ancestors had. It’s important to highlight that in those days the Alien presence on Earth was visible, human beings considered the invaders as gods, they worshipped them and were subservient or submissive because they had no more psychic powers to recognize who they were or how to outsmart the invaders, due to this genetic manipulation, human beings were no longer capable to use telepathy, or psychic abilities as they used to, telekinesis or remote viewing were no longer part of the human nature. Some scientist still debate about the function of the so called junk DNA, they ignore that this ‘Junk DNA’ is the sequence that was deactivated so that our psychic abilities could function properly, the Archonic geneticist neutralized that sequence in order to dumb down the populations and restrain psychic empowerment. In this way, human consciousness was degraded and humans became merely biological creatures, intelligent enough to obey orders and to serve the Alien elites, but not to question anything. Due to this genetic manipulation and mental deception, they enslaved populations and harvested biological material to such extent that they were able to create hybrid creatures, half animal, half human the magnitude of genetic experiments made by these Archons were so abhorrent that not only were they capable to experiment with multiple races, but also they created a race of giants beings, some of them with monstrous features, today we could call these creatures mythological. The level of genetic decay in those days was so huge that some spawned creatures they experimented with could no longer be recognized as human beings, although these alien invaders were adept geneticists, they were also conducting genetic experiments with living beings and due to this detrimental research, everything in the environment and the natural balance on the planet was corrupted, cannibalism, sexual debauchery, violence and total turmoil were present on Earth. These were the antediluvian times described partially in the Bible. Genetic restoration Today, the psychic connection we used to have is gradually awakening, by means of psychic exercises, meditation and the ascending vibration of the planet the changes are evident in global consciousness. The change at genetic level made by the Archons was not permanent, due to natural law, every genetic change did on physical beings has to reverse back, sooner or later, to the original pattern designed by the Creator, it’s like a genetic law, if you want to call it like that; the original blueprint reverses back somehow to the one formulated by the Creator in the first place. For instance, when fruit flies were manipulated at genetic level by human scientists, they could produce flies with no eyes, however, after several generations of interbreeding, eyes started to reappear in the offspring and a normal generation of fruit flies with eyes emerged once again, this can prove this that this genetic mechanism is accurate. Seeing that the level of degradation on the planet was massive. The GC ordered a planetary cleansing on Earth because they considered it was necessary to restore the natural balance, all of the mutants and monstrous creatures were destroyed, other died drowned in massive floods, and others were disintegrated by energy beam weapons, the Bible story called this event as the Noah’s flood, who is also known as Ziusudra or Utnapishtin in other texts. This massive genocide did not happen all at once, it took many years to accomplish this task. The GC considered this massive extermination as a merciful killing, a necessary evil in order to avoid substantial biological destruction on Earth. However, the GC also decided to save those human populations that were still human and were not corrupted genetically. It was in this way that the Archonic presence or AE was expelled from this planet, but they would return thousands of years later, this time they did not invade our planet openly, but surreptitiously, they managed to build huge citadels and bases underground, from which they plotted to take over this planet in the future, this was the beginning idea of the NWO, which is in fact an Alien world order. For your understanding, the AE is represented as a great alliance among reptoid beings, grey aliens from multiple worlds and other enslaved races that are subservient to these dark overlords, the very top in the hierarchy is controlled by extradimensional entities, whom we have called primordial beings or Archons, who inhabit in a different realm or plane of existence outside of our universe in the region we identified as the Chaos. When Gnostic psychics could connect with higher planes of consciousness, they could identify these evil entities and called them the Archons, the evil presence on Earth; Shamanistic aboriginals in North and South America could also detect them as the ‘rulers or predators’. Archonic infiltration From that time forward political world leaders are psychically manipulated from deep underground by the AE, this hostile presence currently control our planet and have a strong desire to eliminate most of the human population and control a few in order to take over our world. Top Illuminati members are controlled by Archons and the subservient races (reptoids and grey aliens) are also under their psychic control, the ESE were deceived by the AE and now have become a decadent and deceptive group of plutocrats, who no longer have loyalty to the human race and have an oath of allegiance to the invasive force. This is the reason they have pushed the command from the AE for a depopulation agenda because the off-planet force wants to take over this planet and change its environment so that they set an outpost and transform it to a deserted planet that suits perfectly to their own home planet. The reptoids are basically the military arm, the grey aliens are the technical arms, who work in the operations, but the Archons represent the functional brain that operates both branches as if it were a hive mind. The Archons are the overlords of many conquered worlds in other parts of the galaxy; programs such as massive deforestation, chemtrails, fracking and pollution are aimed to transform the ecosystem, so far the alien infiltration of the Earth is already in motion, but the true engineers of the disaster are not yet visible, many people who call themselves truthers have not yet fathomed the possibility that hostile aliens are the ultimate source of oppression over humanity. It becomes feasible to consider that de Shadow government or Deep state (DS) is controlled by these alien invaders. The role of the UN, the Bilderberg Club and the CFR among other globalists organizations is not a coincidence, the so-called meditation room in the UN building is associated with dark energies where these puppets make psychic contact with Archonic overlords. There are three independent centers, which are very important for the Illuminati control and have their own laws, these are the Vatican city, Washington DC and the financial district in London. There is an underwater entrance to an underground city in LA, Hollywood actors, producers, and writers practice occult rituals influenced by the Archonic Force, though they call themselves Luciferians. Another location is the city of Las Vegas, which represents the mafia and organized crime. There are also two large underground facilities under Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, also there was an underground base beneath Vatican city connecting with the Catacombs at St Peter’s Basilica, but this conduit was sealed off because the Archons have taken over the papacy by the Jesuit order. The Catholic church at the Vatican was taken over in the ninth century and now we can call it openly a ‘Shadow church’. Humanity has been constantly preprogrammed through Hollywood movies, so that they see anyone around as a potential enemy, social distancing is doing the trick now, but the illuminati were preparing the masses for future apocalyptic events way before, a short list of movies promoting the scenario of an impending catastrophe could be: The day the Earth stood still, Terminator, 28 days later, Children of men, hunger games, contagion, Soylent green, I am legend, the day after tomorrow, night of the living dead, world war Z and all movies related to zombies. The psychopathic level of the ESE is so extreme that they took seriously their depopulation agenda because there is a chemical weapon called BZ and the victims of this chemical substance might act like zombies, people are now programmed to kill the victims of BZ, instead of trying to help them. Given the present circumstances and political development related to the UFO declassification and political disarray, especially with the last election fraud, I would not rule out the possibility of global conflicts in the Middle East, worldwide Cyber-attacks, economic crash or even a staged alien invasion, using holographic technology via project blue beam, if the fake news media come out suddenly with an Alien invasion, for instance, be sure that it will be a false flag operation made by the same Evil satanic elites (ESE) who planned the 9/11 operation and the current plandemic. There is no way that a real Alien invasion could take place because our solar system, as stated before, is under quarantine and the GC is not allowed to intervene in a military way just to ‘Save humanity’ in the current situation we are in, we alone, as a human race, must resist the global attack made by the perpetrators not complying with the tyrannical oppression. The Role of pure Christian teachings Christian Spirituality will be regarded in some future as the fundamental doctrine for human behavior to any kind of religion, a Buddhist, a Muslim or an atheist may accept the teachings of Jesus from the gospels as the moral standard for human decency and harmonious living within a society, the illuminati leaders know this and that’s why Christianity has been attacked so viciously by the MSM and entertainment business, their toxic agenda aims to the destruction of Christian morality and family values in order to push their program for world domination. There is going to be a mass conversion in which Jewish people, Muslims and atheists will convert to some form of Christianity and this event will transform the Middle East. To fully understand the real value of the Master Jesus, we must remember his teachings related to the Creator, who grants us Free will, Jesus effectively unmasked the true Alien control over the people, it’s a conflict between a consciousness base on Love and an opposite consciousness based on fear. The unseen illuminati leaders are adept occultists and satanists whose occult psychic power holds together the political and financial structure of the current system, if all the people knew how to fight psychically against this malignant influence, this structure would fall apart. Our planet is actually a place of judgment for spiritual survival in which you must choose to live in service to others or to live in service to yourself. Basically a psychic battlefield, the Archons use fear, trickery and mental manipulation and we must choose to fight it with Divine Love, integrity, Light, Transparency and honor to all physical Life, however the biggest obstacle we have to face in order to regain our true psychic potential is to acknowledge that our psychic abilities are not evil and they do exist. You don’t have to be a puppet controlled by the alien overlords, you can develop your psychic abilities and cut off the psychic strings they pull, if you have loving intentions, empathy and respect to others, as the Master Jesus taught, you can cut off their influence, you should know that there is a war being fought for the control of your mind and soul, you can always choose whether to focus your awareness on spiritual Love or dwell in negative emotions such as fear and hatred. The reptoids and grey aliens are unhappy and coldblooded beings who have being tricked to reincarnate in hostile alien bodies, this is why some reptoids or grey aliens covertly rebel against the AE, they hope to create a positive karma that will allow them to come back as humans in their next incarnation. Many human beings on our planet were once grey aliens or reptilians in a previous life. If you reject your humanity, being mean to others there will be karmic consequences, if you assume egotistical attitudes of resentment, cruelty or manipulation, your mental pattern could lead that in your next incarnation you embody in a reptilian body, also, if you have a sociopathic behavior, indifference, lack of respect and compassion for others beings, your mental body will resemble that pattern and you might end up as a grey alien in your next incarnation, one cannot rule out this possibility. If you are a person of wisdom you can choose to exploit the ignorant people or you can educate them, the way used by the Master Jesus was education, Satanism was aimed to control the ignorant people and exploit them for total domination. The intentions of your heart will lead the nature of your psychic powers, if you intend good for other people you can use your psychic powers to help and heal people, on the other hand, if you intend harm for others your psychic powers will have a negative impact on yourself and the people around you. Your attitudes such as Love, gratitude and mental peace make it possible to develop psychic talents, being mindful to others and what you feel can boost your spiritual power and enhance your psychic awareness. Pay close attention to any sign or ‘coincidental’ event for this is the way that the universe is talking to you for your own spiritual growth. There will come a time in which a group of psychic Christians will emerge and they will effectively reform and free humanity, they will use their psychic power to compel the AE to leave humanity alone, in this way humanity will reclaim Freedom and Sovereignty worldwide, this group of Christians will be the future defenders of Earth for a thousand years. The power of Love, meditation and prayer will be the key to begin with human liberation and regain your psychic nature. As the Master Jesus said: You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. I send all the Love an Light to You!!! WWG1WGA |